1 | 你母亲非常能精打细算。 | Your mom can sure stretch a dollar. | |
2 | 你能帮妈妈洗盘子吗? | Will you wash the dishes for Mom ’s sake? | |
3 | 你在做什么呀,妈妈? | What are you doing,mom ? | |
4 | 生活中走过最多的老路给诚实的工作者以充分努力的机会和自我修养的空间。 | and its most beaten paths provide the true worker with abundant scope for effort and mom for self-improvement | |
5 | 所以一旦牙膏皮上的涂料被烧掉后,被放在钢壶中的铅皮就会烧熔,直到变成液体。我们用妈妈的抓锅布垫着,将溶液从牛奶盒顶的小孔中小心地注入到牛奶盒中。 | So once the paint was burned off, the tubes were dropped in the small steel pot, melted until they became liquid, and with my mom ’s pot holders we were pouring the lead through a small hole in the top of the milk cartons. | |
6 | 他们打算在他们的妈妈回家时跟她开个玩笑。 | They are going to play a gag on their mom when she comes home. | |
7 | 它敢跳上我妈妈的病床床脚处,待在那儿。 | otto jumped onto the foot of Mom ’s hospital bed, and stayed | |
8 | 网络色情的快速扩散使家长们担忧,但令父母放心的好消息是:让青少年怀孕或患上性病的键盘尚未延生 | The rapid spread of cybersex alarms parents the good new for Mom and Dad: The keyboard that can give a teenager a baby or a social disease hasn’t been built | |
9 | 为非正式采访的成功而干杯(b新闻周刊) | toasted the advantages of mom -and-pop journalism(bNewsweek) | |
10 | 为非正式采访的成功而干杯(新闻周刊) | toasted the advantages of mom -and-pop journalism(Newsweek) | |
11 | 我爸爸妈妈带我到宪法大街去看游行。我们在那儿站了一天,回到家的时候,我妈脚累得要死,连做晚饭也做不动了。 | My parents took me to Constitution avenue to see the parade. after standing there for a whole day, my mom was so dead on her feet that she could not even cook dinner for us by the time we got home. | |
12 | 我被揭穿了,一定有人告诉妈。 | I’ve been rumbled; someone must have told mom . | |
13 | 我才十来岁的时候,妈妈就是我的朋友,这让我获益匪浅:学会了欣赏诗歌、正确使用分号、培养了非常有趣的数学癖、喜欢自己动手做事和赋有幽默感。 | Even when I was a teenager, Mom was my friend, which helped me gain a lot: an appreciation of poetry, well-used semicolons, interesting mathematical quirks, a love of working with my hands, an odd sense of humor | |
14 | 我常常来去匆匆,未能很好地谢你,所以,我想利用这个机会向世界上最好的母亲说一声“谢谢你”。母亲节快乐。 | Many times I run too fast to thank you properly, so I want to take this time to say a special thank you to the world’s greatest Mom . Happy Mother’s Day! | |
15 | 我打破了妈妈的花瓶。 | I broke Mom ’s vase. | |
16 | 我带着孩子雅各布回到家里时,母亲正坐在椅子上,梳妆完毕准备迎接孩子的到来。我把孩子放在母亲的怀里时,喜悦的泪水阻挡了我的视线。母亲逗着他,他们相互看着对方。 | By the time I brought Jacob home, Mom was sittingin her chair, dressed and ready to welcome him. Tears of joy blocked my vision as I laid my son in her armsand she clucked at him. They stared at each other. | |
17 | 我的第一桩生意,由于货仓收到了妈妈的逐客令而出现危机。 | My first partnership was already being threatened with an eviction notice from our warehouse space by my own mom . | |
18 | 我跟她讲工作中的烦恼,也向她夸佩吉和孩子们,母亲跟我谈了许多家长里短的事,也对我讲了她过去的经历。 | I tell her about my trials at work and brag about the kids and Peggy Mom fills me in on family gossip and tells me about her past | |
19 | 我和妈妈之间的心灵感应当然只是玩笑而已。 | The psychic bond between me and my mom is, of course, more a joke than anything | |
20 | 我将永世不忘这动人的情景-- | I will forever cherish the memory of mom ’s face with Otto’s paw, claws retracted, caressing the side of her chin | |
21 | 我觉得,要说妈妈格外走运,根本没碰到过歧视,这种可能性极小。 | It is, I suppose, remotely possible that Mom was unbelievably lucky and actually wasn’t discriminated against | |
22 | 我们俩身材一样(我妈不无沮丧地说)、声音一样(连亲戚在电话里都分不出我们俩谁是谁)、爱好一样,价值观也一样。 | We have similar builds(as Mom ruefully observes), similar voices(even close relatives have trouble telling us apart on the phone), similar hobbies, and similar values | |
23 | 我母亲的鼓励使我决心继续学业。 | My mom ’s encouragement determined me to go on with my study. | |
24 | 我母亲对我要完成学业的决定感到高兴。 | My mom was glad of my decision to finish school. | |
25 | 我希望我能去,但那天是我妈妈的生日。 | I wish I could, but it’s my mom ’s birthday. | |
26 | 我喜欢妈妈和爸爸的这种互相关怀,互相照顾的方式。你知道吗,托德,将来我结婚以后,我也不想在夫妻之间有计分卡。” | I like how my mom and dad take care of each other. And you know what? One day, when mI’m married, I don’t want to have a scorecard either. "’ | |
27 | 我一定要洗睡衣吗,妈妈? | Do I have to clean my pajamas, Mom ? | |
28 | 我嘴上说在他需要我时这个按钮能保证唤醒我,但事实是,我无法容忍听到他唤安"或"妈咪"。 | I said that the button was so I’d be sure to wake up when he needed me, but the truth was that I couldn’t bear to hear him call me "Ann" or "Mom ." | |
29 | 无论是换床具,还是妈妈洗澡出现扰乱,它都等着回到原来的位置上。除了吃食和在便盒里大小便,奥托寸步不离我妈妈的房间。 | Whether the disturbance was from’ changing her bed or because of bathing, he simply waited to resume his post. With the exception of eating and using the litter box, Otto never left Mom ’s room. | |
30 | 小心,妈今天的脾气不好。 | Be careful, Mom is in a snappy mood today. |