属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-2014年最受欢迎的健康报道节目回顾
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-2014年最受欢迎的健康报道节目回顾
1 | "最后,预祝""2001中国教育展"和"211工程"重点学科成就展圆满成功。" | Finally, I wish China Education Expo 2001 and the MOE KDA Exhibition a great success. | |
2 | 教育部"211工程"办公室负责人就"211工程"重点学科成就展致欢迎辞 | Welcoming Address by an Official of the MOE 211 Project Office on the 211 Project KDA Exhibition | |
3 | 开放教育如何成为力量―教育部“试点项目”总结性评估带来的思考之一 | How Could Open Education Become Power: Reflection on Summative Assessment of MoE ’s Pilot Project | |
4 | 李院长与曾部长对科学教育改革的重要谈话-90年度科指会指导委员与咨询委员联席会议- | President of Academia Sinica, Lee’s and Minister of Education, Tseng’s comments on science education reform-2001 MOE steering committee on science education | |
5 | 耐火产品的试验方法.第1部分:使用振动脉冲激励测定动态杨氏模量(MOE) | Methods of test for refractory products-Part 1: Determination of dynamic Young’s modulus (MOE )by impulse excitation of vibration | |
6 | 新千年的第一年正值中国教育国际交流协会成立20周年。经教育部批准,协会将于2001年10月16日至22日在北京召开首届年会。 | The first year of the new millennium witnesses the 20th anniversary of the founding of the EAIE. With the endorsement of the Ministry of Education (MOE ), the CEAIE will hold its 1st Annual Conference from October 16 to 22, 2001 in Beijing. | |
7 | 研究生收费标准研究-基于十所教育部直属高校的分析 | Pricing in Postgraduate Tuition: An Analysis of Ten MOE -administrated Universities | |
8 | 应力波技术检测古建筑木构件残余弹性模量的初步研究 | Nondestructive Evaluation of Dynamic MOE of Ancient Wooden Structure Members by Stress Wave Method | |
9 | 展会期间,协会将与教育部"211工程"办公室、中国高等教育研究以及中国成人教育协会一起联合举办教育部"211工程"重点学科成就展和国际教育合作研讨会。 | During the exhibition, the CAIEE will, in collaboration with the MOE 211 Project Office, the China Higher Education Society and the China Adult Education Association, organize the MOE 211 Project KDA Exhibition and the International Education Cooperation Workshop. | |
10 | 中国高校研究生教育规模效益的实证研究―基于教育部直属72所高校统计数据的分析 | Scale Economy of Postgraduate Education in China-A Survey of 72 MOE -administrated Universities and Colleges | |
11 | 马利亚·萌的故事激励伊朗的Anoosheh写道: | Mary Moe ’s story inspired Anoosheh from Iran to write: | |
12 | 有两篇新闻似乎触动了很多听众。杰里·里德(Jerry Ried)在70岁获得了自己的第一个大学学位。而马利亚·萌(Mary Moe)在91岁实现了成为飞行员的梦想。 | Two stories seemed to inspire many listeners. Jerry Ried earned his first college degree at the age of 70. And Mary Moe fulfilled her dream of becoming a pilot at the age of 91. | |
13 | “就像在《活宝三人组》中一样,”他说。他把一系列的坏消息和More连续打Larry巴掌相比。 | "Like living in a Three Stooges episode, " he says, comparing the string of bad news to Moe repeatedly slapping Larry in the face. | |
14 | “莫伊不仅仅是个新奇的草坪装饰品,”莫伊的制造者、卡耐基-梅隆大学艺术系客座副教授奥斯曼·卡恩(OsmanKhan)说。 | ’This is not just a fancy lawn ornament, ’ says Moe ’s creator, Osman Khan, a visiting assistant professor of art at Carnegie Mellon. | |
15 | UML在军事信息网效能评估系统建模中的应用 | Application of UML in Military Information Network MoE System Modeling | |
16 | 阿斯克·阿克不像善于雄辩、口齿清晰的莫,他说着一口含糊不清的异族语言,以至于在屏幕上需要通过字幕进行翻译。 | Unlike the eloquent and clear-voiced Moe , Ask Aak speaks in a very muddy alien language that requires the use of subtitles on screen. | |
17 | 北极的拉里、莫和科利在加拿大努勒维特伊格卢利克附近的浮冰上休息。 | An Arctic Larry, Moe , and Curly lounge on an ice floe near Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada. | |
18 | 比如,六条腿的泡沫塑料山羊莫伊(Moe)正忙着在几英里以外的温室里漫步和剪草。 | Moe , a six-legged Styrofoam sheep was busy roaming and trimming the grounds at the city’s conservatory several miles away. | |
19 | 根据他的说法,每个宅男都能被划分为一定的“萌”的级别。 | According to Morinaga, every male otaku can be classified on a moe scale. | |
20 | 教育部颁发关于在职业学校逐步推行学分制的若干意见 | MOE issued the document of Several Suggestions on Pushing gradually the Credit System in VTE Schools | |
21 | 教育部办公厅铁道部办公厅关于中等职业学校学生购火车票使用优惠卡的通知 | The MOE office and MOR office notice on using the preferential card to buy train tickets by secondary VTE school’s students | |
22 | 教育部部署2007年中职招生工作 | MOE deploys the 2007 task of recruiting students of secondary VTE | |
23 | 教育部等七部门关于表彰全国职业教育先进单位和先进个人的决定 | The decision of seven Ministries including MOE and others on commending the advanced units and persons of national VET | |
24 | 教育部公安部关于举办公安类专业教育有关问题的意见 | The opinion of MOE and MPS on several issues of taking the public security professional education | |
25 | 教育部公布新调整认定的第二批国家级重点中等职业学校名单 | Moe publishes the name list of the second group of the national key Secondary VTE schools adjusted and recognized newly | |
26 | 教育部关于加快发展中等职业教育的意见 | The advice of MOE on quickening the development of the Secondary VTE | |
27 | 教育部关于加强普通高等学校大学生心理健康教育工作的意见 | The MOE ’s Comments on Consolidation Health Education for College Students | |
28 | 教育部关于加强职业技术学校职业指导工作的意见 | The suggestion of MOE on enhancing career guidance in VTE schools | |
29 | 教育部关于在部分职业院校开展半工半读试点工作的通知 | The Notice of MOE on starting the Pilot Work-Study Programme in some VET schools and colleges | |
30 | 教育部和天津市政府签订协议共建国家职业教育改革试验区 | The agreement between the MOE and Tianjin City on building the national experimental area of VTE reform together was signed |