属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-鸟类数量锐减 是天灾还是人为?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-鸟类数量锐减 是天灾还是人为?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-老人的故事 Old man’s tales
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-科研人员制造噪音来研究安静的价值
属类:时事政治-Agriculture Report 农业报道-种植更多树木和鲜花对咖啡生产的帮助
1 | 中国东亚飞蝗两个种群遗传分化的研究 | Studies on the Genetic Differentiation of Two Populations of Oriental Migratory Locusta migratoria manilensis in China | |
2 | ||1:然而怨声随之而起。||2:一些不遭人喜欢的鸟也开始泛滥,比如食腐乌鸦和秃鹰。||3:同时,逗留时间更长的候鸟也可能对一些本土鸟产生竞争。||4:据苏塞克斯鸟类学社团的理查德 考瑟所说,它们“强势插入,占领繁殖地。||5:”就如它们的人类伙伴一样,小岛上的居民被全球风席卷。英国的鸟类要学会竞争。 | ||1:Birders grouse nonetheless.||2:Some of the species prospering, such as carrion crows and buzzards, are disliked.||3:And migratory birds that extend their visits may provide competition for some avian natives.||4:They are “muscling in and getting the first claim on breeding sites”, says Richard Cowser of the Sussex Ornithological Society.||5:Like their human counterparts, residents of a small island buffeted by global winds, British birds will have to learn to compete. | |
3 | ||1:英国的观鸟者已经对坏消息习以为常。||2:自1966年以来,家养麻雀的数量已从约3000万减少到1000万。||3:杓鷸的数量在十五年间锐减50%,变得越发罕见。||4:过去二十年间,曾经经常从非洲迁徙至英国东南部的布谷鸟数量减少了63%。||5:造成这种灾患的原因包括迷惑候鸟的早春,更高效的耕种以及危房(适宜筑巢)向现代房屋的转变。 | ||1:British birdwatchers are used to bad news.||2:House sparrow numbers have fallen from an estimated 30m to 10m since 1966.||3:Curlews have become a rare sight, their numbers plummeting by 50% in 15 years.||4:Cuckoos, once-frequent visitors from Africa, have declined by 63% in the south-east in the past two decades.||5:Earlier springs that confuse migratory birds, more efficient farming and the conversion of dilapidated buildings (good for nesting) into modern homes have all contributed to these woes. | |
4 | ||1:自从1950年开始,在伊朗,巴基斯坦和阿富汗的边界这个岩层剥落,饱受风雨侵蚀的,崎岖的小山群地域中,艾哈迈德先生经历了二十年的历程在该地区的向着东北方向进行研究。||2:书中,艾哈迈德以“黑鹰”“为题,独辟一节,通过主人公托尔·巴兹追忆那些经历之地。一路中,其边走边停,向读者娓娓道来那些半自治游牧区生活:以迁徙为生的游牧民族卡罗兹,生活安逸却又饱受折磨的古加尔,还有瓦济里斯人与马苏德人间的恩恩怨怨。 | ||1:Starting in the 1950s from “the tangle of crumbling, weather-beaten and broken hills, where the borders of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan meet”, Mr Ahmad works his way north-east over the course of two decades.||2:He pauses along the way to describe life in the semi-autonomous tribal areas—the migratory patterns of the nomadic Kharots, the “quiet, tormented lives” of the Gujjars, the ancient feud between the Wazirs and the Mahsuds—using as a guide a recurring character, Tor Baz, the “black falcon” of the title. | |
5 | 研究人员在博伊西市国家森林一条半公里长的道路两侧安放了户外扬声器。他们通过扬声器播放汽车过往的声音已达两年时间。博伊西州立大学的杰西·巴伯(Jesse Barber)教授表示,他们发现这些声音导致了候鸟逃离。这些鸟儿也没有长胖。 | The researchers placed outdoor speakers on the side of a half-kilometer-long part of a road in the Boise National Forest. For two years, they played the sounds of passing cars through the speakers.|| Professor Jesse Barber of Boise State University says they found the sounds caused migratory birds to flee. The birds also failed to gain weight.|| | |
6 | ||在咖啡农场种植更多种类的树木还能为鸟类提供更多栖息地。如果农民在每公顷土地上至少种植10种树木,他们就能让自己的咖啡获得鸟友(Bird Friendly)认证。这是由美国史密森迁徙鸟类中心颁发的。获得鸟友认证的咖啡可以卖出更高价钱。|| | Having more species of trees on coffee farms also provides more places for birds to live. If farmers have at least ten different kinds of trees per hectare, they may be able to have their coffee certified as "bird-friendly.||" This is done by the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center in the United States. Bird-friendly coffee can sell for a higher price.|| | |
7 | 《冰川》也是上次《流动性的漂泊》展的作品,这幅景观以严密的验证而显示了该作品是自然和人类引导的混合体。 | Also from Migratory Drift, this landscape proves on close examination to be a hybrid of natural and human-directed. | |
8 | 安徽省东亚飞蝗治理现状及可持续控制战略思考 | Current Situation and Sustaining Strategy of Asiatic Migratory Locust Controlling in Anhui | |
9 | 报道建议成立一个大象保护机构和立法保护大象迁徙走廊。 | The report suggests forming an elephant-conservation body and legal protection for the migratory corridors. | |
10 | 藏羚羊雌性种群的迁徙行为和产仔行为 | Migratory and calving behavior of Tibetan antelope population | |
11 | 城市流动儿童预防接种与管理 | Vaccination and management for migratory children in cities | |
12 | 大部分的毒素,通常都来自家用物品,随着海洋的水流风向,或是回流鱼和动物,漂向北极的海域。 | Most toxins, often from household products, are carried to Arctic waters by ocean currents, winds, or via migratory fish and animals. | |
13 | 东亚飞蝗行为和形态型变的判定指标 | Behavioral and morphological indices for phase transformation of oriental migratory locust Locusta migratoria manilensis | |
14 | 对那些同情风力发电厂的人来说,这一项目的可行性是被关注的焦点:残害金鹰违反了美国《候鸟协定法案》。 | To those whose sympathies lay with wind, liability was the concern: mutilating golden eagles violated the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. | |
15 | 恶意软体的问题看来具有移转性质。 | The malware problem appears to be migratory in nature. | |
16 | 反对风电站的理由,除了从美观上,还有一条经常被提到的理由,即对候鸟的威胁。 | Apart from aesthetics, the threat to migratory birds is the most frequently cited argument against wind farms. | |
17 | 改变世界野生动物迁徙和繁衍模式的工作已经证明更具挑战性。 | Altering the migratory and reproductive patterns of the world’s wildlife has proved more challenging. | |
18 | 干旱前期温度偏高对河南省东亚飞蝗发生的影响 | Effect of Drought and Higher Temperature on the Outbreaks of the Oriental Migratory Locust in He’nan Province | |
19 | 桂东县冬候鸟种类和迁徙路线调查 | Survey of Autumn Migratory Birds Of Guidong County and Their Migratory Route | |
20 | 候鸟会长距离携带H5N1型禽流感病毒吗? | Can migratory birds carry H5N1 over long distances? | |
21 | 候鸟要飞很长的距离往返于夏季的栖息地和冬季的栖息地。一些专业说这些鸟类背负了太多的谴责。 | Migratory birds fly long distances between a winter home and a summer home. Some researchers say these birds are getting too much blame. | |
22 | 黄河三角洲地区东亚飞蝗灾害及防御对策 | Disasters of Oriental Migratory Locust in the Delta Region of the Yellow River and Countermeasures | |
23 | 基于地面高光谱数据的东亚飞蝗危害程度监测 | Monitoring of the Damage Intensity Extent by Oriental Migratory Locust Using of Hyper-spectra Data Measured at Ground Surface | |
24 | 基于感应无线技术的焦炉机车联锁及炉号识别系统 | The migratory motorcycle automation control system based on inductive radio technology | |
25 | 几个月以后,当这只鸟被重新捕捉到时,来自地理定位器的数据将为研究人员描绘出它迁徙的路径。 | When the bird is recaptured months from now, data from the geolocator will give researchers its migratory path. | |
26 | 拉市海湿地水鸟区系组成及迁徙分析 | The Fauna Component and Migratory Pattern Analysis of Waterfowl in Lashihai Wetland | |
27 | 拉市海自然保护区越冬水鸟面临的威胁及保护策略 | Threats to Overwintering Migratory Waterfowl in Lashihai Nature Reserve and Conservancy Strategy | |
28 | 辽宁省鸟类迁徙通道划分及禽流感防控形势的分析探讨 | Bird Migratory Route in Liaoning Province and Avian Influenza Prevention and Control | |
29 | 流动儿童计划免疫现状及优化分析 | Current situation of planned immunization in migratory children and its optimization analysis | |
30 | 流动人口社会救助问题研究 | Research on the Problem of Social Assistance of Migratory Population |