属类:时事政治-Agriculture Report 农业报道-美国农场生产的变化
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-奥巴马访问印度期望提升两国伙伴关系
属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-晚清留美幼童
属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-美国国际学生数量继续攀升 中国学生数量连续两年居首位
1 | 我们搞四个现代化和改革、开放,以后还会遇到风险、困难 | In our efforts to modernize , to introduce reform and to open to the outside world, we may encounter dangers and difficulties. | |
2 | 现代农业综合配套改革试点 | integrated and comprehensive pilot reforms to modernize agriculture | |
3 | 一旦中国全盘西化,搞资本主义,四个现代化肯定实现不了。 | If China were totally Westernized and went capitalist, it would be absolutely impossible for us to modernize . | |
4 | 有线电视仍未受管制,新规定将促使有线电视公司采用新办法,尽量个别提供所有节目,予消费者较多选择。 | Pay-cable channels are still free from regulation,and the rules could prod cable companies to modernize so that nearly all programs are sold a la carte,giving consumers more choice. | |
5 | 原来提出过要用美国武器和军事技术使中国军队现代化的事,再也没有提起了,即使提到了,怕也不会执行的。 | The offer of American weapons and military technology to modernize the Chinese army was never taken up and might not have boon honored if it had boon | |
6 | 在革命的五四运动(1919)影响下,戏剧界人士对传统戏剧多次进行改进。1927年,进步的戏剧界人士,剧作家和演员在上海成立了南国社。 | Some attempts were made to modernize the traditional theatre under the influence of the revolutionary May Fourth movement (1919). In 1927 progressive theatrical figures, playwrights, and actors formed the South China Society in Shanghai. | |
7 | 这家公司借不到资金使自己的工厂现代化,他们只得靠自力更生了。 | Unable to borrow capital to modernize its plant,the company was forced to pull itself up by its own bootlaces. | |
8 | 这些改革的总目标是一致的,都是为了使我国消灭贫穷,走向富强,消灭落后,走向现代化,建设有中国特色的社会主义。 | The general objectives of these measures are the same--they are all designed to enable our country to eliminate poverty, become strong and prosperous, overcome backwardness, modernize and build a socialism suited to Chinese conditions. | |
9 | 中国谈到,搞现代化,发展经济,需要西方的资金 | To modernize the Chinese economy and develop your country, Chairman Deng, you said China needs Western investment. | |
10 | 中国现代化的必由之路 | the only way to modernize China; the only way out for China’s modernization | |
11 | 中国要搞现代化,绝不能搞自由化,绝不能走西方资本主义道路。 | China must modernize , it must absolutely not liberalize or take the capitalist road, as countries of the West have done. | |
12 | 中国要实现四个现代化,摆脱落后状态,必须有一个安定团结的政治局面,必须有领导有秩序地进行建设。 | To shake off poverty and modernize , China must maintain political stability and unity and carry out socialist construction in an orderly way under the leadership of the Party. | |
13 | 中药四性理论现代研究是中药现代化的前提和关键 | Study on Theory of Four Properties of Chinese Medicine Herbs is Premise and Key of Modernize of Chinese Medicine Herbs | |
14 | 逐步实现工业、农业、国防和科学技术的现代化,把我国建设成为富强、民主、文明的社会主义国家 | modernize the country’s industry, agriculture, national defense and science and technology step by step to turn China into a strong and prosperous socialist country with a high level of culture and democracy. | |
15 | 逐步实现工业、农业、国防和科学技术的现代化,把我国建设成为富强、民主、文明的社会主义国家。 | to modernize the country’s industry, agriculture, national defense and science and technology step by step to turn China into a strong and prosperous socialist country with a high level of culture and democracy. | |
16 | 总之,我们诚心诚意地希望不发生战争,争取长时间的和平,集中精力搞好国内的四化建设。 | In short, we sincerely hope that no war will break out and that peace will be long-lasting, so that we can concentrate on the drive to modernize our country. | |
17 | “他们(指拥有大农场的公司)有更好的持续性,更好的猪肉质量,更好的遗传学。所以98年大学毕业后,我决定尝试一下(农场)现代化。” | "They had better consistency, better pork quality, better genetics. So after college, in ’98, I decided to try and modernize ." | |
18 | 近年来两国之间的国防和经贸合作一直不断提升。2013年,美国超越俄罗斯成为印度最大的武器供应商。印度已经花费了数十亿美元进行军队现代化。印度比任何其它国家都更多地参与同美军的联合军事演习。 | Defense and trade cooperation between the two has been increasing in recent years. In 2013, the United States overtook Russia as the largest arms supplier to India, which has spent billions of dollars to modernize its armed forces. India takes part in more joint military exercises with U.S. forces than any other country. | |
19 | 莱博维茨先生和作家马修·米勒(Matthew Miller)强强联手,在他们的著作《幸运之子》中讲述了这些学生的故事。该书称中国派遣了120名男童到美国学习可以帮助实现本国现代化的各类发展。 | Mr. Leibovitz and writer Matthew Miller joined forces to tell the story of the students in their book, "Fortunate Sons." The book says China sent one hundred twenty boys to America to learn about developments that could help modernize their country. | |
20 | 为加拿大重新加入更新的24年北美自由贸易协定做好准备,该贸易协定使两国之间的年度贸易额超过1万亿美元。 | setting the stage for Canada to rejoin negotiations to modernize 24-year-old NAFTA which accounts for over $1 trillion in annual trade between the two nations. | |
21 | 一些学校为了欢迎来自其它文化的学生做出了特别的努力。加州大学洛杉矶分校员工在花了500万美元使其现代化的食堂门口迎接来自不同语种的学生。 | Some schools are making special efforts to welcome students from other cultures. Workers greet students in different languages at a dining hall that the University of California, Los Angeles, spent five million dollars to modernize . | |
22 | (议会于最后一次会议中通过了目的在使建筑法现代化的修改); | At its last meeting, Council endorsed changes intended to modernize the building code | |
23 | 20世纪70年代末,为了实现现代化,中国做出了一项战略决策,开始向外国资本和技术开放门户。 | Decades ago, China made a strategic decision to modernize and then opened itself to foreign capital and knowhow to get there. | |
24 | 阿拉伯世界可能沿着自己独特的道路走向现代化。 | The Arab world may modernize on its own separate path. | |
25 | 本文概述用于定制应用程序和使应用程序现代化的各个步骤。 | This article outlined individual steps that allow you to customize and modernize your applications. | |
26 | 本文介绍了一些定制应用程序和使应用程序现代化的一些步骤。 | This article has outlined individual steps that allow you to customize and modernize your applications. | |
27 | 从对编辑活动的认识谈编辑出版现代化 | On How to Modernize Editing and Publishing Work as Seen from Editing Practice | |
28 | 电力公司面临着现代化IT资源和现有技术来满足当前业务和管理需求的挑战。 | Utility companies are challenged to modernize IT resources and existing technologies to meet current business and regulatory requirements. | |
29 | 迭代式发展可通过允许组织逐步进行现代化工作,从而减少出现故障的风险。 | An iterative evolution mitigates the risk of failure by allowing the organization to modernize in small steps. | |
30 | 对于那些决定将以业务为核心的应用程序进行现代化改进的企业来说,有很多可以选择的。 | For enterprises that do decide to modernize their business-critical applications, several options are available. |