属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:滚石不生苔
1 | 长满了青苔的墓碑. | mossy gravestones | |
2 | 复照青苔上。 | But sunbeams slant on mossy ground. | |
3 | 她回忆起那阴暗的树林,那孤寂的山谷,那爱情,那极度的悲痛,那长满青苔的树干,他们携手并坐,将他们哀伤而热情的谈活交溶在小溪的忧郁的低语之中。 | She thought of the dim forest, with its little dell of solitude, and love, and anguish, and the mossy tree-trunk, where, sitting hand in hand, they had mingled their sad and passionate talk with the melancholy murmur of the brook. | |
4 | 那些大厦比传闻的小些,帕拉底奥式的门面很狭窄,石阶上长满苔藓,阴暗的拱廓用粗琢的石头建成。 | The palace was a little less than it sounded, a narrow Palladian facade, mossy steps, a dark archway of rusticated stone | |
5 | 热性惊厥大鼠海马区c-Fos蛋白表达及苔鲜纤维发芽特征 | Expression of c-Fos Protein and Character of Mossy Fiber Sprouting in Hippocampus of Rats with Febrile Seizures | |
6 | 他很可能对向他打招呼的朋友们说:"我不是你们心目中的那个人了!我把他留在那边那座林子里了,他退缩到一个秘密的山谷里,离一条忧郁的小溪不远,就在一棵长满青苔的树干旁边! | "He might have said to the friends who greeted him, ""I am not the man for whom you take me! I left him yonder in the forest, withdrawn into a secret dell, by a mossy tree-trunk, and near a melancholy brook!" | |
7 | 他站在长满苔藓的前门的台阶上向里张望。 | He stepped on the mossy front steps and looked into the house | |
8 | 苔绿色. | mossy green | |
9 | 一些稀有的鸟类在长有苔藓的老树上筑巢。 | Some of the rare birds built in the old mossy trees. | |
10 | 运动对海马和纹状体脑源性神经营养因子及胶质纤维酸性蛋白表达诱导作用的研究 | Action of brain-derived Neutrotrophic Factor in Slices from Rats with Spontaneous Seizures and Mossy Fiber Sprouting | |
11 | 这时,珠儿已经来到小溪对岸,站在那儿不出声地瞅着海丝特和牧师,他俩依旧并肩坐在长满青苔的树干上,等着见她。 | By this time Pearl had reached the margin of the brook, and stood on the farther side, gazing silently at Hester and the clergyman, who still sat together on the mossy tree-trunk, waiting to receive her. | |
12 | 这些兽皮都一张叠一张地铺得厚厚的,走上去就象在青草最茂密的跑马场上散步,或躺在最奢侈的床上一样。 | bear-skins from Siberia, fox-skins from Norway, and so on; and all these skins were strewn in profusion one on the other, so that it seemed like walking over the most mossy turf, or reclining on the most luxurious bed | |
13 | 嗯,苔藓是一种非常柔软的绿色植物。它的叶子很小,不开花。它喜欢阴凉和水分。所以,苔藓在潮湿的地面、树木和岩石上长得很好。实际上,在小溪及河流的背阴处罗列的石头上经常长满了苔藓。 | Well, moss is a very soft, green plant. It has very small leaves and does not flower. It loves shade and water. So, moss grows well on wet ground, trees and rocks. In fact, rocks and stones that line shady creeks and rivers are often mossy . | |
14 | ||1:五月一日在莉莉·利昂的日历上有一个特殊的位置。||2:首先,那天是她的生日。||3:那天也是五一劳动节,是工人们的节日,她会在巴黎公社社员墙——拉雪兹神父公墓——唱革命歌曲。||4:她的父亲是一名抵抗运动的战士,和其他共产主义英雄一起被埋葬在这座纪念碑附近。||5:她觉得向他致敬很自豪,尽管她对他的看法已经被激烈的争吵损害了。||6:五月一日也是五朔节,到处溜达的小贩向过路的人兜售铃兰。||7:它们是在树林里长出来的,她也一样,一个在凡尔赛附近长满青苔的角落里怀上的私生女。 | ||1:The first of May had a special place on Lily Lian’s calendar.||2:It was her birthday, to begin with.||3:It was also May Day, the workers’ holiday, when she would sing revolutionary songs at the Communards’ Wall, the Mur des Fédérés, in Père Lachaise cemetery.||4:Her father, a fighter in the Resistance, was buried close to it with other communist heroes.||5:She felt proud to salute him, even if her view of him was scarred by bitter rows.||6:And May Day was the fête du muguet, when strolling vendors sold lilies-of-the-valley to passers-by.||7:These sprang up in the woods, and so had she, a love-child conceived in some mossy corner near Versailles. | |
15 | 苯巴比妥对癫癎大鼠海马苔藓纤维突触重组和认知发育的影响 | Effects of Phenobarbital on Cognition and Synaptic Reorganization of Hippocampal Mossy Fibers in Developmental Epileptic Rats | |
16 | 穿过碧绿的幽暗和曲折的苔径。 | Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways. 40 | |
17 | 她像不为人见的紫罗兰被披青苔的岩石半掩!她美丽如同一颗寒星孤独地闪烁在天边。 | A violet by a mossy stone Half hidden from the eye! ---Fair as a star, when only one Is shining in the sky. | |
18 | 那,看呐!在枯萎蔷薇中那片苔藓墓地 | And, lo! ’twixt the wizen roses a mossy grave | |
19 | 他俩重新坐下;肩并着肩,手握着手,就这样坐在长满青苔的倒下的树干上。 | They sat down again, side by side, and hand clasped in hand, on the mossy trunk of the fallen tree. | |
20 | 它们在长满苔藓的古老大门上沐浴着阳光。 | So they basked in the sun on the old mossy gate. | |
21 | 突触后致密物与癫痫苔藓纤维出芽 | Postsynaptic Density and Mossy Fiber Sprouting in Epilepsy | |
22 | 我把他留在那边那座林子里了,他退缩到一个秘密的山谷里,离一条忧郁的小溪不远,就在一棵长满青苔的树干旁边! | I left him yonder in the forest, withdrawn into a secret dell, by a mossy tree-trunk, and near a melancholy brook! | |
23 | 我和他们一起坐在生有青苔的石阶上,借着酒力,他们一一列举房子出现的问题。 | I sat with them on their mossy rear terrace while they enumerated, with a kind of mellow resignation, their house’s problems. | |
24 | 向北是过去的犹太人地区(Josefov),那里长满青苔,仍然留存着零星的犹太区。 | To the north is Josefov, where mossy , haunted fragments of the old Jewish ghetto remain. | |
25 | 锌转运蛋白3在小鼠海马苔藓纤维的定位分布 | Localization of zinc transporter 3 on mouse hippocampal mossy fibers | |
26 | 阳澄湖大闸蟹的名称源自蟹爪上长着的苔藓丛生的棕色毛发。 | Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs derive their name from the mossy , brown hair that hangs from their claws. | |
27 | 阳明山云锦杜鹃群落分布在海拔1500m左右的阳明山主峰山顶,是一地带性山顶苔藓矮林群落。 | Its community locate at 1500 m of altitude in Yangming Mountains, is a zonal mossy coppice. It has high landscape ornamental value. |