属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-铁娘子 Iron Lady
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-斯里兰卡穆斯林 佛教武装
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-伊斯兰极端分子在法国和尼日利亚受到谴责
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-巴基斯坦的军事力量 失去驾驶权的司机
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-伊拉克艰难时刻换相
1 | 不断提高领导水平和执政水平,不断增强拒腐防变的能力,以新的面貌和更强大的战斗力,带领人民完成新的历史任务。 | always try to improve its leading and governing ability, and guard against corruption and degeneration so as to show a new look and greater militancy in leading the people in accomplishing the new historical tasks . | |
2 | 落在时代的后面,落在当前情况的后面,缺乏斗争性,这是右,这个也不好。 | To fall behind the times, to fail to keep pace with current developments and to be lacking in militancy --these are Right deviations and are no good either | |
3 | 排资论辈制度也是导致工会斗争的另一因素。 | The seniority system is another factor that leads to union militancy | |
4 | 全国各族人民意气风发,斗志昂扬,为实现四个现代化而奋战。 | Full of militancy and revolutionary ardour, the people of all nationalities in the country are working hard for the realization of the four modernizations | |
5 | 我们也注意到宗教极端主义逐渐在本区域扩张影响力。 | It has been noted that the influence of religious militancy has been growing in the region. | |
6 | 现在黑人社会充满着了不起的新的战斗精神,但是我们却不能因此而不信任所有的白人。 | The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people | |
7 | 已经席卷黑人社会的那种不可思议的新的战斗气氛决不要导致我们对一切白种人的不信任。 | The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people. | |
8 | ||1:没有任何的迹象表明辛格在撰写这本书做研究期间,有机会接近索尼娅?甘地或是她身边的人。||2:此书政治见解略显浅薄。||3:书中关于锡克教的斗争,克什米尔,斯里兰卡冲突,孟加拉的战争的记叙走只停留在教科书的水平,同时还记叙了一些不相关的战争。 | ||1:There is no indication that Ms Singh has had access, during her research, to either Sonia Gandhi herself, or to any of the people who are close to her.||2:The book shows scant political understanding.||3:Sikh militancy , Kashmir, the Sri Lanka conflict and the Bangladesh war are recounted in school textbook prose, accompanied by some baffling non sequiturs. | |
9 | ||1:这些暴徒是受到了佛教僧侣Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara讲话的煽动。||2:Gnanasara是一个和缅甸僧侣维拉图一样的煽动者,他最近还拜访了后者。Gnanasara领导着一支名为Bodu Bala Sena的组织,该组织支持用武装力量打击少数教派来保住多数人信奉的佛教的统治地位。||3:穆斯林被列为主要的打击对象。||4:只占10%的人口的穆斯林在贸易和财政行业表现出色。||5:本周受到袭击的店铺大多为穆斯林经营的。||6:但其中不少被夷为了平地。 | ||1:The mobs were incited by an inflammatory speech from a Buddhist monk named Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara.||2:A rabble-rouser like the Burmese monk, Wirathu, whom he recently visited, Mr Gnanasara leads an organisation called Bodu Bala Sena (BBS), or Buddhist Power Force, that supports militancy against minorities to preserve the dominance of the Buddhist majority.||3:Muslims have been particular targets.||4:Although just 10% of the population, they are making headway in business and finance.||5:Most shops attacked this week were run by Muslims.||6:Some were razed to the ground. | |
10 | 巴黎人认同政府和穆斯林社区都应该采取行动打击伊斯兰好战分子。周四,法国总统弗朗索瓦·奥朗德(Francois Hollande)表示,大多数穆斯林是宗教极端主义的主要受害者。 | Parisians agree both the government and the Muslim community need to take action against Islamist militancy . On Thursday, French President Francois Hollande said the majority of Muslims are the main victims of religious extremists. | |
11 | 但是值得一喜的是,他前前总司令卡亚尼交流了关于国内军事力量的想法。 | But the good news is that he shares General Kayani’s thinking on domestic militancy . | |
12 | 前同事称阿巴迪先生是一位很好的演说家,也是一位很直的人,能够虚心接受他人意见。他将需要很强的素质。这位新总理面临的问题包括极端分子好战,宗教分裂和政治纷争。 | Former colleagues describe Mr. Abadi as a good speaker and a direct person who is open to the ideas of others. He will need strong qualities. Among the issues facing the new prime minister are extremist militancy , religious division and political disputes. | |
13 | 巴基斯坦想要打击塔利班武装分子,需征服其激进的西北部,进而统治它。 | To fight militancy , Pakistan needs to conquer its radicalised north-west, then govern it. | |
14 | 但是军队称交战状态已经降到“临界点以下”的等级。 | But the army says militancy is down to a "subcritical" level. | |
15 | 但是相比印度铲除反印武装的要求而言,这还差得太远。 | But it is much less than the eradication of anti-India militancy that India demands. | |
16 | 她说她现在相信资本主义可能做什么但同样为过去的军事斗争骄傲。 | She says she now believes in what capitalism can do but is equally proud of her past militancy . | |
17 | 可以说,正是通过这种质疑,一如他通过对黑人战斗性的礼赞,他的诗歌“策划”了“哈莱姆文艺复兴”。 | In this questioning, as much as in McKay’s tribute to New Negro militancy , his verse can be said to have plotted Harlem’s Renaissance. | |
18 | 克什米尔人,无论目前身处何等困境,都不可能再很快回到那种硝烟四起,一年死几千个人的生活中去。 | Kashmiris, however troubled, are unlikely soon to return to the widespread armed militancy that used to claim thousands of lives a year. | |
19 | 矛盾同一性和斗争性理论新探——兼论毛泽东思想对构建和谐社会的实践意义 | The practical significance of the theory of identity and militancy of contradictions to the construction of harmonious society | |
20 | 没人能保证仅凭武装力量就能取得反伊斯兰武装的的胜利。 | No one is more acutely aware that the war against Islamic militancy can’t be won by military means alone. | |
21 | 美国希望拥有核武器的巴基斯坦在这场战役中做一个可靠的伙伴,发挥点战斗精神。 | The United States wants nuclear-armed Pakistan to be a more reliable partner in its war on militancy . | |
22 | 民权运动的斗争与反战运动之间的界限变得越来越模糊。 | Increasingly, the lines between the militancy of the civil rights movement and that of the anti-war movement were beginning to blur. | |
23 | 穆斯林的暴力好斗仍有可能造成巨大的伤害。 | Violent Islamist militancy still has the potential to do enormous damage. | |
24 | 难道说面纱越来越常见,预示着伊斯兰激进主义在美国也开始抬头? | Was its growing presence a sign that Islamic militancy was on the rise here too? | |
25 | 他们的失败之旅证实了巴基斯坦和阿富汗交战的孤立特点。 | Their dashed journey underscores the insular nature of the Pakistan and Afghan militancy . | |
26 | 在发达国家,法国是名副其实的暴力温床。 | Among rich countries, France has lived up to its name as a hotbed of militancy . | |
27 | 扎尔达里和谢里夫都说过要同印度和平相处并摧毁破坏性强的武装势力,没一个是军方的朋友。 | Mr Zardari and Mr Sharif both say they want peace with India and an end to ruinous militancy . Neither is a friend to the army. | |
28 | 这的确令人鼓舞,但相对印度铲除反印武装的要求而言,这还差得太远。 | This was encouraging. But it is much less than the eradication of anti-India militancy that India demands. | |
29 | 这种支持可能意味也门的独裁统治暂时持续下去。 | Such support may temporarily help sustain autocratic rule in Yemen, where militancy is only one of many woes. | |
30 | 自2001年起,巴基斯坦军警在与武装分子作战中阵亡的人数,已经超过在阿富汗的所有47个国家。 | Pakistan’s security forces have already lost more lives tackling militancy since 2001 than all 47 countries in Afghanistan. |