1 | 这个懒惰的女孩正梦想着嫁给一个有钱人, 从此不再工作。 | The lazy girl is dreaming of marrying a millionaire and therefore won’t do any work. | |
2 | 这个穷汉娶了百万富翁的女儿后开始发迹。 | This poor man came up in the world when he married the millionaire ’s daughter | |
3 | 这么说她要嫁给那个百万富翁? | So she’ll marry that millionaire ? | |
4 | 这所大学的创建人是位腰缠万贯的慈善家. | The university was founded by a millionaire philanthropist. | |
5 | 这位富翁过着与世隔绝的生活。 | The millionaire lived in complete isolation from the outside world. | |
6 | 这位名噪一时的百万富翁被让进屋来。 | The famous millionaire was shown into the room. | |
7 | 只有百万富翁才能出得起这个价钱。 | Only a millionaire could afford these prices. | |
8 | 自从嫁了百万富翁后,她就摆起架子。 | She put on airs after marrying a millionaire . | |
9 | 自从劳拉嫁给一位富翁后,便自高自大起来。 | Laura has been dreadfully stuck up since she married a millionaire . | |
10 | ||1:尽管其他州都在推动允许同性婚姻的进程——2月8日,华盛顿州众议院投票通过允许同性婚姻的提案,当然决议的最终批准还需公民投票表决——但现在看来,此案(8号提案违宪一案)一定会上诉至美国最高法院。||2:婚姻,是与情感高度相关之事,远不同于养老金,银行账户等一般俗务。||3:就像第九巡回上诉法院在宣布其裁决时所指出的那样:“如果玛丽莲梦露的电影叫《如何与百万富翁签订一纸家庭伴侣关系》(而不叫《如何嫁个百万富翁》),意思就大相径庭了。” | ||1: The case now seems certain to be appealed to the United States Supreme Court, though other states are simply pushing ahead with allowing gay marriage: on February 8th Washington’s state legislature voted to allow it, though the decision could yet require approval at a referendum. ||2: Marriage, far beyond such mundane matters aspensions and bank accounts, is of course a hugely emotive subject. ||3: As the Ninth Circuit noted in handing down its judgment, “Had Marilyn Monroe’s film been called ‘How to Register a Domestic Partnership with a Millionaire ’, it would not have conveyed the same meaning.” | |
11 | ||1:米特?罗姆尼不是第一个竞选总统的身家数百万的富豪,也不是其中最富裕的。||2:纪录保持者是罗斯?比洛特,他靠电脑数据赚了几十亿美元,其中一些花在了1992年 和1996年两场失败的总统竞选上。||3:自此之后竞选总统的富豪也不在少数,这些人的财富分别来自石油、运动、出版、法律等,还有靠卖番茄酱、啤酒、畅销自传 等赚钱的。 | ||1:MITT ROMNEY is not the first multi-millionaire to seek the presidency, nor the richest.||2:Ross Perot, the record-holder, spent some of his billions earned from computer data on losing bids in 1992 and 1996.||3:Since then men who owe their or their family’s fortunes to oil, sport, publishing, trial law, ketchup, beer and bestselling autobiographies have followed. | |
12 | ||1:由于联合政府占据着显著的主导地位,主要的反对派社会民主党(SPD)可能需要采取更加有效的政治攻击。||2:一个幕后想法就是推选以言语犀利而著称的前财政部长佩尔·施泰因布吕尔为该党的总理候选人。||3:然而,施泰因布吕尔卷入到一场有关他在位期间所得的高额演讲费的持续辩论中(从2009年至今高达125万欧元,德国联邦议员中的最高值)。||4:百万富翁施泰因布吕尔先生从来没有得到他所在党派的蓝领阶层和工会基地的厚爱,他可能已经完全失去了许多昔日同事的信任。 | ||1:With the coalition so preoccupied, the main opposition Social Democratic Party (SPD) might have been expected to attack more effectively.||2:That was the idea behind picking Peer Steinbruck, a famously sharp-tongued former finance minister, as the party’s candidate for chancellor.||3:Mr Steinbruck has, however, become embroiled in a sustained debate about the speaking fees he has been earning on the side (1.25m since 2009, the highest of any Bundestag member).||4:Never loved by his party’s blue-collar and trade-union base, Mr Steinbruck, the millionaire , may have turned off many of his erstwhile comrades completely. | |
13 | 并且指责特朗普是在“把钱塞到他的百万富翁官员的口袋”。 | and accused Trump of "padding the pockets of his millionaire officials." | |
14 | (一个百万富翁的前任司机以他婚外情的照片试图勒索他,这个富翁拒绝了他的要求。) | The millionaire refused to acquiesce to the demand of his former driver, blackmailing him with photos of his extramarital affairs. | |
15 | [美国读者文摘]面包造就的百万富翁 | How Bread Made Her a Millionaire | Dreamers | Reader’s Digest | |
16 | “胜利!”(2008)《贫民窟的百万富翁》中喜悦的呐喊。 | "Jai Ho! " (2008) Shout of joy from Slumdog Millionaire . | |
17 | 《贫民窟的百万富翁》里的童星们一样,他也是从孟买的贫民窟里走出,一跃成为国际明星。 | Like the "Slumdog Millionaire " actors, Syed was also plucked from Mumbai’s teeming slums and catapulted to global stardom. | |
18 | 《贫民窟的百万富翁》受到了类似“用贫穷来取悦富人”的指控,在印度很多地区遭到游行抗议。 | Slumdog Millionaire faced protests in some quarters of India, where it was accused of being "poverty porn" . | |
19 | 1887年,爱迪生将留声机在美国的专利权卖给了一位匹兹堡富豪杰西•H•利平科特(JesseH。 | In 1887, Edison he sold his U. S. patent rights to a Pittsburgh millionaire named Jesse H. | |
20 | 1973年,《美国风情画》像(星球大战中的)飞千年鹰号一样一飞冲天,使卢卡斯成为百万富翁。 | In 1973, "American Graffiti" took off like the Millennium Falcon and made Lucas a millionaire . | |
21 | 2009年,印度百万富翁的数量较上年激增了50%以上。 | India’s millionaire population grew by more than 50% in 2009. | |
22 | 73楼的百万富翁和精明银行家不喜欢被人打断。 | Millionaire , high-performance bankers on the 73rd floor did not appreciate the interruption. | |
23 | AR拉曼感觉就像百万富翁,他摘得奥斯卡最佳电影原创歌曲奖和最佳配乐奖两个奖项 | Feeling like a millionaire : AR Rahman picked up two Oscars for best original song and best score. | |
24 | 安迪,如果你是个百万富翁,你会做什么? | A: What would you do if you were a millionaire , Andy? | |
25 | 安迪总是在他的新女友面前装成一个百万富翁,而事实上,他只不过是个工薪阶层-真所谓打肿脸充胖子。 | Andy always shows up a millionaire in front of his new G. F. , but he’s just a nine-to-fiver-this is so said big hat, no cattle. | |
26 | 百万富翁捐给医院一笔钱。 | The millionaire gave a donation of money to the hospital. | |
27 | 本届奥斯卡的最大赢家《贫民窟的百万富翁》有望于3月底或4月初在内地上映。 | The big winner of the 81st Academy Awards "Slumdog Millionaire " will debut in Chinese mainland cinemas in late March or early April. | |
28 | 不过,中产阶级百万富翁不会满足于仅仅对浴室瓷板升级。 | But the middle-class millionaire is not content to simply upgrade the tiles in his bathroom. | |
29 | 畅销书《邻家的百万富翁》告诉我们缩小自己的关注范围的重要性。 | The best-selling book, The Millionaire Next Door tells us the importance of zeroing into our own niche. | |
30 | 成为百万富翁,需要运气和决心。成为百万富翁,需要运气和决心。 | Luck and determination are needed to become a millionaire . |