属类:文学表达-外国名著-Madama Butterfly
1 | 放声时另一针与纹道接触,当唱盘旋转时,会再变成声音。 | When the record is played back, another stylus (needle)responds to the undulations, and its motions are then reconverted into sound. | |
2 | 飞行力学 概念、量和符号 第2部分:航空器和大气相对于地面的运动 | Flight dynamics; Concepts, quantities and symbols; Part 2 : Motions of the aircraft and the atmosphere relative to the Earth | |
3 | 飞行力学 概念、量和符号 第9部分:沿航空器轨迹的大气运动模型 | Flight dynamics; concepts, quantities and symbols; part 9: models of atmospheric motions along the trajectory of the aircraft | |
4 | 飞行力学 概念、量和符号 第9部分:沿航空器轨迹的大气运动模型 修改1:扰流 | Flight dynamics-Concepts, quantities and symbols-Part 9: Models of atmospheric motions along the trajectory of the aircraft; Amendment 1: Turbulence | |
5 | 福克先生从不多走一步路,走道总是抄最近的走。他决不无故地朝天花板看一眼,也不无故地做一个手势,他从来没有激动过,也从来没有苦恼过。 | He was so exact that he was never in a hurry, was always ready, and was economical alike of his steps and his motions | |
6 | 高校长虚让一下,泰然坐下,正拿起筷,眼睛绕桌一转,嚷道:“这位子不成! | President Kao went through the motions of saying no, then sat down serenely, and was just picking up the chopsticks when he glanced around the table and cried, "Why, I can’t sit here! | |
7 | 根据相对论,这些测量结果是不同的。所有的测量取决于观察者与观察目标的相对运动。 | According to relativity theory, this is not so; all measurements depend on the relative motions of the observer and the observed. | |
8 | 共和党人的代表大会是一次阴沉的秘密会议。代表们似乎认识到,他们不过是在做出一些必要的姿态。 | The Republican convention was a gloomy conclave, and it seemed that the delegates knew they were going through necessary motions | |
9 | 蝴蝶穿上新婚之夜穿的那件新娘服,示意铃木关上通往阳台的屏风。 | Butterfly puts on the gown she wore on her wedding night and motions to Suzuki to close the screen that separates the room from the terrace. | |
10 | 简因不能外出而生气,所以当她母亲叫她擦窗户时,她就敷衍了事。 | Jane was angry because she couldn’t go out, and when her mother told her to clean the window she just went through the motions | |
11 | 教改不能走过场 | The educational reform mustn’t be conducted in a perfunctory way. or we should not just go through the motions in conducting the educational reform | |
12 | 她的步伐就叫人想起海潮的荡漾,她的声音就像提琴那样幽婉。 | …her motions recalled the ebb and flow of the sea, her voice, the viola. | |
13 | 她的姿态很优美。 | Her motions are graceful. | |
14 | 她向他招手要他跟上来。 | She made motions to him to follow. | |
15 | 她心思的流转就象鸟儿飞过一样无法捉摸 | The motions of her mind were as incalculable as the flit of a bird | |
16 | 她心思的流转就象鸟儿飞过一样无法捉摸(伊迪丝·华顿) | The motions of her mind were as incalculable as the flit of a bird(Edith Wharton) | |
17 | 她站在那显得那么苗条,高贵而轻盈,一举一动都有点飘飘欲仙。 | There she stood, so slender, so elegant, so airy and undulating in all her motions | |
18 | 静力学计算是用来决定照射方向与观察方向之间的角分线方向的运动。 | Static evaluation is used to determine motions in a direction that bisects the angle between the directions of illumination and observation | |
19 | 抗静电装置用来消除纱线与构件表面摩擦产生的静电荷;停车装置用来监测断纱和空筒。 | Antistatic devices to eliminate static charges created by the rubbing of the yarn against the various surfaces and stop motions to detect broken ends and empty packages. | |
20 | 柯柏发现,超导体中的电子都集结成对(柯柏对)。超导体中的全部柯柏对的运动都是相关的,它们形成一个电子系统,像一个整体般的起作用。 | Cooper discovered that electrons in a superconductor are grouped in pairs (Cooper pairs)and that the motions of all the pairs within a single superconductor constitute a system that functions as a single entity. | |
21 | 控制经纱张力是送经机构的功能,因此要获得理想的结果,卷取机构和送经机构必须正常工作。 | It is the function of the let-off motion to control the warp tension, so, to achieve the required result, both the take-up and the let-off motions must be functioning correctly. | |
22 | 莱尼轻巧地给汤姆更衣、洗澡、刮胡及穿衣--动作是那么地优美,以致我将它当成某种舞蹈来欣赏。 | Lenny went through gentle motions of changing, bathing, shaving, and dressing Tom--with such grace that I appreciated his movements as a kind of dance | |
23 | 立法会产生的具体办法和法案、议案的表决程序由附件二《香港特别行政区立法会的产生办法和表决程序》规定。 | The specific method for forming the Legislative Council and its procedures for voting on bills and motions are prescribed in Annex II : "Method for the Formation of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Its Voting Procedures". | |
24 | 立法会对法案、议案的表决程序于零八年维持不变。 | The procedures for voting on bills and motions in Legco shall remain unchanged in 2008. | |
25 | 立法会议员个人提出的议案、法案和对政府法案的修正案均须分别经功能团体选举产生的议员和分区直接选举、选举委员会选举产生的议员两部分出席会议议员各过半数通过。 | The passage of motions , bills or amendments to government bills introduced by individual members of the Legislative Council shall require a simple majority vote of each of the two groups of members present: members returned by functional constituencies and those returned by geographical constituencies through direct elections and by the Election Committee. | |
26 | 另一方面,质点的相对运动在空间机构中没有约束。 | Spatial mechanisms, on the other hand, include no restrictions on the relative motions of the particles. | |
27 | 满壳层中电子的轨道运动所产生的磁场也被成对地抵消了。 | The magnetic fields produced by the orbital motions of the electrons in filled shells also cancel in pairs. | |
28 | 扭动,蠕动以弯曲盘绕的运动转动或扭动身体;蠕动 | To turn or twist the body with sinuous writhing motions ;squirm. | |
29 | 抛射体的竖直方向和水平方向的运动能够分开来处理。 | The vertical and horizontal motions of a projectile can be treated independently | |
30 | 蒲克森提醒自己动作千万不要慢,造成不能露出惊慌。 | Perkerson made a conscious effort not to make quick, panicky motions |