属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-跨国公司在中国 金刚VS金蛋
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国房地产公司 非常安全
1 | 传教士的布道精彩而有节奏,他一会儿悲声叹息,一会儿大叫,一会儿凄凉地号叫,描绘出了地狱的恐怖情形。接着他唱了一首歌,唱的是99只羊都很安逸地待在羊栏里,只有一只羔羊被冷落在一旁 | The preacher preached a wonderful rhythmical sermon, all moans and shouts and lonely cries and dire pictures of hell, and then he sang a song about the ninety and nine safe in the fold, but one little lamb was left out in the cold. | |
2 | 但是加州大学洛杉矶分校的心理学家安德鲁·克里斯坦森则悲叹道:“它具有危害性。” | But UCLA psychologist Andrew Christensen moans , " It’s destructive | |
3 | 仿佛这个外国流浪汉拨动了他心里久被忽略的一根心弦,因而发出了反叛的呻吟。 | It was as though this foreign vagrant twanged within him a neglected string, which gave forth moans of mutiny | |
4 | 患病的小家伙的呻唤平息了,痉挛般的扭动也逐渐停止了,过了一会儿,她就象病儿解除痛苦之后惯见的那样,香甜地进入了梦乡。 | The moans of the little patient subsided; its convulsive tossings gradually ceased; and, in a few moments, as is the custom of young children after relief from pain, it sank into a profound and dewy slumber. | |
5 | 教堂里的所有教徒都为我为一个人祈祷,悲叹和话语交织成一片震耳的嚎啕声。而我一直在平静地等待耶酥的降临,我等呀,等呀--他却没有出现。 | The whole congregation prayed for me alone, in a mighty wail of moans and voices. And I kept waiting serenely for Jesus, waiting, waiting-but he didn’t come | |
6 | 诉说呻吟或哀叹地说 | To utter with moans or a moan. | |
7 | 听到了一声得意的狗吠,通过狗衣上的小话筒又传来了受困者微弱的呻吟。 | A triumphant bark is heard and faint moans from the trapped man are picked up by a small microphone on the dog’s jacket | |
8 | 一个仍为浪费青春而痛心疾首的老人 | An old man who still moans about his misspent youth. | |
9 | 走廊里似乎响起了沉沉的咕哝声,好几次,远处的呻吟简直把她的血都凝住了。 | Hollow murmurs seemed to creep along the galley, and more than once her blood was chilled by the sound of distant moans | |
10 | ||1:换句话说,在西塞罗抱怨之后的一千年左右,欧洲人说着各种各样的语言,尽管这些语言彼此关联,也与拉丁语有关。||2:接下来在意大利发生的事情,不仅与语言的活力有关,也与政治有关。||3:与北方邻国的对比很能说明问题。||4:法国通过征服从巴黎向外扩张的领土而统一;征服者带来了巴黎语,并成为“法语”。||5:当时,这个强大的国家竭尽全力在各地 教授这种语言,并根除当地的变体。 | ||1:A millennium or so after Cicero’s moans , in other words, Europeans spoke a range of tongues that were nevertheless related to each other and to Latin.||2:What happened next in Italy had as much to do with politics as with the dynamics of languages.||3:The contrast with its northern neighbour is instructive.||4:France was unified by the conquest of territory spreading out from Paris; the conquerors brought Parisian speech with them, and that became “French”.||5:A mighty state then did its best to teach that language everywhere, and to eradicate local variants. | |
11 | 比起同期日本、韩国为发展经济而实行的贸易保护政策,这种牢骚便值得留念;即便跨国公司在中国面临着重重壁垒,毕竟中国还是张开手臂表示欢迎。 | Amid such moans it is worth remembering that, for all the barriers that foreign multinationals face in China, it has welcomed them with open arms compared with the protectionism imposed by Japanand South Koreaat comparable stages in their economic development. | |
12 | 但是当地财经媒体每天抱怨当前低利率驱使德国人去寻找新的方法来获得回报。 | But the current low interest rates, which the local financial press moans about daily, are driving Germans to seek creative ways to earn returns. | |
13 | 延误的时间越长,行贿的压力就越大一位长期忍受这些的老板抱怨道。 | The longer the delay, the greater the pressure to pay bribes, moans a long-suffering company boss. | |
14 | “呻吟”代表恶心、便秘和胃部不适,而“哼哼”则代表心理症状,包括抑郁和困惑等。 | ’Moans ’ means nausea, constipation or stomach problems, while ’groans’ refers to psychological symptoms, from depression to confusion. | |
15 | “实际上,政府要求私人银行以补贴率的形式借出资金,”一位银行家诉苦道,“然而,我们别无选择。” | "The government is in effect asking private banks to lend it money at a subsidised rate, " moans one banker. "But we have no other option. " | |
16 | “他们允许选美比赛,但可兰经禁止演出,”解放党的领袖悲叹道。 | "They permit beauty pageants but ban recitals of the Koran, " moans a Liberation Party leader. | |
17 | “我们几乎不能再真正逮捕任何人了,”一位无助的政府官员抱怨说。 | "We can’t really arrest anyone any more, " moans the hapless governor. | |
18 | “我们没有自己的报纸,仅有两个电视台。”政府议员埃米尔•拉哈德悲叹地说道,他也是亲叙派现任总统的儿子。 | "We have no newspapers and only two TV stations, " moans Emile Lahoud, an MP and son of Lebanon’s pro-Syrian president. | |
19 | 沉寂了片刻之后,学生们爆发出了叹气声。 | Freezing briefly, the students erupted in moans . | |
20 | 除了楼下的声音,他和科琳几乎一声不出,除了偶尔几次压抑的呻吟。 | Despite the noise in the house, he and Colleen were almost silent, their only sounds a few muted moans . | |
21 | 她伸出手仿佛想抓住他。她发出一声声淫荡的喊叫,还夹杂着尖叫和呻吟。 | She held her hand as if she wanted to catch him, making all sorts of sexual cries, mixed squeals, and moans . | |
22 | 曼苏尔进入梅丽雅,她昏昏欲睡的呻吟把曼苏尔变成了“在海上游泳的人”。 | Mansour dives into Meelya, her drowsy moans transforming "him into a swimmer in a sea" . | |
23 | 喵呜!肥猫的声音好悲伤。“我下不来了,真倒霉!”肥猫抱怨着。 | Fat Cat groans. "I am struck . It is bad luck! " She moans . | |
24 | 秋风的呻吟萦绕在大山深处。 | The moans of the autumn wind wound in the deep of the mountains. | |
25 | 我们书写呻吟与怨诉的经卷! | We write the scriptures of moans ! | |
26 | 昔日爱慕者或许会因为其独特魅力不在为其个人所拥有而暗自神伤,然而任何抱怨将淹没于人们掌声之中。 | Its old admirers may feel sad that its charms are no longer theirs alone. Any moans will be drowned out by applause, though. | |
27 | 因电信监督部门不满,移动电话运营商呻吟渐弱 | Mobile moans down as telecom watchdog shows its teeth | |
28 | 有室友?水流声会掩盖住你的呻吟声。 | Got roommates? The running water of the shower disguises your glory moans . | |
29 | 这也可能发生在欧洲的案件上,比如在布鲁塞尔,正有对英国违反欧盟法而限制移民利益的抱怨。 | So may European issues, such as current moans in Brussels that Britain breaks EU law by limiting migrants’ benefits. | |
30 | 只剩下一片广大的寂静之园,还有病弱的女人偶尔惊恐地呻吟几声打破岑寂。 | All that remained was a great garden of silence interrupted now and then by the sick woman’s frightened moans . |