1 | 降低对…的强调;降低…的重要性 | To decrease the emphasis on;minimize the importance of. | |
2 | 较软的材料,如黄铜,更容易受到损伤,但是也更有延展性,因此它们实际上可以通过变形来最大限度减少缺陷。 | Softer materials, such as brass, are more easily damaged, yet are also more malleable, so they can actually deform to minimize imperfections. | |
3 | 她说:"重要的是应该给妇女们量体裁衣,这样她们的运动胸衣才能让乳房组织紧贴胸脯,从而减小跳动幅度。 | " It is vital that women are measured and fitted so that their sports bra holds the breast tissue close to the chest wall to minimize bouncing," she says | |
4 | 进入油层前就在泥浆中加入1~2%的PF-BPA,以减少地层的损害。 | 10.1 Adding 1-2% of PF-BPA should be commenced before entering pay zone to minimize formation damage. | |
5 | 例如,窗格花短上衣与黑裙子搭配穿,可以缩小臀围,把目标转移到上装上。金黄色横条宝石领女衬衫将产生缩短躯干或放大胸围的视觉感。 | For example, windowpane jacket worn with a dark skirt will minimize hips, by shifting the focus to the top. And a jewel neckline blouse with horizontal awning stripes will shorten a long torso or enhance a small bust line. | |
6 | 另一方面,正确的选择可以给人一种高而修长的感觉。它们还可以突出体型的长处,并掩盖不足之处。 | The right choice, on the other hand, can offer the illusion of height and slimness. It can also accentuate the figure’s positive features and minimize the negative ones. | |
7 | 目前大多数方法是采用电子计算机,同时配合一定的校正技术,以减少仪器误差。 | At present most methods employ digital computations and certain correction techniques that minimize instrumental errors | |
8 | 目前有多种系统可以用来补偿开口过程中经纱长度的变化,从而降低经纱张力的波动。 | Various systems have been designed to compensate for the change in warp length in shedding and so minimize the variations in warp tension. | |
9 | 耐震结构:建筑设计在受到地震或震动防止全面崩溃、保全生命并减少损失。 | Earthquake-resistant structure: Building designed to prevent total collapse, preserve life, and minimize damage in case of an earthquake or tremor. | |
10 | 啤酒可以在1400F条件下巴氏杀菌或更高的温度条件下杀菌,或者通过膜过滤器除菌以减少风味变化。 | Beer can be pasteurized at 1400F or higher or sterilized by passage through membrane filters to minimize flavor changes. | |
11 | 期望有关建立规则和纪律的多边框架,以指导卫生与植物卫生措施的制定、采用和实施,从而将其对贸易的消极影响减少到最低程度 | Desiring the establishment of a multilateral framework of rules and disciplines to guide the development, adoption and enforcement of sanitary and phytosanitary measures in order to minimize their negative effects on trade | |
12 | 企图最大限度的贬低他们的成就。 | trying to minimize the accomplishment.To | |
13 | 如果在等电话,那就选一个靠近过道、出口附近的座位,尽可能地不要影响到别人。 | If you are expecting a call, get an aisle seat near an exit to minimize the interruption. | |
14 | 声称遭受不可抗力事件而不能履行义务的一方,应采取适当措施减少或消除不可抗力事件的影响,并应努力在尽可能短的时间内恢复履行受不可抗力事件影响的义务。 | The party claiming inability to perform its obligations due to force majeur shall take appropriate measures to minimize or remove its effect within the shortest possible time, and do its best to resume performance of the obligations affected by it | |
15 | 使每一个工人都成为检测员。尽量缩短实施纠正措施的时间。 | Make every worker an inspector. Minimize the time it takes to carry out corrective action. | |
16 | 使危险废物和其他废物的产生减到最小(在数量和潜在危险两个方面)。 | to minimize the generation of hazardous wastes and other wastes (in terms both of quantity and potential hazard). | |
17 | 使用此命令返回最大化或最小化命令之前当前窗口的大小和位置 | Use this command to return the active window to its size and position before you choose the maximize or minimize command | |
18 | 使用此命令在主窗口的底部排列用于最小化窗口的图标 | Use this command to arrange the icon for minimize window at the bottom of the main window | |
19 | 使用无需手持的耳机能使接触辐射量降至最低。 | Start with a hands-free headset, which may minimize exposure to radiation | |
20 | 试图减少这种干扰涉及到在羰基测定前将氢过氧化物减少,转变为非羰基化合物或在低温下进行该反应。 | Attempts to minimize such interference have involved reduction of hydroperoxides to noncarbonyl compounds prior to determination of carbonyls, or conducting the reaction at a low temperature. | |
21 | 他常常低估该项目的困难。 | He tends to minimize the difficulty of the project. | |
22 | 他犯了严重错误,试图低估它的严重性是没用的。 | He’d made a serious mistake, and it was no use trying to minimize its seriousness. | |
23 | 他们决不会坐视不管,付出高税,他们会想办法把税赋降至最低。 | They do not just sit there and voluntarily pay more taxes. They search for ways to minimize their tax burden. | |
24 | 他希望尽量不要大惊小怪,以免使她难受。 | He wished to minimize the fuss and to spare her feelings. | |
25 | 他想尽量减少他的工作量。 | He hopes to minimize the amount of work he does. | |
26 | 探孔罩盖结构材料应该与泵壳完全相同,其表面应该与泵壳内部轮廓线相匹配,以减少由于扰动和定位造成的磨损。 | The hand hole cover shall be constructed of the same material as the pump casing and shall have surfaces which match the internal casing contours to minimize turbulence and localized wear. | |
27 | 通常不允许向乳制品中添加抗氧化剂,因而关键是要减少加工的乳脂产品中的氧的含量,例如,生产黄油和无水脂肪。 | The addition of antioxidants to milk products is not generally permitted and it is therefore essential to minimize the oxygen content of manufactured milk fat products such as butter and anhydrous milk fat. | |
28 | 通过提供外部控制界面,Air Products的GASGUARD气体传输系统提供了一种最大限度的减少操作员直接接触的极好的方式。 | Air Products’ GASGUARD line of gas delivery systems provides an excellent means to minimize direct operator contact by providing an external control interface. | |
29 | 通过在全国范围内重新分配利润,以便使纳税减至最低限度,这必然会使公司同这个特殊的合伙人陷入矛盾纠纷之中。 | To redistribute profits nationally so as to minimize taxes is certain to get particular partner into trouble | |
30 | 为了把振动和轴承负荷减小到最低限度,连杆的重量必须尽可能的轻。为了保持发动机的良好平衡,连杆和连杆盖都要精心配套。 | To minimize vibration and bearing loads, the rod must be light in weight. To maintain good engine balance, connecting rods and caps are carefully matched in sets for engines. |