属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-面试 Job interviews
1 | 我愿意乖乖地忍受她们的奚落,忏悔我过去的恶行。 | I’ll be meek under their coldness and repentant of my evil ways. | |
2 | 学习和研究《郭店儒书》的现实意义 | Studying the Practical Significance of "the Guodian Meek Book" | |
3 | 也不是像她父亲那样的懦弱的斗争,但求无过地马马虎虎地生存下去。 | Nor did it mean her father’s sort of meek struggle; a weary effort to fit harmlessly in | |
4 | 一个温顺的孩子. | a meek and manageable child | |
5 | 由老子"反"的哲学论其"柔弱"哲学的义涵 | Comment on the Meaning of Lao Tzu’s "Soft and Meek " Philosophy From the Perspective of His "Reverse" Philosophy | |
6 | 在中国古人的思想里,羊就是温驯、祥和、慈爱和美好的兽类,举凡由羊合成的汉字多为褒义,如美、羞、羲、鲜。 | In the minds of ancient Chinese people, the ram is a meek , peaceful, kind and good animal, so almost all the Chinese characters that have a "" part have positive meanings, such as beauty (), shy (), righteousness ()and fresh () | |
7 | 这叫瞎折腾,就是这么回事--敬酒不吃吃罚酒,你就别再装老实人、装规矩人啦--" | It was wicked, that is what it was--just blasphemous presumption, and no more becoming to a meek and humble professor of--" | |
8 | 周围墙上的那些镜框里,毕恭毕敬地站着而今已消逝了的一匹匹马的形象,它们那温顺的头在空中昂着:黑斯廷斯勋爵的“挫败”,威斯敏斯特公爵的“跨越”,波弗特公爵的“锡兰”,一八六六年获巴黎奖。 | Framed around the walls images of vanished horses stood in homage, their meek heads poised in air: lord Hastings’ Repulse, the duke of Westminster’s Shotover, the duke of Beaufort’s ceylon, prix de Paris, 1866 | |
9 | 总督老爷是个聪明人,一个聪明柔顺的稳健派。 | The Governor is a wise man-a wise man, and a meek and moderate | |
10 | ||1:公司管理人员需要处理的一大难题是应该聘请哪些人。||2:请的人不对,他只得在很长时期内与一个头脑迟钝、天赋不高又不怎么讲究卫生的人共同工作在一个有限的空间,中间只隔了一个薄薄的隔板。||3:如果选错人,今后他亦有可能被今天温顺的求职者炒掉。||4:每个行业自有一套招人的妙招:英国情报组织有时候要在身体上折磨新成员,看看他是否乐在其中。||5:申请普通公务员工作的人会拿到一个文件篮,塞的文件都要掉下来了,里面的文件重要性不尽相同,他们要在很短的时间里整理好文件。 | ||1:Whom to hire is one of the great problems organisation-man faces.||2:If he gets it wrong he may be forced to share a confined space for an indefinite period with someone deficient in wit, aptitude and hygiene, with nothing but a flimsy partition for protection.||3:If he gets it wrong in a different way, tomorrow he may be fired by today’s meek applicant.||4:Each industry has its own method for hiring: Britain’s spy service sometimes physically roughs-up new recruits to see how much they enjoy that sort of thing.||5:Candidates for more everyday roles within the civil service are given a bulging in-tray filled with documents of varying importance, and not enough time to clear it. | |
11 | 《牛津英语字典》显示,Daft在古英语中是“温和”与“温顺”的含义,而如今它却是“愚蠢”的意思。 | According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Daft meant "mild" or "meek " in Old English, whereas it means "foolish" today. | |
12 | Michael脸孔朝上,在他隔壁洗澡的人带着温和的声调恳求他,“救救我。” | Michael looks up when he hears a meek voice from the neighboring shower head pleading, "Help me. " | |
13 | 第一次,是当我看到她本可进取,却故作谦卑时。 | The first time when I saw her being meek that she might attain height. | |
14 | 检察官们无力的起诉和懦弱的行动明显的表明韩国政府对该国财阀的不法行径态度摇摆不定。 | The mild charges and meek actions by the prosecutors clearly show South Korea’s ambivalence towards wrongdoing at the country’s chaebol. | |
15 | 克里斯特先生和米克先生都坚持说自己能够打败卢比奥先生。 | Both Mr Crist and Mr Meek insist that they are the ones who can defeat Mr Rubio. | |
16 | 宽恕是温顺的 | At mercy are the meek | |
17 | 请赐福于那些谦恭的人们,使他们可以继承世界 | Blessed are the meek , for they shall inherit the earth. | |
18 | 全球首批亿万富豪之一的约翰·保罗·盖蒂(JohnPaulGetty)曾说:“温顺者终将继承地球,但他们拿不到矿产权利。” | John Paul Getty, one of the world’s first billionaires, once said: "The meek shall inherit the earth, but not its mineral rights. " | |
19 | 如果你充满自信地提问,相较于你表现谦卑或是装作你在浪费别人的时间,你会给人更好的印象。 | If you ask questions with confidence, you’ll come across much better than being meek or acting as if you’re wasting someone’s time. | |
20 | 如果他以为在他骂我家人时我会老实地坐那儿听着,他一定会感到震惊。 | If he’d thought I would sit there as meek as a lamb while he abused my family, he must have got a real surprise. | |
21 | 石油人约翰•保罗•盖蒂(JohnPaulGetty)的名言“温顺者终将继承地球,但他们拿不到矿产权利”显然可以轻易地翻译成汉语。 | Oilman John Paul Getty’s quip that "the meek shall inherit the Earth, but not its mineral rights" clearly translates well into Mandarin. | |
22 | 是一幅神之子光芒绽放的画面,他的光芒神奇、伟大、无所不在、并且美好、优雅、慈爱、温顺、谦逊。 | a view of the glory of the Son of God in his "wonderful, great, full and sweet grace and love, and meek and gentle condescension. " | |
23 | 他恭谦而温和,他成了一个小孩儿: | He is meek & he is mild, He became a little child: | |
24 | 他人又小又瘦,有点弱不禁风的样子。他干这个能行吗? | He is small, slim, and somewhat weak. Is he able to do this? He was small and slight, almost meek . Could he do it? | |
25 | 他说,米克先生和克里斯特先生与此相反,是现状的捍卫者。 | In contrast, Messrs Meek and Crist, he says, are defenders of the status quo. | |
26 | 为善比作恶来的聪明;温顺比凶恶来得安全;清醒比狂热来得及稳妥。----罗伯特。布朗宁 | It is wiser being good than bad; it is safer being meek than fierce; it is fitter being sober than mad. | |
27 | 温柔的人不是懦弱的人,而是善于理解,少要求,文雅,不太指责的人。 | A meek person is not a weak person; rather, a meek person is understanding, not demanding; gentle, not judgmental. | |
28 | 温顺的,驯服的 | tame obedient meek gentle docile tame bonhomie | |
29 | 我和上了年纪,脾气温和的祖母一起住在宾夕法尼亚州的上达比。 | I was living with my meek old grandmother in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania. | |
30 | 我心里柔和谦卑,你们当负我的轭,学我的样式,这样,你们心里就必得享安息。 | Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. |