属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 566-1997
属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-疫情放缓登山者计划四月份重返珠峰
属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-中国和尼泊尔两国正式确定珠峰的新高度
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-互益性企业 心系社会的企业
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-互益性企业 心系社会的企业
1 | 登山装置.绳套.安全技术要求和检验方法 | Mountaineering equipment-Slings-Safety requirements and test methods; | |
2 | 高职学生登山运动处方实验研究 | The Research of Mountaineering Sports Prescription of High Special Secondary School Students | |
3 | 根据专家的意见,本质上既不能登山也不能滑雪。 | According to an expert,neither mountaineering nor skiing in itself. | |
4 | 划船和登山这类富刚强气概的活动 | Virile pursuits such as rowing and mountaineering | |
5 | 恐怕我对爬山没有兴趣。 | I’m afraid mountaineering leaves me cold. | |
6 | 爬山以前,我们把需要的物品堆放在一间小屋里。 | Before climbing, we stowed a little cabin with supplies of mountaineering | |
7 | 攀岩运动需要勇敢和灵敏,在某些方面比登山更困难,更危险。 | Cliff-climbing demands both courage and dexterity, and in some ways is more difficult and dangerous than mountaineering . | |
8 | 日治时期的“台湾八景”与休闲登山 | "Taiwan-Eight-Views" and Mountaineering during the Period of Japanese Rule | |
9 | 他非常喜欢爬山。 | He is very fond of mountaineering . | |
10 | 他很喜欢爬山(登山运动). | He is very fond of mountaineering . | |
11 | 铁锁一种登山时使用的带弹簧夹子的长方形铁环,把滑动的绳子固定在岩钉或类似装置上 | An oblong metal ring with a spring clip,used in mountaineering to attach a running rope to a piton or similar device. | |
12 | 我相信爬山确实颇有益处。它给我时间与父亲畅谈,并让我深思,培养我的耐性。 | I believe mountaineering is really beneficial. It gave me time to talk with my father and to be in deep contemplation as well as develop my patience. | |
13 | 心血管疾病预测指标与运动时心跳率之关系 | Correlation between Predictors of Cardiovascular Disease and Heart Rate Response under Mountaineering Stress | |
14 | 一批优秀运动员在全国各类体育运动项目和竞技比赛中取得优异成绩,尤其是登山运动一直居于全国领先水平。 | A number of lettermen made outstanding achievements in the national various sports items and athletic games ,especially the mountaineering had been at the leading position of the country | |
15 | 一位女同志率领着这支登山队。 | A woman comrade headed up the mountaineering expedition. | |
16 | 以“风险管理”观点建构登山安全 | Build and Construct Mountaineering Safely with the ’ Risk Management ’ View | |
17 | 有多少姑娘参加了登山队? | How many girls have come into the mountaineering party? | |
18 | 在暴风雪中登山需要极大的勇气和毅力. | Mountaineering in a blizzard needs a lot of grit. | |
19 | 在登山假日里那些男孩在奥地利漫游. | The boys are swan ning around Austria on a mountaineering holiday. | |
20 | 这次比赛非常受人欢迎,中国全国登山协会决定每年举行一次。中国攀岩运动员正盼望到国际比赛中一展身手。 | The competition proved very popular, and the China National Mountaineering association has decided to make it an annual event. Chinese climbers are now looking forward to the day when they can demonstrate their skills in international contests, | |
21 | 这使我们能够舒舒服服地洗上一个澡,并且在首次登山之后普遍地感到从容自若。 | It enabled us to have a welcome bath,and generally ease off after our first taste of mountaineering . | |
22 | 这些鞋子不适合爬山。 | These shoes won’t do for mountaineering | |
23 | 这些专用的尼龙登山绳比起那些旧型号的绳子的断裂点要高许多。 | Some of these special nylon mountaineering ropes have a breaking point considerably higher than those of the old type. | |
24 | 加勒特·麦迪逊拥有一家名为麦迪逊登山的探险公司。他计划四五月份带登山者进来。 | Garrett Madison owns an adventure company called Madison Mountaineering . He plans to bring climbers from April through May. | |
25 | 尼泊尔的登山团体对结束珠穆高度之争表示欢迎。Santa Bir Lama表示:“这是登山历史上的一个里程碑,它将最终结束对珠峰高度的争论,现在全球都认可同一个高度。”他是尼泊尔登山协会的主席。 | Nepal’s climbing community welcomed the end of disputes over Everest’s height. "This is a milestone in mountaineering history which will finally end the debate over the height and now the world will have one number," said Santa Bir Lama. He is president of the Nepal Mountaineering Association. | |
26 | ||1:他曾经近距离经历过雪崩——并且有几次离雪崩太近。||2:1999年,在一次他与妻子攀登普马里基仕峰(位于巴基斯坦境内)的过程中被雪崩埋住了帐篷,夫妻二人被困在一块冰原上度过了5个夜晚。||3:1994年在攀登楠达德维峰的时候他们不得不从一处刚经历雪崩的地方下山,最后他们死里逃生。但之前他已经采取了预防措施,就是用一幅插在山顶的祈祷旗来抚慰山神。||4:像浪漫主义诗人(比如,他常常在登山的时候大量诵读拜伦《恰尔德·哈洛尔德游记》中的句子,并且一字不差)一样,他也认为山是庄严的。||5:他对挤在中印边境上的锡金邦的紧致情有独钟。在他的努力下,得以让此地优雅而又闪耀着光芒的山峰重新对登山者开放。||6:登山的时候,他习惯把相机紧紧地绑在胸前,以便分享他眼前看到的美景。||7:但他最喜欢引用的一些句子都对美景和其背后的风险做了权衡。 | ||1: He knew avalanches at close quarters—at times, way too close. ||2: On Pumari Chhish in Pakistan in 1999 he and Julie-Ann had spent five nights trapped on an icefield, with avalanches breaking over their tent. ||3: On Nanda Devi East in 1994 they had to descend an avalanche, and just made it; but he had taken the precaution of appeasing the mountain gods with a prayer-flag planted at the summit. ||4: Like the Romantic poets (like Byron’s Childe Harold, which he would quote in reams, word-perfect, as he climbed), he believed that mountains were sublime. ||5: He had a special love for the compactness of Sikkim, squeezed between Tibet and India, whose elegant, shining peaks he helped open again to mountaineering . ||6: A camera went with him always, strapped tight against his sternum, to record for others the beauty he saw. ||7: But some of his favourite quotations weighed up the beauty against the risk. | |
27 | 他在其最终爱的登山运动中融入了变化:使用可循环利用的岩石钉(登山者把这种金属长钉敲进岩壁后在上面栓绳索)。 | Yvon Chouinard changed his favourite sport, mountaineering , by introducing reusable pitons (the metal spikes you bang into the rock face and attach a rope to). | |
28 | 他在其最终爱的登山运动中融入了变化:使用可循环利用的岩石钉。 | Yvon Chouinard changed his favourite sport, mountaineering , by introducing reusable pitons. | |
29 | 登山运动的益处有很多,不仅仅局限在健身运动带来的好处。 | There are many benefits in mountaineering not only limited to that brought by the healthy exercise. | |
30 | 第四天:我和我的好朋友一起去登山,锻炼身体的同时还能看看青山绿水,感受大自然的气息。 | Fourth day: I and my friends together to mountaineering , while training the body to see blue, feeling nature atmosphere. |