1 | 蠢人饶舌,智者思虑。 | A stupid fellow is talkative;a wise man is meditative . | |
2 | 此刻,我不再苦思冥想,便考虑起自己的事来。 | Here, no longer meditative . I took over myself | |
3 | 从时髦的“鞋盒”短笺到令人深思的“悄悄话”贺卡,霍尔马克公司的产品包罗了个人信息联系的全部形式。 | From the sassy Shoebox line to meditative between you and Me cards, Hallmark covers the gamut in personal messages | |
4 | 当他从独立大厦--那个著名的自由发祥地--的门口走出来的时候,他的面上露着忧愁、深思的沉着神气。 | As he issued from the doorway, of Independence Hall, that famous birthplace of liberty, his face was set in a sad, meditative calm | |
5 | 而俗人的品茶竞赛则在15世纪的武士贵族中发展成一种更为精致、冥想的形式。 | The laity enjoyed tea-tasting competitions that developed into a more refined, meditative form among the warrior aristocracy in the 15th century. | |
6 | 而它们清新的色彩也赋予了与自然融为一体的芬兰人深沉的性格。 | and the meditative soul of the Finnswho blend in with natureis nourished by these fresh colors | |
7 | 好沉思的诗人. | a meditative poet | |
8 | 杰斐逊是一个较为深思熟虑并且有哲学素养的人,他和汉密尔顿的意见往往是格格不入的。 | More meditative and philosophical, Thomas Jefferson was frequently at odds with Hamilton | |
9 | 她站着用沉思的目光打量他。 | She stood looking at him with meditative eyes | |
10 | 她知道他有一个习惯,喜欢沿着半岛的岸边或邻近的乡间的山林中边散步边思考,但接连好几天,她都没能趁着这个时间找个机会同他交谈。 | For several days, however, she vainly sought an opportunity of addressing him in some of the meditative walks which she knew him to be in the habit of taking, along the shores of the peninsula, or on the wooded hills of the neighbouring country. | |
11 | 冥想的方法. | meditative methods | |
12 | 你今天思考得很深沉. | You’re very meditative today | |
13 | 浅论王维山水诗的禅意与画意 | The Meditative Meaning and Painting Meaning of WANG Guo-wei’s Mountains-and-waters Poetry | |
14 | 森林和湖水赋予现代艺术灵感,也赋予了将自己与自然融为一体的芬兰人深沉的性格。 | The forests and waters inspire contemporary works of art; and the meditative soul of the Finns, who blend in with nature to the point of camouflage, is nourished by these fresh colors. | |
15 | 颂,歌一首有一定长度的抒情诗,通常具有庄重或思考的性质,风格严肃和有正式的诗节结构 | A lyric poem of some length,usually of a serious or meditative nature and having an elevated style and formal stanzaic structure. | |
16 | 他的两眼更加郁郁沉思,表情更为凄楚。 | His eyes were more meditative , and his expression was more sad | |
17 | 听见的人全都立刻转过身来,望见胡波先生若有所思地缓慢地向礼拜堂走来。 | All within hearing immediately turned about, and beheld the semblance of Mr. Hooper, pacing slowly his meditative way towards the meetinghouse | |
18 | 音乐能够引导倾听者沉思。 | Music can induce a meditative state in the listener. | |
19 | 这位学者寡言少语、离群索居而且总在沉思 | The scholar was reticent, aloof, and meditative | |
20 | 这在寂静的空中发出低沉、持续的响声,犹如孤独的小鸟在林中啁啾,似乎带着沉思冥想的韵味。 | This made a grave and persistent noise in the still air, that seemed meditative like the chirping of a solitary little bird | |
21 | 中间物;两极端间的居中者。 | You’re very meditative today. | |
22 | ||1: 每一张画布都是一个“细节”,都有一样的标题“欧帕尔卡 1965/1-∞”。 ||2:通常,他一天写大约400个数字,一动不动地站在画架前。||3:他尽量少去旅行,也没有节假日,如果不得不出门旅行,他就写下“旅行卡片”,在普通的白纸上用黑墨水写下数字。||4:他完全地沉浸在这份工作中,有时在深夜绘画,在他所住的位于法国南部的山边,只有能听到远处传来的狗叫或鸡鸣, | ||1: Each canvas was called a “detail”, and all had the same title, “Opalka 1965/ 1-∞”. ||2: Typically he would paint around 400 figures a day, standing almost motionless at the easel. ||3: He tried not to travel much, did not take holidays, and if the journey was unavoidable made what he called cartes de voyage, continuing his numbers in black ink on ordinary white paper. ||4: The work became so absorbing, so meditative , that he would try to paint at the deepest hours of night, when only the bark of a dog or distant cock-crow would disturb the southern French hillside where he lived. | |
23 | ||1:他成为了长臂猿的自信大使,策划展览和写书。||2:他会穿着浴袍,手捧一杯茶,漫步进他的工作室进行一天的冥想雕刻,他会直接打开绘图软体应用,在许多重叠的图层中绘制出他的设计。||3:和日光一样,卤素聚光灯照亮了他的长凳。||4:在确定牡丹叶子的边缘和挖出一朵朵丁香花之间,他会查看电子邮件。||5:墙上还挂着长臂猿的画像,但那声音已不再使他烦恼了。||6:他可能会时不时地感觉到一个赞许的点头。 | ||1:He became Gibbons’s confident ambassador, curating an exhibition and writing books.||2:Strolling into his workshop for a day of meditative carving, still in his bathrobe and carrying his tea, he would go straight to Adobe Illustrator to map out his designs in many overlapping layers.||3:As well as daylight, halogen spotlights illuminated his bench.||4:Between defining the edges of his peony leaves and excavating tiny florets of lilac, he would check his emails.||5:The portraits of Gibbons were still on the walls, but the voice no longer bothered him.||6:He might have sensed, from time to time, an approving nod. | |
24 | ||1:现在看这部歌剧,一些有台词的场景会显得有点突兀。||2:同时威尔逊先生奢华的舞台布景也验证了该剧耗资庞大的名声不虚。||3:但增加的两场舞蹈让人无法抑制激动的心情。||4:还有那冥思的音乐对技术有极大的挑战,一开始格拉斯先生为寻找合适的演奏者颇费了一番周折。人们听着这音乐,仿佛置身于一片平静浩瀚而又神秘的大海之中。 | ||1:Watching the show now, some of the scripted moments feel a little absurd.||2:And Mr Wilson’s extravagant staging reinforces the opera’s reputation as a money pit.||3:But the two extended dance segments are irrepressibly uplifting.||4:And the meditative music, which is so technically challenging that Mr Glass originally had trouble finding performers for it, washes over listeners, as coolly vast and mysterious as the sea itself. | |
25 | 芬顿先生的近期作品尤是优异,其思想愈见成熟,亦更见深度,便如他献给英国诗人米克.伊姆拉的《在路边石》。米克.伊姆拉因运动神经疾病,卒于2009年,享年52岁。于此诗间,我们可见芬顿诗歌更为成熟的一面。 | Mr Fenton’s recent work is particularly good. More contemplative and meditative , poems such as “At the Kerb”, which is dedicated to Mick Imlah, a British poet who died at 52 in 2009 of motor neurone disease, show the more mature side of Mr Fenton’s voice. | |
26 | 伴随着月底温柔的新月,5月24日后两周,你将陷入思索的情绪。 | With a gentle new moon ending the month, May 24 plus two weeks, you will enter into a meditative mood. | |
27 | 不论是放松的散步、骑自行车赛车,还是冥思类型的太极都能帮助缓解压力。 | Physical activity ; whether it’s a relaxing walk, bicycle racing or meditative tai chi; helps relieve stress. | |
28 | 但在下午10:30分我醒来的时候,我感觉很空灵,就像是一种进入深度冥想的状态。 | At{##**$$} 10: 30pm that day, I was getting up from a regular nap, and I felt very relaxed, like I was drifting through a sort of meditative state. | |
29 | 当他从独立大厦——那个著名的自由发祥地——的门口走出来的时候,他的面上露着忧愁、深思的沉着神气。 | AS he issued from the doorway, of Independence Hall, that famous birthplace of liberty, his face wAS set in a sad, meditative calm. | |
30 | 古德曼把整个经历称作是对体力的大考验,但同时也提到第一天的感觉“好似天堂,非常宁静且具有禅意”。 | Mr Goodman said the experience was a physical ordeal, but also described the first 24 hours as "paradise, very serene and meditative " . |