属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-太空碎片是什么?有多危险?
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-现代科技帮助修复格列柯名画
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-3D技术应用于乳腺癌检查拯救生命
属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟: 苹果公司授权进行5G测试
属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-三维打印机功能超乎想象
1 | 一种基于光学倍乘法的新型毫米波RoF双向传输系统 | Novel Bidirectional Transmission Configuration of Millimeter -Wave Radio-on-Fiber System Based on Optical Frequency Multiplication | |
2 | 一种用于微型工厂的毫米级全方位移动微机器人设计与分析 | Design and Analysis of a Millimeter -scale Omnidirectional Mobile Microrobot for Microfactory | |
3 | 用微功率毫米波雷达测定高炮初速的方法 | The Method of Muzzle Velocity Measurement Based on Millimeter Wave Radar of Micro-Power for Antiaircraft Gun | |
4 | 有些测量只需达到半毫米的精度,而有些测量则必须达到百分之二毫米或更高的精度。 | Some of these measurements need only be accurate to half a millimeter . At other times, measurements must be made within two-hundredths of a millimeter or less. | |
5 | 在高功率毫米波暴露下大鼠和小鼠的致伤和致死实验观察 | Observation on Damage and Deadly Effects of Mice and Rats Exposed to High Power Millimeter Wave | |
6 | 在光学技术中,在一个光学系统(如透镜)中所形成的图象内每毫米能够形成的可分辨等宽黑白线的最多线数。 | In optics, the maximum number of equal width black and white lines per millimeter discernible in the image of an optical system, e. g.a lens | |
7 | 这是二十六张装的三十五毫米底片。 | This is a 35-millimeter film with 26 exposures. | |
8 | 这些硅片厚度不足一毫米。 | The silicon chips are less than a millimeter thick. | |
9 | 直升机振动环境下的毫米波调频步进信号仿真分析 | Simulation and Analysis of the Millimeter Wave Chirp Frequency Stepped Radar Signal with Vibration of a Helicopter | |
10 | 肿瘤一点一点地开始消失。 | millimeter by millimeter, the tumor began to disappear | |
11 | 周期性结构在毫米波波导同轴转换中应用 | Application of Periodical Structure in Millimeter Waveguide Coaxial Connecter | |
12 | 状态空间法在高分辨雷达中的应用研究 | A Study on Application of State Space Method Based on High Resolution Range Profile to Millimeter Wave Radar | |
13 | 字符清晰度:用来描述字母、数字在复制时所得的准确程度。清晰度的定义是指每寸或每毫米空间内所能产生或扫描的线条数目。 | Character definition: A term used to describe the fidelity with which alphanumeric characters are reproduced. Definition is defined by the number of line pairs or scan lines which can be produced per inch or millimeter of space. | |
14 | 美国政府追踪了大约2.3万块比垒球大、绕地球运行的碎片。大约有50万块碎片大于1厘米,还有1亿块大约1毫米或更大。 | The U.S. government tracks about 23,000 pieces of debris larger than a softball orbiting the Earth. About 500,000 pieces of debris are larger than one centimeter and 100 million pieces are about one millimeter or larger. | |
15 | 安·亨尼斯瓦尔德(Ann Hoenigswald)是美国国家美术馆的高级修复员。她一毫米一毫米地仔细清理着这幅画作。她说,这幅艺术作品需要处理,因为清漆逐渐变黄,逐步改变了格列柯使用的油漆的颜色。 | Ann Hoenigswald is the lead conservator at the National Gallery of Art. She carefully cleans the painting millimeter by millimeter. She say the art work needed treatment because the varnish was turning yellow, and changing the colors of the paints El Greco used. | |
16 | 赫夫特说,“肿瘤很小,只有8毫米大小,没有任何感觉。” | "It was a very small tumor. It was only an 8 millimeter tumor that couldn’t be felt." | |
17 | 现已授权苹果公司使用28千兆赫兹及39千兆赫兹频带对5G毫米波技术进行测试。 | Apple has been granted permission to conduct trials with 5G millimeter wave technology on 28 GHz and 39 GHz frequency bands. | |
18 | 现在,想象一下,如果是三维打印,应该是如何工作的?三维打印机打印一层层的材料 -- 这种材料通常是塑料 -- 层层叠加起来。每层都非常薄 -- 通常只有1/5或1/10毫米。然后各层组合成一个坚固的物体。 | Now, imagine how this would work for three dimensions. A machine prints layers of material—usually plastic—one on top of the other. The layers are very thin—usually one-fifth or one-tenth of a millimeter . The layers then combine to form a solid object. | |
19 | Bindschadler当时钻了一个8英寸宽的洞,正在观察很小一部分的水域。 | Bindschadler drilled an 8-inch-wide (200-millimeter ) hole and was looking at a tiny amount of water. | |
20 | HPD毫米波对晚期癌症患者癌性症状的疗效观察 | HPD Millimeter Wave for Treatment of Cancer Signs of Late Stage Cancer Patients | |
21 | 本发明涉及一种用于慢相速度的毫米波传输线结构及其操作方法。 | The invention relates to a millimeter wave transmission line for slow phase velocity. | |
22 | 本文将流形学习方法应用于毫米波探测器目标识别,并对现有流形学习算法进行了改进和推广。 | In this paper, a few manifold learning algorithms are improved and used in the target recognition of millimeter -wave (MMW) detector. | |
23 | 布伦纳说,如果政府完全采用毫米波扫描仪而不是X射线扫描仪,这一切是可以避免的。 | This could all be avoided, Brenner says, if the government relied entirely on the millimeter -wave scanners instead of the X-ray scanners. | |
24 | 带有天线转换开关的车用毫米波雷达 | Automotive Millimeter -wave Radar with Antenna Switching | |
25 | 弹载毫米波辐射计仿真系统研究 | Simulation of Millimeter Wave Radiometer on Bomb | |
26 | 弹载毫米波辐射计仿真信号输出的设计与实现 | Design and implementation of Signal Output in Simulation System of Millimeter Wave Radiometer on Bomb | |
27 | 弹载毫米波聚束SAR对地面目标成像研究 | Image Reconstruction of a Ground Target by Using Missile-Borne Millimeter Wave Spotlight SAR | |
28 | 弹载双通道毫米波辐射计研究 | Study on Dual Channel Millimeter -wave Radiometer | |
29 | 度量单位为1毫米。 | The unit of measurement is 1 millimeter . | |
30 | 而毫米波扫描仪则是灰白色的,有些像圆柱形。 | The millimeter -wave machine is grayish-white and is more cylindrical. |