属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-迪士尼 星球大战 迪士尼和神话创造
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-音乐与购物 谨防贝多芬
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-西班牙艺术 普拉多的文艺复兴(1)
1 | ||1:但是,目前神话故事也将以实体形式呈现,如玩具、商品和主题公园等形式,这也是神话创作的第三要素。||2:沃特·迪士尼成为了行业中的典范,从二十世纪30年代开始,他们为米老鼠以及其他的一些角色申请专利,并于1955年开放了最初的迪士尼乐园。||3:卢卡斯将电影相关产品带上了新的维度,作为导演他接受降低薪资以换取所有有关星球大战的商品权——这个协议让他赚了数十亿。||4:这些商品化权现在隶属于迪士尼,并得到了充分利用:从玩具到服装,《原力觉醒》相关商品的预期销售额仅明年一年就能达到50亿美元。||5:美国市场调研机构NPD集团的调研报告显示,自1977年起累计,销售星球大战附加品已带来320亿美元的收入。||6:与之相比,甚至连哈利波特和詹姆士邦德看起来都是如此的上不了台面。 | ||1:But these days myths are also expected to take physical form as toys, merchandise and theme-park rides.||2:This is the third myth-making ingredient.Again, Walt Disney led the way, licensing Mickey Mouse and other characters starting in the 1930s, and opening the original Disneyland park in 1955.||3:Mr Lucas took cinema-related merchandise into a new dimension, accepting a pay cut as director in return for all the merchandising rights to Star Wars—a deal that was to earn him billions.||4:Those rights now belong to Disney, and it is making the most of them: sales of “The Force Awakens” merchandise, from toys to clothing, are expected to be worth up to $5 billion alone in the coming year.||5:In all, more than $32 billion-worth of Star Wars merchandise has been sold since 1977, according to NPD Group, a market-research firm.||6:Even Harry Potter and James Bond are scruffy-looking nerf-herders by comparison. | |
2 | ||1:网上购物是销售音乐学有待开发的一个领域。||2:由购物网站eBay委托进行的一项新研究就是为了完善它。||3:约1900名参与者被要求在不同的背景声音下模拟网上购物。||4:一些结果并不让人意外。||5:道路施工的噪音以及婴儿的哭声让顾客对所提供的商品感到失望。||6:鸟的叽喳声有利于烧烤工具的销售而不利于搅拌机或棋盘类游戏的销售。 | ||1:Online shopping is an under-explored area of merchandising musicology.||2:A new study commissioned by eBay, a shopping website, aims to correct that.||3:Some 1,900 participants were asked to simulate online shopping while listening to different sounds.||4:Some results were unsurprising.||5:The noise of roadworks and crying babies soured shoppers’ views of the products on offer.||6:Chirruping birds encouraged sales of barbecues but not blenders or board games. | |
3 | ||1:英超大力引援的主要原因是英国电信公司与英国天空广播公司已经达成了新的巨额电视转播合同,签下了未来三个赛季的转播。||2:预计这将会给英超带来5亿英镑的盈利,每个俱乐部平均获利2500万英镑。||3:上赛季数据显示,广播节目带来的收入占总盈利24亿英镑的一半。||4:另一半收入来自比赛日收入,主要是门票收入,以及商业活动,例如赞助和广告。||5:德勤预计接下来的赛季,英超盈利将会随着广播节目所占比例55%的提升而达到31亿英镑。 | ||1: The main reason for EPL’s continued clout is a huge new television deal shared between British Telecom and BSkyB, which will run for the next three seasons. ||2: That will be worth an extra P 500m to the EPL this year, with each club on average P 25m better off. ||3: In 2011-12, the last season for which accounts are available, broadcasting accounted for half of the clubs’ combined P 2.4 billion revenue. ||4: The remainder was split between match-day revenue—mostly gate receipts—and commercial activities, such as sponsorship and merchandising . ||5: Deloitte estimates that, for the coming season, the clubs’ revenue will increase to P 3.1 billion, with the proportion coming from broadcasting rising to 55%. | |
4 | 这经受住了国家资金削减的考验:其总预算为4500万欧元,其中70%来自门票,商品销售,国外展览费用和赞助费的收益。 | It has weathered state funding cuts: about 70% of its budget of 45 million euros ($49m) now comes from tickets, merchandising , fees from foreign exhibitions and sponsorship. | |
5 | 58%的受访企业认为,销售和辅助收入能提高航空公司的净利润。 | According to 58 percent of those surveyed, merchandising and ancillary revenue will help airlines’ bottom line results. | |
6 | NBA中国将有权在中国组建球队,并拥有所有的转播和推广权。 | NBA China will have the right to create teams in the country, and own all broadcasting and merchandising rights. | |
7 | Web使用模式挖掘技术在网站营销中的应用 | Application of Web Usage Mining in E-commerce Web’s Merchandising | |
8 | 按沃尔玛首席营销官约翰•弗莱明(JohnFleming)的话说,沃尔玛“天天平价”的策略仍然“非常非常奏效”。 | John Fleming, chief merchandising officer of Wal-Mart, says its "Every Day Low Prices" strategy is still "very, very effective" . | |
9 | 不过你现在觉得以前这个故事太可怕了,那你应该一定过看那些有白雪公主的商品。 | And if you think the fairy tales were gruesome back then, you should have seen the merchandising tie-ins. | |
10 | 促销——使公司的供应更完整的产品和配件原料的组合或购买套装促销 | MERCHANDISING - the set of products and accessory materials that complete the company’s offering or the purchasing package | |
11 | 对Gaga的专辑《TheFame》有着巨大贡献的罗伯,称Gaga否认他在歌曲专利权和销售收入上的应得份额。 | Rob Fusari, who is credited on Gaga’s album The Fame, alleges the singer denied him his share of song royalties and merchandising revenue. | |
12 | 而即便是如今的后起之秀也在试着在周边产品和现场演出上赚得一碗饭吃。 | But even up-and-coming acts now try to build livelihoods around merchandising and live performance. | |
13 | 服装零售中视觉营销研究 | A Study of Visual Merchandising in Fashion Retailing | |
14 | 跟单部门负责准备QA资料夹并在QA验货安排确定的前一周周五将其交给QA管理员。 | Merchandising team will prepare the QA folder and pass to QA Co-ordinator on every Friday of the week prior to the date QA visit confirmed | |
15 | 跟单部门或采购部门负责告知QA管理员可能的验厂日期。 | Merchandising or Sourcing team will inform QA Co-ordinator the possible period of factory evaluation | |
16 | 关于角色商品化权法律保护的思考 | Ponderation over Rights on Character Merchandising | |
17 | 赫尔曼的零售和促销策略大多源自民间调查。 | Much of her retail and merchandising strategy is grounded in grassroots investigations. | |
18 | 价值链管理在商业企业中的实际运用 | Preliminary Research Used Actually in the Merchandising Concern on Value-Chain Management | |
19 | 假如某汽车制造商在选择商品销售合作伙伴时犯了错,就会有遭到嘲笑的危险。 | If a car maker stumbles in its choice of merchandising partner, it risks ridicule. | |
20 | 经常有零售商在他们的商业领域中混淆向上销售、交叉销售和可选产品。 | Often retailers mix of upsells, cross-sells and alternatives in their merchandising zones. | |
21 | 就奢侈品零售来说,这一问题在物流、人力资源和促销等领域尤其突出。 | In luxury retail, this is especially acute in areas such as logistics, human resources and merchandising . | |
22 | 蓝色时空,商品企划与家 | Blue Spacetime, The Expert of Merchandising | |
23 | 玛丽伊娃·浮士德,费城大学时装销售项目负责人,将李维斯的努力称为“一个好的开始”。 | Marie-Eve Faust, the program director of fashion merchandising at Philadelphia University, called the Levi’s effort "a good start. " | |
24 | 漫射照明的目的是位了吸引来往闲逛的顾客进店消费。 | The purpose of perimeter lighting is to draw customers from the main aisle into the merchandising space. | |
25 | 内部销售层次结构,将产品按不同的级别分类,例如分公司、部门、类别、品牌等等。 | An internal merchandising hierarchy that groups products in different levels, such as division, department, category, brand, and so on. | |
26 | 您可以将在数据挖掘中发现的每条规则表示成商品销售关联。 | You can express each rule found in the data mining as a merchandising association. | |
27 | 欧洲太阳能、风能产业发展及商品化实施方案 | Merchandising Starting Schemes and Development of Solar Energy and Wind Power Industry in Europe | |
28 | 认为商业开发推广只是印有你姓名的T恤和马克杯的想法,就像是来自另一个世纪的事物。 | The idea of merchandising just being T-shirts and mugs with your name on it is like something from another century. | |
29 | 时尚一时流行的风尚古典的廓形款式趋势最新潮女式外衣新古典面料推销规划? | Fashion fad classic silhouette style Trend High Fashion apparel New classic fabric merchandising | |
30 | 世界贸易组织农产品贸易安排对济南市农业的影响及对策研究 | Impact of Merchandising Arrangement of Agricultural Product of WTO on the Agriculture in Jinan and the Countermeasures |