属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-伊朗击落美国无人机 川普称其犯下大错
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-金正恩宣布与韩国进入准战争状态
1 | 富从升合起贫困不算来 | Riches accumulate from small beginnings but poverty form miscalculation | |
2 | 美国相信,改善具有不同意识形态的国与国之间的联系,以便减少由于事故、错误估计或误会而引起的对峙的危险,有助于缓和紧张局势的努力。 | The United States believes that the effort to reduce tensions is served by improving communication between countries that through accident, miscalculation or misunderstanding | |
3 | 农业政策上一个无意的失误,也会招致昂贵代价。 | An inadvertent agricultural policy miscalculation can also be costly | |
4 | 万一估计错误将会发生什么情况? | What would happen in case of miscalculation ? | |
5 | 我的计算有点错误 | I made a slight miscalculation | |
6 | 意外事故、错误估计或通讯联系中断 | accident, miscalculation or failure of communication | |
7 | 在一般人看来,它似乎是一个估计错误、部署混乱、临事怯懦和胡里胡涂的突出实例。 | To the world at large it seemed a glaring example of miscalculation , confusion, timidity, and muddle | |
8 | ||1:莫迪的职业生涯都在玩火。||2:2002年,古吉拉特邦遭受反穆斯林大屠杀,他以古吉拉特邦首席部长的身首次份声名大振。||3:虽然没有证据表明他策划了这次暴力,但他对利用这次暴力在印度教民族主义者圈子里赢得的声望丝毫不感到内疚。||4:在即将到来的艰难选举中,他可能认为他可以通过对巴基斯坦采取强硬态度,再次上演同样的把戏。||5:然而,误判的代价没有给思考留余地。||6:西方政府正推动在联合国达成外交解决方案。||7:莫迪如果真的是一位爱国者,那么现在就会退让。 | ||1:Mr Modi has made a career of playing with fire.||2:He first rose to prominence as chief minister of Gujarat when the state was racked by anti-Muslim pogroms in 2002.||3:Although there is no evidence he orchestrated the violence, he has shown no compunction about capitalising on the popularity it won him in Hindu-nationalist circles.||4:With a difficult election ahead, he may think he can pull off the same trick again by playing the tough guy with Pakistan, but without actually getting into a fight.||5:However, the price of miscalculation does not bear thinking about.||6:Western governments are pushing for a diplomatic settlement at the UN.||7:If Mr Modi really is a patriot, he will now step back. | |
9 | ||1:判断错误的可能性很大,而且还在不断增加。||2:在伊拉克和叙利亚,美国军队距离伊朗驻扎部队只有几英里。||3:在海湾地区,美国军舰和伊朗巡逻船针锋相对。||4:最近,美国宣布伊朗防守部队为恐怖组织;在中东,伊朗也宣称美国军队为恐怖组织。||5:双方官员都表示旨在维护和平,但何以让人信服?||6:美国指责伊朗一直计划袭击美国军队或其在中东的盟友,这一指责含糊不清,令人生疑。||7:伊朗政府的暴力可能挑衅了美国发动军事打击。||8:蓬佩奥曾表示,比起与伊朗进行核谈判,他更希望美国出击。||9:2015年,博尔顿在《纽约时报》上发表了一篇题为《停止伊朗制核弹,轰炸伊朗》的文章。||10:现在,就连鲁哈尼似乎也同意,前进取决于挑衅和升级。 | ||1:The potential for miscalculation is large and growing.||2:American troops are within miles of Iranian-backed forces in Iraq and Syria.||3:Its warships are nose to nose with Iranian patrols in the Gulf.||4:America recently declared the Guards a terrorist group; then Iran did the same to American forces in the Middle East.||5:Officials on both sides say their intent is peaceful, but who can believe them?||6:America’s accusations that Iran has been planning to attack American forces or its allies in the Middle East are suspiciously unspecific.||7:Violence by Iran’s proxies may be just the sort of provocation that leads America to launch a military strike.||8:Mr Pompeo once suggested that he preferred American sorties to nuclear talks with Iran.||9:Mr Bolton penned an article in 2015 in the New York Times entitled “To Stop Iran’s Bomb, Bomb Iran”.||10:Now even Mr Rouhani appears to agree that the way forward lies with provocation and escalation. | |
10 | ||1:现在的误判可能导致灾难。||2:自1999年印度从喜马拉雅山高处驱逐巴基斯坦入侵者以来,两国之间的斗争已经达到最激烈的程度。||3:印度最初的空袭并非针对巴基斯坦的克什米尔地区,而是在巴基斯坦境内,距离首都伊斯兰堡仅100公里。||4:这实际上改变了双方的交战规则。||5:印度和巴基斯坦经常发生争执,人们往往此往往不以为意,但自1971年爆发最近一场全面战争以来,局势升级的风险从未如此之高。 | ||1:A miscalculation now could spell calamity.||2:The fighting is already the fiercest between the two countries since India battled to expel Pakistani intruders from high in the Himalayas in 1999.||3:The initial Indian air raid struck not Pakistan’s bit of Kashmir, but well within Pakistan proper and just 100km from the capital, Islamabad.||4:That, in effect, constituted a change in the rules of engagement between the two.||5:India and Pakistan are so often at odds that there is a tendency to shrug off their spats, but not since their most recent, full-blown war in 1971 has the risk of escalation been so high. | |
11 | 所有这一切都让人们担心,一次错判或是紧张局势进一步加剧可能会使美国和伊朗陷入公开冲突之中。 | All this has raised fears that a miscalculation or further rise in tensions could pull the U.S. and Iran into an open conflict. | |
12 | 他说,“我认为双方都希望避免高强度冲突,但是仍然存在误判和意外升级的可能。” | "I think that both sides want to avoid a high intensity conflict but nevertheless there’s a possibility of miscalculation and inadvertent escalation." | |
13 | “公平而言,我们估计错了。”卡什表示。 | "To be fair, it was a miscalculation , " Mr Karsh says. | |
14 | 但如果你持有500亿美元头寸的话,计算失误的后果显然要严重得多。 | But the consequences of a miscalculation were obviously much bigger if you had a $50bn exposure. | |
15 | 盖茨和梁都强调合作将扩大双方的利益避免误解和误判。 | Gates and Liang both stressed that the cooperation will expand mutual interests and avoid misunderstanding and miscalculation . | |
16 | 或许奥巴马先生应该组织与会者参观一下珍珠港,以提醒大家:错误估计太平洋地区战略局势将造成怎样的严重后果。 | Perhaps Mr Obama should arrange a trip to Pearl Harbor to remind everybody of the dangers of strategic miscalculation in the Pacific. | |
17 | 卡普兰:呃,在海上总会有误算的风险,也有发生事故的风险。 | KAPLAN: Well, there’s always the risk of a miscalculation or an accident at sea. | |
18 | 柯利达曾在《展望》杂志上指责彭定康犯了“致命的错误”。 | He accused him, in Prospect magazine, of a "fatal miscalculation " . | |
19 | 冷战时期美国和苏经常互相沟通以避免误判。 | During the cold war America and the Soviet Union communicated constantly in order to avoid a miscalculation . | |
20 | 另一处错误估计的地方可能是多数中国石油流经的马六甲海峡。 | Another area of possible miscalculation might be the Malacca Strait, through which most of China’s oil passes. | |
21 | 其并称:“他们这方面有些失算,因为使其易遭受敌意收购,这也正是他们所面临的。” | "It was a bit of a miscalculation on their part because it exposed them to a hostile takeover, which is exactly what happened, " he added. | |
22 | 如果是这样,一旦证实星期六的爆炸的确是精心策划的,这次爆炸会成为代价高昂的误判。 | If so, and if Saturday’s blast does indeed prove to have been deliberately engineered, it could prove a costly miscalculation . | |
23 | 随着互不信任导致误判,鹰派人士认为对抗不可避免的预测正逐渐变为现实。 | The hawks’ prediction of inevitable confrontation then becomes self-fulfilling as mistrust feeds miscalculation . | |
24 | 随着有关朝鲜新领导层的流言甚嚣尘上,迫在眉睫的风险是,各方有可能发生某种误判。 | The immediate risk is some sort of miscalculation as rumours about the new leadership swirl. | |
25 | 相反,这是一个以双方的竞争、算计和误算为特征的过程。 | It has instead been a process marked by competition, calculation and miscalculation on both sides. | |
26 | 在朝鲜的严冬季节推行一项政治上的失策之举,可真不是时候。 | North Korea’s bitter winter is a bad time for a political miscalculation . | |
27 | 在如此互不信任的氛围下,双方都有失算。 | In such an atmosphere of mistrust, miscalculation rules on both sides. | |
28 | 政府遇到麻烦的根源是一个小小的失算。 | At the root of the government’s trouble has been a simple miscalculation . | |
29 | 至今我仍未听到任何有关此错误估算的合理解释,所以我向Willetts寻求帮助。 | But I still haven’t heard a good explanation for the miscalculation , so I ask Willetts to explain. | |
30 | 中国近段时间的行为是对世界金融危机以来的国际形势判断错误的表现。 | China’s recent behaviour is in part the product of a miscalculation , dating from the global financial crisis. |