1 | 伴随社会中坚在事业上全力以赴,在生活中全情投入。 | It motivates one to do his best in his career, and enables complete enjoyment in life. | |
2 | 刺激;诱因;动机引起行动或激发努力的某事,比如对惩罚的恐惧或对奖励的期望 | Something, such as the fear of punishment or the expectation of reward, that induces action or motivates effort. | |
3 | 第十五条为保障公民临床急救用血的需要,国家提倡并指导择期手术的患者自身储血,动员家庭、亲友、所在单位以及社会互助献血。 | Article 15 To ensure the requirements for clinical emergency blood use by citizens, the State encourages and guides patients to be operated upon at a selected date in self blood storage and motivates his or her family, relatives and friends and the unit wherein he or she is employed as well as society for blood donation in mutual assistance. | |
4 | 动力提供动机的事物;诱导物或动机 | Something that motivates ;an inducement or incentive. | |
5 | 难道钱是激励员工努力工作的惟一因素吗? | Is money the only incentive that motivates people to work hard? | |
6 | 他的主要职责是营造和保持和谐的氛围,激励属下为公司的利益而共同奋斗。 | His main duty is to maintain harmony and nurture an environment that motivates subordinates to work together for the good of the company | |
7 | 先说恐惧感,没钱的恐惧会刺激我们努力工作,当我们得到报酬时,贪婪或欲望又开始让我们去想所有钱能买到的东西。于是就形成了一种模式。 | First, the fear of being without money motivates us to work hard, and then once we get that paycheck, greed or desire starts us thinking about all the wonderful things money can buy. The pattern is then set. | |
8 | 被遗弃的愤怒同时也激发人们对于没有福利和子孙后代的恐惧。 | Abandonment rage also motivates people to fright for the welfare or their offspring. | |
9 | 成就使我们更加专注于创造并且激励我们向更高的目标发起冲击。 | Success creates positive thoughts and motivates us toward even greater heights. | |
10 | 当一种激励我们努力成就事业,努力工作和大公无私的行为,而另外一种则与攻击性和过度自信联系在一起。 | One is associated with aggression and overconfidence, while the other motivates achievement, hard work and altruistic behaviour. | |
11 | 的确在当今社会,能够激励员工的业绩评估计划可以成为一家公司杀手锏。 | Indeed, today, a performance appraisal program that effectively motivates employees may give a company its greatest competitive advantage. | |
12 | 对英语的兴趣激发我去学它。 | The interest in english motivates me to learn it. | |
13 | 感谢的话语让施助者确定自己的帮助是有价值的,从而激励他们提供更多帮助。 | The act of saying thank you reassures the helper that their help is valued and motivates them to provide more. | |
14 | 关于大学生课外经典名著阅读原因的调查研究 | A Research on What Motivates College Students to Read Classics and Masterpieces | |
15 | 海地农民对自己能生产出一种能减少对他国依赖的资源着实兴奋不已。 | Producing a resource themselves that will make them less dependent on other countries really excites and motivates Haitians. | |
16 | 好的压力可以推动我们更加努力地工作、完成特别的挑战或是在紧急的情况下自救。 | Good stress motivates us to work hard, rise to a special challenge or save our lives in an emergency. | |
17 | 还有,与人们谈论有关艺术设计或是人生目标时都会激励出一件新的作品。 | Also talking to people about arts an design, about your goals, it motivates and inspires to create a new piece. | |
18 | 尽管它有时迫使我们采取行动,但也激发我们去思考、应对外部世界。 | Although Uranus can sometimes live in reaction mode, it motivates us to think and act outside of the box. | |
19 | 鸠山先生如何积极调动官僚主义者,同时在他们不守规矩时惩罚他们,将会成就或毁掉民主党。 | How Mr Hatoyama both motivates bureaucrats and punishes them when they step out of line will make or break the DPJ. | |
20 | 柯林斯教授强调,参与者的动力来自他们的无私奉献。 | Prof Collins stresses that altruism alone motivates participants. | |
21 | 快乐促使我们寻觅食物、性以及其他许多能保证个体和种族生存的东西。 | Pleasure motivates us to seek food, sex and a multitude of things that ensure the survival of an individual or species. | |
22 | 浪漫的爱在给人以快乐与鼓舞的同时,也关乎着我们种族的延续。 | Romantic love both exhilarates and motivates us. It is also critical to the continuation of our species. | |
23 | 领导是向别人施加影响的过程,启发,激励引导他们的行动来实现目标 | Leadership is the process where a person exerts influence over others and inspires, motivates and directs their activities to achieve goals. | |
24 | 另一方面,如果看着你的债款渐渐减少让你觉得很爽并激励你继续保持下去,那你就人为地去还债。 | On the other hand, if it gives you pleasure to watch your debt shrink and motivates you to keep at it, then make it manual. | |
25 | 没什么比看到老板老老实实的干一天活更能激励员工的了。 | Nothing motivates a man more than to see his boss putting in an honest day’s work. | |
26 | 内疚可以引发对错误行为的承认,而惭愧却抑制了这种动机。 | Guilt motivates a confession of wrong doing, shame inhibits it. | |
27 | 那么到底是什么样的动力促使我们仍然作为一个软件的开发者呢? | So, what is it that still motivates you to work as a software developer? | |
28 | 那也就是说,涨工资是不错,但是那并不能促使人们去尽自己全力完成自己的工作。 | That is to say, salary raises are nice, but seldom are they what motivates people to do their best on the job. | |
29 | 你的任务就是找出激励人的因素,然后给予激励。 | Your job is to find out what motivates other people and then to provide that motivation. | |
30 | 你工作的速度快,完成的事情就更多,就能激励你保持领先,做更多事情。 | When you work fast, you finish more things, and that motivates you to maintain the lead and do even more stuff. |