属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-云计算 Cloud computing
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-云计算 Cloud computing
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-豪猪自由节和自由州项目 策划解放新罕布什尔州
1 | 1:帕塞认为,美伊缺少的正是这种政治意愿。||2:双方互不信任,因而无法容忍对方的任何过失,加之没有任何国内政治利益能推动美伊冲突得到切实解决。||3:而现在,随着伊朗核武器的日渐面世,美伊和解的可能越来越小。||4:30多年来,美伊两国相互攻击诋毁,两国间的敌对状态已经不再是一个现象,引用帕塞的话来说,“这已然是个习俗。 | 1:That political will, says Mr Parsi, has been absent.||2:The mutual mistrust has left no margin for error.||3:Neither has seen any domestic political benefit in pushing for a serious settlement.||4:And now, with the tick-tocking of the nuclear clock growing ever more insistent, reconciliation looks less and less likely. | |
2 | ||1:然而仇视和不信任导致美伊两国决裂,加之双方领导人推行了一系列国内政策,这些都扑灭了尚在襁褓的希望之火。||2:随着一次次对伊朗核计划的探讨,美国及其盟友们将伊朗视作伪善的骗子,而在伊朗看来,美国插手伊朗事务,就是为了剥夺他们的独立,权利和潜在的能力。 | ||1: But the bitter mistrust that divides Iran and America, and the domestic considerations of leaders on both sides, eroded that initial optimism. ||2: Time and again in negotiations over Iran’s nuclear programme, America and its allies assumed Iranian duplicity and insincerity.For their part, the Iranians saw in America’s outstretched hand only the determination to snatch from their country its independence, rights and potential. | |
3 | ||1:许多出席者都是国家政府的亲信,会议也多年来演变成超级大国私下互访的重要来源,冲破了由冷战披上的国家之间互不信任的迷雾。||2:“部分核禁试条约”(禁止地面核爆炸)和许多其它核裁军条约主要是在帕格沃什会议上签订的。 | ||1: Many of the attendees had the ear of their national governments. Over the years the Pugwash conferences evolved into a crucial source of backdoor communications between the superpowers, penetrating the fog of mistrust that characterised the cold war. ||2: The foundation of the Partial Test Ban Treaty (which banned aboveground nuclear explosions) and various other nuclear disarmament treaties was laid largely at Pugwash. | |
4 | ||1:在节日的欢快氛围中,理想主义者因他们对规则和大机构的不信任感而团结,而没有这些内涵的新罕布什尔州未来似乎遥不可及。||2:电脑怪客(仍主导着自由州运动的人们)一边闲扯着神秘货币的力量,一边享受着家庭自制的“香蕉自由”冰激凌。一名狂热粉夸张地赞美着:“比特币能够推翻政府,结束战争!” | ||1:In the jovial atmosphere of PorcFest, where idealists bond over their shared mistrust of rules and big institutions, the prospect of a future New Hampshire that can do without such things seems far-fetched.||2:Tech geeks (who still dominate the Free State movement) enjoy home-made “bananarchy” ice cream while prattling on about the power of crypto-currencies. “Bitcoin can topple governments and end war,” gushes one fan. | |
5 | Cacioppo通过数据建立了孤单时通过不信任感及消极情绪传播的理论。 | Based on the new data, Cacioppo theorizes that it is passed on through feelings of mistrust and negativity. | |
6 | 必须承认,两国间由于历史原因互信还不够,还有误解。 | We must admit there is some mistrust between our two nations because of historical issues. | |
7 | 布罗斯说美国对华为的不信任最终将会不复存在。 | Bross says American mistrust of Huawei eventually will go away. | |
8 | 打破猜忌与不信任的障碍 | break down barriers of suspicion and mistrust : | |
9 | 大型炸弹以某种方式被偷运进了内部,其爆炸冲击将在各个层次播下怀疑猜忌的种子。 | A blast from a huge bomb somehow smuggled into the inner sanctum will sow mistrust and suspicion at all levels. | |
10 | 但过了一段时间后,你对最初的模型产生了怀疑。 | Your talents will eventually be recognised. But after an interval, you mistrust the original model. | |
11 | 但近几个月的金融市场动荡导致风险分散化变异为疑心病传染化。 | But the swings in almost all financial markets thismonth have made dispersed risk suddenly morph into dispersed mistrust . | |
12 | 但是,双方的不信任,证明不可能架起沟通的桥梁,谈判失败。 | But mistrust on both sides proved impossible to bridge, and the talks failed. | |
13 | 但是,随着黄金经济日趋复杂,黄金成为对现代政治经济不信任的象征。 | Thus, as global finance has grown ever more complex, gold has become a badge of mistrust in the modern political economy. | |
14 | 但是,突尼斯大约四分之三的人口自认不是伊斯兰信徒,他们中的很多并不信任Nahda,其中不乏根深蒂固者。 | But many of the three-quarters or so of Tunisians who do not consider themselves Islamist mistrust Nahda, many of them deeply. | |
15 | 但是十年后,我们已经显示美国没有蹲下躲在不信任的墙后面。 | But a decade later, we’ve shown that America doesn’t hunker down and hide behind walls of mistrust . | |
16 | 当你探讨这些不同时,你会觉得愤恨与不信任之墙正逐渐融化中。 | As you explore these differences you will feel walls of resentment and mistrust melting down. | |
17 | 当这些人们因为误解和残酷的就业市场而找不到合法工作时,所有这些因素都恶化了。 | All of these factors are aggravated when the men can find no legitimate work, because of mistrust and a brutal job market. | |
18 | 地峡对于意识形态的争论不休和对政治持怀疑态度。 | The isthmus seethes with ideological polarisation and political mistrust . | |
19 | 对美国企业界的不信任感空前高涨。 | Mistrust of corporate America has soared. | |
20 | 多年的愤恨和不信任已经深深植入了一些里约热内卢最暴力的贫民窟。 | Years of hate and mistrust are thawing in some of Rio’s most violent slums. | |
21 | 法国可能向俄罗斯出售四艘西北风级两栖攻击舰(每艘售价高达7.5亿美元)的消息,激起了(这个地区)人们的恐惧和对法国的不信任感。 | The possible sale by France to Russia of up to four Mistral-class assault ships, at up to $750m each, is stoking fear and mistrust . | |
22 | 该委员会指出,对个别指标的使用不当,也导致了公众对统计数据的不信任。 | Misuse of a single indicator has also contributed to public mistrust of statistics, the commission noted. | |
23 | 甘地女士清楚,国大党回归权力并没有进行自由主义改革的任务,而改革是大部分印度民众不信任的。 | And as Mrs Gandhi knows, Congress was returned to power with a mandate that did not include liberal reform, which most Indians mistrust . | |
24 | 根植于工作场所中的疑虑和焦虑必定肆意蔓延。 | Deep-seated mistrust and anxiety are certainly rampant in the workplace. | |
25 | 管理层可能会怀疑努力工作的团队,仅仅因为高层领导看不见他们的团队正在进行的工作。 | Management might mistrust hard-working teams simply because the upper levels can’t see what their teams are doing. | |
26 | 还是个小孩的时候,她就已经学着不相信大人了。 | As a very small child she had learned to mistrust adults. | |
27 | 她说这是他和施密特之间存在不信任和焦虑的主要标志。 | Driver says that’s a major sign of anxiety and mistrust between Schmidt and Jobs. | |
28 | 解决方法是找到使中美之间互不信任程度降至最低的途径。 | The solution is to find ways to minimise the mutual mistrust between China and America. | |
29 | 尽管如此,双方的不信任的鸿沟深堑难以填平。 | All the same, the well of mistrust on both sides runs deep. | |
30 | 尽管如此,作为美国对其重要的巴基斯坦盟友失去信任的标志,巴基斯坦的策略最好需要更好的管理。 | Nonetheless, as a symbol of America’s mounting mistrust of its vital Pakistani allies, the policy needs better management. |