属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-卡西尼航天器冲入土星烧毁结束其使命
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-应对小行星撞击 近地掠过
属类:时事政治-Trending Today 今日趋势-中国火箭残骸进入大气层点亮美国西部夜空
1 | 该公司正在试图开发一个可以向付费客户提供“按需定制的流星雨”系统,据《日本时报》报道,世界史上第一场人造流星雨将在两年后出现。 | The company is looking to develop a system that would offer paying customers "shooting stars on demand," and based on a report by Japan Times, the first man-made meteor shower in the history of the world could take place in just two years. | |
2 | 据Digitaltrends.com报道,一家位于东京的初创公司“ALE Co.”表示你根本不必等着看流星产生的流星雨。 | According to Digitaltrends.com, ALE Co., a Tokyo-based startup says you shouldn’t have to wait for a meteor shower to look at shooting start. | |
3 | 卡尼西实际上在83分钟之前进入土星大气层之时已经像流星一样烧毁。但是这条消息花费了许多分钟时间才抵达超过1.5亿公里之外的地球。 | Cassini had actually burned up like a meteor 83 minutes earlier, as it dove through Saturn’s atmosphere. But it took that many minutes for the news to reach Earth more than one-and-a-half billion kilometers away. | |
4 | 来自NASA的数据显示,这颗10000吨重的陨石在肢解时释放了大约500吨质量的能量,相当于一颗大型核弹的爆炸当量。 | According to NASA, the 10,000-tonne meteor released about 500 kilotonnes of energy when it broke apart, equivalent to the yield of a largish nuclear bomb. | |
5 | 有人认为这是一场流星雨。毕竟,本周很多地区都能在夜空中观看到宝瓶座流星雨。 | Some people thought it was a meteor shower. After all, the Delta Aquarids meteor shower can be seen in many areas in the night sky this week. | |
6 | “我们仍然认为这可能是一个自然现象,一颗流星或是小行星,”位于内布拉斯加的美国战略指挥部新闻发言人Maj。 | "We still think it’s possible it might be a natural phenomenon, a meteor or asteroid, " said Maj. | |
7 | 2009年的今天,双子座流星雨,一条绿色的光尾在接近美国加利福尼亚州巴斯托的巴莫哈韦沙漠闪烁着划过。 | 2009 - Geminid Meteor , a bright meteor with a greenish tinge flashes through the sky over the Mojave Desert near Barstow, California, USA. | |
8 | Cooke说:“明年的流星雨能好看,我想人们只能等到明年再看一场精彩纷呈的流星雨了。” | "Next year will be better, " Cooke said. "I think we’re going to have to wait for next year to have a knock-your-socks-off meteor shower. " | |
9 | NASA的Cooke还说,与观测其他流星雨相比,享受这次自然景观不需要任何奇奇怪怪的光学仪器。 | As with any meteor shower, there’s no need for fancy optical equipment to enjoy the show, NASA’s Cooke added. | |
10 | Tapley博士说,一种可能是一颗大流星在进入大气时燃烧。 | A more likely cause, Dr. Tapley said, would be a large meteor burning up as it entered the atmosphere. | |
11 | 布莱斯峡谷国家公园,犹他州(在夜里,当没有光污染时的英仙座流星雨) | Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah (at night during the Perseid meteor shower, when there’s no light pollution) | |
12 | 从理论上讲,他们的继承人的气象理论能解释这种大气现象。 | Theoretically, their heir’ s theory of meteorology can explain the meteor . | |
13 | 当彗星偶尔优雅划过天际的时,我们还能看到流星雨。 | We have meteor showers. They can be the occasional comet that can grace the sky. | |
14 | 当流星撞击地球,引起的爆炸会把一个圆形区域里的岩石压碎。 | When a meteor strikes Earth, it creates an explosion that compresses the rock in a circular region. | |
15 | 当你还在学校的时候,平时有空多看几部白痴一点幼稚一点的片子,比如《流星花园》那种。 | When you are still in BJU, watch stupid, childish films as much as possible, as the kind of Meteor Garden. | |
16 | 当问到地球在2012年是否有被流星击中的危险? | When asked if the Earth is in danger of being hit by a meteor in 2012? | |
17 | 电影中描述了地震、流星雨、还有海啸推着一艘航空母舰撞上了白宫。 | earthquakes, meteor showers and a tsunami dumping an aircraft carrier on the White House. | |
18 | 多进制正交扩频在流星余迹通信中的应用 | Application of Mary Orthogonal Spread Spectrum in the Meteor Burst Communication System | |
19 | 格拉曼史密斯也寄来了两张他拍的流星雨。格拉曼在萨里郡的瑞盖特享受了一篇清澈的天空 | Graham Smith also sent in two photographs of the meteor shower. Graham experienced very clear skies over Reigate, Surrey | |
20 | 根据此理论,一颗大流星落在月球上所产生的碰撞力就会使月球表面上的岩石熔化。 | According to this theory, a large meteor hitting the moon would melt the surface rock by the force of the collision. | |
21 | 观察Leonid:狮子座流星群 | observing the Leonid meteor shower, observe: | |
22 | 光污染使星座、流星雨甚至行星都变得模糊不清,遮蔽了我们的视线。 | Light pollution has obscured our view of constellations, meteor showers, and even the planets. | |
23 | 很多科学家们认为,流星撞击就像一场森林大火,只是规模更大而已。 | Many scientists believe that meteor strikes act like forest fires, but on a huge scale. | |
24 | 皇家天文协会的RobertMassey博士说,“一颗流星在这么大范围被看见是很罕见的。” | Dr Robert Massey, of the Royal Astronomical Society, said: ’A meteor so widely visible is quite rare. | |
25 | 彗星会在经过的地方留下一些碎片,这些碎片可以引起地球上的流星雨现象。 | Comets leave a trail of debris behind them that can lead to meteor showers on Earth. | |
26 | 较新的陨石坑可为他们研究近期的陨石撞击提供线索,也能为预知我们地球可能面临的未来给出暗示。 | Newer craters could give them clues about recent meteor impacts -- and hints about what might be in store for us on Earth. | |
27 | 今天专家们说,尽管看起来这么壮观,这颗流星可能只有一个足球的大小。 | Experts today said that despite the appearances, the meteor was probably only the size of a football. | |
28 | 九月份,人们在谷歌地球上发现了埃及的一个古老的陨石坑。 | In September, a pristine meteor crater was discovered on Google Earth in the Egyptian desert. | |
29 | 据说可能是流星造成的,有人声称看到一柱蓝光,几乎像太阳一般明亮,从北向东移动。 | They think maybe it was a meteor . Some people saw a column of blue light, nearly as bright as the sun, moving north to east. | |
30 | 据我国天文学家预测,6日清晨,如果天色晴朗,我国大部分地区均可目睹到宝瓶座流星雨。 | People across the country are likely to spot the Aquarius meteor showers early Wednesday, astronomers forecast. |