属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF P25-503-2000
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 13215-3-1999
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS ISO 13215-3-1999
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS ISO 13215-2-1999
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 13215-2-1999
1 | Nandrolone,Metandienone及Stanozolol在运动中的误用 | Misuse of Nandrolone, Metandienone, and Stanozolol in Sports | |
2 | 百叶窗,内部和外部遮蔽物.错用.试验方法 | Shutters, external and internal blinds-Misuse -Test methods. | |
3 | 本保修卡不适用(也不应期望适用)因使用不当、疏忽或分离器介质污染造成的损失。 | This warranty does not (and should not be expected to)cover misuse , negligence or contamination of the Separator media | |
4 | 本保修卡不适用任何由事故、使用不当、使用过度、改装、搬运不当及装配不当造成的损坏。 | This guarantee does not apply to damage caused to any part by accident, misuse , abuse, alteration, improper handling and/or improper assembly. | |
5 | 不幸的是这种滥用宗教的作法,到今天还不时发生。 | Unfortunately, such misuse of religion had happened time and again and this problem remains today. | |
6 | 车辆使用不当,如超载,赛车或用于其它车辆竞赛。 | Misuse of the vehicle such as driving over curbs. | |
7 | 车辆使用不当. | Misuse of the vehicle such as driving over curbs. | |
8 | 吃饭时他错用刀子拿食物. | He misuse s his knife at the table by lifting food with it. | |
9 | 大学英语写作中的连词误用分析 | Misuse of Conjunctions in College English Writing | |
10 | 当科学家们在阐明血液循环的学说的时候,他们却在用哲理--请你们原谅我滥用这个名词--来说明心脏是七情六欲的中心。 | They philosophised, if you will pardon my misuse of the word, about the heart as the seat of the emotions, while the scientists were formulating the circulation of the blood. | |
11 | 当我们误用时,我们事实上是在试图减少它的外来成分。 | When we misuse [ a language other than our native language ],we are in fact trying to reduce its element of foreignness. | |
12 | 道路车辆 减少儿童约束系统的误用风险 第2部分:正确装配的要求和试验规程(薄板法) | Road vehicles-Reduction of misuse risk of child restraint systems-Part 2: Requirements and test procedures for correct installation (panel method) | |
13 | 道路车辆 减少儿童约束系统的误用风险 第3部分:使用误用模式和效果分析(MMEA)对误用的预测和评估 | Road vehicles-Reduction of misuse risk of child restraint systems-Part 3: Prediction and assessment of misuse by Misuse Mode and Effect Analysis (MMEA) | |
14 | 道路车辆.儿童固定系统错使用危险性的降低.第3部分:用错使用模式和效果分析(MMEA)对错使用的预测和评估 | Road vehicles-Reduction of misuse risk of child restraint systems-Part 3: Prediction and assessment of misuse by Misuse Mode and Effect Analysis (MMEA | |
15 | 道路车辆.儿童固定系统错使用危险性的降低.用错使用模式和效果分析(MMEA)对错使用的预测和评估 | Road vehicles-Reduction of misuse risk of child restraint systems-Prediction and assessment of misuse by misuse mode and effect analysis (MMEA | |
16 | 道路车辆.儿童限制器系统错用危险的减少.正确装配的要求和试验过程(面板法) | Road vehicles-Reduction of misuse risk of child restraint systems-Requirements and test procedures for correct installation (panel method | |
17 | 道路车辆.儿童限制系统错用危险的减少.第2部分:正确装配的要求和试验过程(薄板法) | Road vehicles-Reduction of misuse risk of child restraint systems-Part 2: Requirements and test procedures for correct installation (panel method | |
18 | 德国体育大学生化学院院长斯查恩洋教授说,自本世纪70年代以来,滥用药物已成为职业体育运动中一大难题,他警告体育明星长期服用禁药是在玩死亡游戏。 | Professor Schaenzer,head of the Biochemistry Institute at Germany’s Sport University,says drug misuse has been a problem in professional sport since the 1970s. He warned that sport stars taking drugs are dancing with death in the long-term. | |
19 | 第二十五条 红十字会的经费使用情况依照国家有关法律、法规的规定,接受人民政府的检查监督。 | Article 26 No organization or individual shall appropriate or misuse the funds or property of the Red Cross Society. | |
20 | 第九十九条 药品监督管理人员滥用职权、徇私舞弊、玩忽职守,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分。 | Article 99 If the personnel of the pharmaceutical supervision and administration misuse their authority, engage in irregular practices due to favoritism, or neglect their duties to such an extent that a crime is constituted, they shall be investigated for criminal liabilities. If their acts have not constituted a crime, they shall be subject to administrative sanctions. | |
21 | 第九条 法官在审判活动中,应当避免主观偏见、滥用职权和忽视法律等情形的发生。 | Article 9. A judge should avoid prejudice, misuse of his function and neglect of law in performing his duties. | |
22 | 第四十七条 对伪造、涂改、冒用、转让、买卖签证、证件的外国入,在吊销或者收缴原签证、证件并没收非法所得的同时,可以处 1000 元以上、1 00OO 元以下的罚款,或者处 3 日以上; 10 日以下的拘留,也可以并处限期出境;情节严重,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 | Article 47 Aliens who forge, alter, misuse , transfer, buy or sell visas or certificates shall have the said visas, certificates and illicit income revoked or confiscated and may be fined from 1,000 to 10,000 yuan (RMB)or detained from 3 to 10 days, and may at the same time be ordered to leave the country within a specified time, and those whose offenses are serious enough to constitute a crime shall be prosecuted for their criminal responsibility according to law. | |
23 | 防止作废文件的误用,对这些文件进行醒目的作废标记. | Prevent the misuse of obsolete documents, which shall be marked clearly. | |
24 | 非人为因素造成之故障。 | Damages not caused by misuse or vandalism. | |
25 | 费用减低可能导致生态上有害的滥用。 | These lower costs may lead to ecologically harmful misuse | |
26 | 分包合同未规定指定分包商应保障承包商免于承担由分包商、其代理人、雇员的任何疏忽或对货物的错误操作的责任;或 | the subcontract does not specify that the nominated Subcontractor shall indemnify the Contractor against and from any negligence or misuse of Goods by the nominated Subcontractor, his agents and employees; or | |
27 | 风险已获控制但是未来可能升高或现行控制系统容易失效或误用. | Risks are controlled now but could reasonably become higher in the future or existing control systems prone to failure or misuse | |
28 | 腐败的标准定义是滥用公众权力为个人谋利,包括政府官员受贿、政府采购中接受回扣和挪用公款。 | The standard definition of corruption is the misuse of public power for private benefit, which includes the bribing of public officials, kickbacks in public procurement, and the embezzlement of public funds. | |
29 | 高铜使用中的几个误区与解决方法 | Misuse of Copper at High Dosage and Solutions to Avoid It | |
30 | 各级人民政府必须珍惜和合法利用土地,切实保护耕地。禁止乱占耕和滥用土地的行为。 | People’s governments at various levels must value and make a rational use of land, and earnestly protect cultivated land. Acts of unlawful appropriation of cultivated land or misuse of land shall be prohibited. |