属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 69
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-腹地美景 A hinterland beauty
1 | 那是个悲痛的时刻. | It was a mournful occasion. | |
2 | 你别奏那种哀乐了吧 | I wish you’d stop playing that mournful music | |
3 | 凄厉的风号声 | The mournful howling of the wind | |
4 | 然后,他往后退靠在墙上,紧紧地贴着墙壁溜到门口,一面往后退出门口,一面发出一阵悲凉、哀伤、凄厉的叫喊:“爱德蒙·唐太斯!” | then seeking the wall to support him, he glided along close to it until he reached the door, through which he went out backwards, uttering this single mournful , lamentable, distressing cry,--"Edmond Dants!" | |
5 | 他常常一连几个小时坐在太阳底下,一边胡言乱语,一边伤心地回忆他扫荡德国种植园后尽情纵饮的美景。 | He would sit in the sun for hours, drooling in mournful contemplation of the great orgy which had been his when the German plantation was cleaned out | |
6 | 他对世事持有悲观的看法. | He took a mournful view of human affairs. | |
7 | 他个子小得可怜,比温斯顿还要瘦小,黑头发,大眼睛,那双凸出的眼睛悲哀又嘲讽,跟谁讲起话来,那眼光便仿佛紧紧探究着你的面孔。 | He was a tiny creature, smaller than Winston, with dark hair and large, protuberant eyes, at once mournful and derisive, which seemed to search your face closely while he was speaking to you | |
8 | 他令人伤心(惋惜)的逝世. | his mournful death | |
9 | 他们难过地告了别,发誓要彼此相爱,永不变心。 | They bade each other a mournful farewell, with many vows of love and constancy | |
10 | 它采用梆子"哭腔",奏出凄楚悲切的音调。 | This is a mournful piece from the repertoire of southwest Shandong percussion and wind music, and borrows the "wailing tone" of clapper music. | |
11 | 听了一会儿后这个陌生人也跟着唱起了悲哀的挽歌。 | The stranger,after listening for a moment,joined in the mournful dirge. | |
12 | 痛苦的表示伤心的;悲痛的或忧郁的 | Expressing sorrow;mournful or melancholy. | |
13 | 挽歌,悼词哀戚或悲哀的诗或其他文学作品 | A mournful or elegiac poem or other literary work. | |
14 | 呜咽一种很低,痛苦的,悲伤的哭,通常表现悲伤或痛苦 | A low, sustained, mournful cry, usually indicative of sorrow or pain. | |
15 | 一个古老王国的覆灭,一曲哀惋凄绝的悲歌-对四百年前中日之间一场特殊较量的反思 | Sad and Mournful Melody of the Destruction of an Ancient Kingdom-Reflection on a Special Contest between China and Japan 400 Years Geo | |
16 | 因为当我们极度悲伤的时候,欢乐的声音会比其他一切声音都更显得不谐调。 | For when we are deeply mournful discordant above all others is the voice of mirth | |
17 | 阴暗的影子笼罩着街道,把灰暗、凄凉的贫困和隐藏着的痛苦暂时掩蔽起来。 | The gloomy shadows enshrouding the streets, concealing for the time their grey and mournful air of poverty and hidden suffering | |
18 | 忧愁的,消沉的充满悲伤的或表现悲伤的;悲痛的 | Filled with or expressing grief; mournful . | |
19 | 在除夕之认,一位上了年纪的人伫立在窗前。他抬起充满哀伤的眼睛,仰望着深蓝色的天空,星星在那里游移着,如同朵朵白莲散落在清澈而平静的湖面上。 | It was New Year’s. An aged man was standing at a window. He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky, where the stars were floating like white lilies on the surface of a clear calm lake. | |
20 | 在我的梦中,我再次听到炮声霹雳、枪声劈啪,和战场上怪异而悲怆的低沉隆隆之声。 | In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry, the strange mournful mutter of the battlefield | |
21 | 葬礼仪式在庄严的音乐声中举行。 | The burial service is performed with solemn and mournful music. | |
22 | 这几条猎犬惯常就是忧伤的表情,只要有一条加重了一些,我就得火速赶到她家。 | And it only needed the habitually mournful expression of one of the dogs to deepen a little and I was round there posthaste | |
23 | 主考官无可奈何地看着我,“Eames先生,”他用有点悲哀的声调说,“你刚才已把那个小孩压死了!” | The examiner looked at me sadly. ’Mr. Eames,’ he said, in a mournful voice,’ you have just killed that child!’ | |
24 | 庄重悲哀的乐曲节奏缓慢,庄重悲哀的音乐作品 | A slow,mournful musical composition. | |
25 | ||1:20世纪初,这座城市的舞台上演着绝望。||2:维吉尼亚·伍尔芙《达洛维夫人》(1925)中的伦敦死气沉沉,不给一战结束后的人们半分慰藉。||3:B.普里斯特利的《天使街》(1930)则是近代的狄更斯翻版,讲述欺骗,破产和倒闭的公司。||4:20世纪60年代,穆里尔·斯帕克引领读者在这座焕然一新的大都市中穿梭,女人一想到性和电影明星便兴奋得大呼小叫,还热衷于给著名作家寄去一封封石沉大海的信件。||5:但在核战威胁的阴影面前,《窈窕淑女》这类轻快俏皮的小说顿时黯然失色。 | ||1: In the early 20th century the city was the backdrop for despair. ||2: Virginia Woolf’s London in “Mrs Dalloway” (1925) is mournful , offering little succour after the first world war. ||3: B. Priestley’s “Angel Pavement” (1930) offers a latter-day Dickensian tale of cheats, bankruptcy and failed firms. ||4: By the 1960s Muriel Spark guided readers through a new metropolis, where women gushed at the thought of sex and film stars, and penned unanswered letters to famous writers. ||5: Yet the delights of works such as “The Girls of Slender Means” are overshadowed by the threat of nuclear war. | |
26 | ||1:每场比赛他都抱着必胜的心态开始,有时候输了甚至会默默流泪。||2:从每场重大赛事前大概三个星期开始,他会进入一个极其专注的自我世界中去,此时观众甚至都不敢大声鼓掌。||3:他脑中只有自己的身体、球杆、球,以及怎样让这三者配合来赢得比赛。||4:所以,他表情严肃,甚至略带悲伤,这让球场上他那张原本影星般英俊的脸不那么英俊了。||5:不过他深谙于赛场心理战——怎样用怪声怪调的咳嗽、毫无恶意的话语来让对手犹豫迟疑。||6:当他礼貌地和对手握手时,他心里想的是:我会让你死得很惨。 | ||1: He started every game to win it, and sometimes wept when he failed. ||2: About three weeks before each big tournament he would enter a bubble of concentration that muffled even the crowd’s applause. ||3: He was aware only of his body, the club, the ball, and the winning interaction between them. ||4: Hence the expression, serious even to mournful , that shadowed his film-star-handsome face on the course. ||5: But he was not above a little psychological warfare—the odd cough, the innocent remark—to put his rivals off their stroke. ||6: And as he politely shook their hands, he would be thinking: “I am going to bury you.” | |
27 | ||1:欧扎克斯是美国受到赞赏最少的山脉,缺乏落基山脉的威严、阿巴拉契亚山脉的广袤以及喀斯咯特山脉的悲壮,它们坐落在那里,坐落在美国中部的某个地方,在中西部以南、南部以北、西部山区以东。||2:长期以来,它们吸引着渔民和远足者,然而现在,艺术爱好者也有足够的理由光顾了。 | ||1:The Ozarks are America’s least appreciated mountain range.Lacking the majesty of the Rockies, the breadth of the Appalachians or the mournful grandeur of the Cascades, there they sit, somewhere in the middle of the country, south of the Midwest, north of the south, east of the mountainous west.||2:They have long drawn fishermen and hikers; until now, however, art fanciers have had little reason to visit. | |
28 | 波浪的哀歌停止,狂风的悲伤消失。 | No more he singers mournful , her sadness she doth lose. | |
29 | 浮世哀歌:香港女作家婚恋小说中的爱情危机感 | The Visionary Mournful Song: Women Writers in Hong Kong about Love in Marriage Life Novels | |
30 | 护理阿姨们唱了一首无限哀伤的救赎圣歌,我和维图尔弗都不由泪流满面。 | The caregivers sang a particularly mournful hymn about redemption that made both Vertulfo and me cry. |