属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 9833-1993
属类:时事政治-Agriculture Report 农业报道-植物世界的互惠互利
1 | (七)腐烂、削皮的瓜果; | 7. Rotten or peeled melons or fruit; | |
2 | “甘瓜抱苦蒂,美枣生荆棘。” | “Honey melons hang on bitter vines; sweet dates grow on thistles and thorns.” | |
3 | 冰镇的西瓜味道要好得多。 | Melons taste better if they are chilled | |
4 | 不同厚皮甜瓜品种基质栽培研究 | Cultivation of Melons on soil-less Media | |
5 | 厨师把瓜掏空。 | The cook hollowed out the melons | |
6 | 福州灯笼以细竹条和红纸及薄纱制作,灯笼极象柑桔,睡莲,西瓜和宫殿。 | Fuzhou’ s lanterns are usually made of thin bamboo strips and covered with red paper or gauze. The lanterns are made to look like oranges, water lilies, water melons and palaces. | |
7 | 瓜 冷藏和冷藏运输 | Melons --Cold storage and refrigerated transport | |
8 | 瓜的冷藏和瓜的冷藏运输 | Melons --Cold storage and refrigerated transport | |
9 | 果园里,秋实累累,瓜果飘香。 | In the orchard, fruits in autumn were hanging in clusters, and the air was heavy with the aroma of melons and fruits. | |
10 | 老王卖瓜,自卖自夸 | LaoWang selling melons praises his own goods. | |
11 | 欧洲人吃瓜作为预防晕船的方法。 | Europeans take melons for a preventive against seasickness | |
12 | 苹果和甜瓜是我喜爱的水果。 | Apples and melons are my favourite fruits | |
13 | 其它与此相关或相似的一种瓜 | Any of several other related or similar melons . | |
14 | 如果都市居民确实对它感兴趣,他们会愿意掏钱去买。这种方形西瓜预计售价为每个10,000日元,即每个83美元。 | If city dwellers do have an appetite for the square melon, they’ll have to pay. The melons are expected to be sold for around 10,000 yen apiece-equivalent to $83 U.S. | |
15 | 山东的蔬菜、陕西的苹果、海南的反季节瓜菜、山西的小杂粮和黑龙江的绿色食品等,都已成为当地的主导产业。 | Vegetables in Shandong, apples in Shaanxi, slack-season melons and vegetables in hainan, coarse grains in Shanxi and green food in Heilongjiang all became leading products in respective localities | |
16 | 他们吃西瓜以解决缺少饮用水的困难。 | They got around the lack of drinking water by eating water melons . | |
17 | 条纹清晰的西瓜,瓜熟味甜。 | Water melons with clear stripes are ripe and sweet. | |
18 | 微波消解ICP-AES法测定苦瓜中常量及微量元素 | Determination of the Content of Major and Trace Elements in Bitter Melons by Microwave Digestion ICP-AES | |
19 | 为蔓性藤本,果可食而甜美,具麝香味。甜瓜为园艺变种繁多的葫芦科成员,是不耐霜寒的一年生植物,原产于中亚,现已在世界各温暖地区有许多栽培变种 | Members of the horticulturally diverse gourd family, melons are frost-tender annuals native to central Asia but widely grown in many cultivated varieties in warm regions worldwide. | |
20 | 温度对白兰瓜果实贮藏效果的影响 | Effects of Temperature on Storage of Honey Dew Melons | |
21 | 我在超级市场看到一种叫做蜜瓜大瓜,那是什么? | I saw big melons called Honeydew at a supermarket, what’s that? | |
22 | 夏日里,西瓜刨冰;冬日里,火锅涮味;让人一见倾心。 | People always fall in love at first sight with the water melons and ice-cream in summer and chafing dishes in winter. | |
23 | 像甜瓜的植物包括西瓜、冬瓜、番木瓜和茄瓜。 | Plants resembling true melons include the watermelon, the Chinese watermelon, the melon tree (see papaya), and the melon shrub, or pear melon (Solanum muricatum). | |
24 | 消费者通过挤捏甜瓜和面包来判断质构,因为它反映了产品的成熟度或新鲜程度。 | The consumer squeezes melons and bread as a measure of texture which indicates the degree of ripeness and freshness. | |
25 | 在这个果园里,以前曾一度种植过最精美的水果和蔬菜,现在却只疏疏松松地种植着一些苜蓿花,由于无人照料,将来,恐怕免不了要成一块贫瘠的空地的。 | Horticulture seemed, however, to have been abandoned in the deserted kitchen-garden; and where cabbages, carrots, radishes, pease, and melons had once flourished, a scanty crop of lucerne alone bore evidence of its being deemed worthy of cultivation | |
26 | 这里,还有鄯善的哈密瓜、伊宁的苹果、叶城的石榴、吐鲁番的葡萄等果中佳品 | There are Hami melons from Shanshan, apples from Yining, pomegranates from Yecheng, grapes from Turpan, and so on and so forth | |
27 | 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 | plant melons and you get melons, sow beans and you get beans; as you sow, so will you reap | |
28 | ||1:某些种类的农产品即使在收获后也应当隔离开。||2:这是因为乙烯。||3:乙烯是一种植物激素,能够导致一些食物成熟太快。||4:苹果会释放乙烯。||5:杏、甜瓜和西红柿也释放乙烯。||6:有些蔬菜很容易受乙烯影响,其中包括芦笋,西兰花,白菜和黄瓜。 | ||1:Some kinds of produce should be kept apart even after being harvested.||2:This is because of ethylene gas.||3:Ethylene is a plant hormone that can cause some foods to ripen too quickly.||4:Apples release ethylene gas.||5:Apricots, melons and tomatoes also release a lot of ethylene.||6:Some vegetable are easily affected by ethylene, including asparagus, broccoli, cabbage and cucumbers. | |
29 | ||1:某些种类的农产品即使在收获后也应当隔离开。||2:这是因为乙烯。||3:乙烯是一种植物激素,能够导致一些食物成熟太快。||4:苹果会释放乙烯。杏、甜瓜和西红柿也释放乙烯。||5:有些蔬菜很容易受乙烯影响,其中包括芦笋,西兰花,白菜和黄瓜。 | ||1:Some kinds of produce should be kept apart even after being harvested.||2:This is because of ethylene gas.||3:Ethylene is a plant hormone that can cause some foods to ripen too quickly.||4:Apples release ethylene gas. Apricots, melons and tomatoes also release a lot of ethylene.||5:Some vegetable are easily affected by ethylene, including asparagus, broccoli, cabbage and cucumbers. | |
30 | 白雪EL等厚皮甜瓜早春大棚栽培技术 | The early spring awning cultivation technique of the White Snow EL and other thick-skinned sweet melons |