1 | 他沉默寡言,跟谁也不友好。 | …he was close-mouthed and unfriendly | |
2 | 他竭力想看到她的容貌,她就排在他的前面。但是,一直到她买好票走开,他才一睹她的芳容:雪白的皮肤,马里发亮的眼睛,丰满的嘴唇。他心族摇荡,狂跳不止。 | He struggles to see her face-she is ahead of him in line-but it is not until she has bought her ticket and turns to walk away that he realizes her beauty, which is pale and dark-eyed and full-mouthed , and which quickens his heart beat | |
3 | 他那翕动的嘴唇吮吻着没有血肉的空气嘴唇:嘴对着她的子宫口。 | His lips lipped and mouthed fleshless lips of air: mouth to her womb | |
4 | 他厌烦那些油嘴滑舌的政客。 | He was tired of those mealy-mouthed politicians. | |
5 | 他张着嘴,打住了,在快要落入堕落的深渊时打住了。他完全不配跟她呼吸同一种空气! | He paused, open-mouthed , on the verge of the pit of his own depravity and utter worthlessness to breathe the same ar she did | |
6 | 唐云山只说了这么一句,就一屁股坐在就近的沙发里,张大了嘴巴搔头皮。 | Having delivered himself of this announcement, Tang Yunshan dropped on to a sofa and sat open-mouthed , scratching his head | |
7 | 我从来没感到那个家伙是真心实意的,他太油滑了。 | I never feel that that fellow is really sincere;he’s too mealy-mouthed . | |
8 | 一般体较高,口小,常见的有︰条纹密鲈(Colisa fasciata),蓝绿及淡红褐色,长12公分 | Generally deep-bodied and small-mouthed , they include the giant gourami (Colisa fasciata), a blue-green and reddish brown fish 5 in. (12 cm)long; | |
9 | 一些人批评老板,但是他们很虚伪,当着老板的面从不提这事。 | Some people criticize the boss, but they’re too mealy-mouthed to say so in her presence. | |
10 | 这个撬口不开的女人从来不告诉别人她的丈夫上哪儿去了。 | Close-mouthed woman she was; never told where her husband went | |
11 | 这些口口声声“以拯救人民为前提”的人们,在自己“呼吁和平”几个星期之后,又不再是“呼吁和平”,而是呼吁战争了。 | After having "appealed for peace" over several weeks, those individuals who have repeatedly mouthed the phrase, "treat the salvation of the people as the primary consideration", are no longer "appealing for peace" but are appealing for war | |
12 | 周仲伟忍不住又哈哈笑起来,却也因为话说快了,呼吸急促,只笑了不多几声,就张大了嘴巴喘气,瞪出一对眼睛。 | Chou Chung-wei broke into an exultant laugh, but by now he was out of breath and so excited that his laughter quickly petered out and left him standing there open-mouthed and panting for breath, his eyes wide and staring | |
13 | ||1:当时政客们已泛泛而谈支持美元长达数十年,但尼克松一语打消了这种言不由衷的空谈。||2:“沃尔克认为我们应该牺牲国民经来救美元,”他称。“对此我并不赞成。”||3:这导致美元于二十世纪七十年代急速跌落,尽管后来由于沃尔克在位美联储而有所恢复。||4:希尔伯对沃尔克致力于稳定货币、反对里根财政赤字的行为表示称赞。||5:是否如其所称,二十世纪80年代时正是这些赤字推动了实际利率上扬,如今更加难以分辨;毕竟当今赤字更加高额,而实际利率却为负值。 | ||1: For decades politicians had mouthed their support for a strong currency, but Nixon cut through the claptrap. ||2: “Volcker thinks we ought to sacrifice the domestic economy to save the dollar,” he said. “I’m not in favour of that.” ||3: The dollar duly fell sharply in the 1970s, although it rebounded under Mr Volcker’s tenure at the Fed. ||4: Mr Silber praises his subject for stabilising the currency and also for opposing Reagan’s budget deficits. ||5: Whether he is right to say that it was those deficits that pushed up real interest rates in the 1980s is harder to tell; after all, deficits are even higher now and real rates are negative: | |
14 | ||1:老是生气是没有用的。||2:那是没有创作力的。||3:在访谈中她冷酷地克制着自己,就像她保护自己的话语和自己不受干涉一样。||4:但是,当那些尖叫的红嘴狒狒在自己的白皮肤下生活时, 她会对种族主义的疯狂、其扭曲的力量和其有害的纯洁概念勃然大怒。 | ||1:Anger was not useful to dwell on.||2:It was not creative.||3:In interviews she suppressed it with steeliness, just as she guarded her words and herself from meddlesome intrusion.||4:But she could explode at the craziness of racism, its distorting power, its pernicious notions of "purity", when the screaming red-mouthed baboon whites evoked lived under their own white skin. | |
15 | ||1:美国联邦通信委员会长久以来一直禁止在清醒的时候说脏话和裸露身体,虽然它过去经常对偶发性事件抱有宽容的态度。||2:最高法院在1978年根据一部禁止广播中出现淫秽内容的法律,表示支持该委员会的禁令,尽管这些禁令侵犯了言论自由。||3:但是广播公司抱怨称委员会对体面的追求前后矛盾,多余而且越来越不切实际。||4:为什么,他们质疑到,粗口在某些情况下(如《拯救大兵瑞恩》,一部坚毅的战争片)是被允许的,但在其他场合(多由满嘴脏话的名流参加的颁奖晚会)上是不被允许的?在观众有权利选择想看的频道的情况下,真的有这个必要使公众免受粗口的干扰么?尤其是,法院在1978年决定电视广播需要接受监管时,是因为他们是一种稀缺的,公有的资源,而如今在这种有线电视,卫星和YouTube充斥的时代,这些监管还有必要么?毕竟,美国大约85%的家庭现在都订阅了某种方式的付费电视;几乎70%的家庭拥有宽带,从而不断的接触粗口和淫秽内容。 | ||1:The FCC has long barred profanity and nudity during waking hours, although it used to take a laxer attitude towards isolated incidents.||2:The Supreme Court upheld its rules in 1978, despite their impingement on free speech, on the basis of a law banning smut on the radio.||3:But the broadcasters complain that the FCC’s drive for decency is inconsistent, unnecessary and increasingly quixotic.||4:Why, they ask, should swearing be permissible in some circumstances (broadcasts of “Saving Private Ryan”, a gritty war film) but not in others (awards shows populated by foul-mouthed celebrities)? Is it really necessary to protect the public from swear words, when viewers can so easily vote with their remotes? Above all, while the court allowed the airwaves to be policed in 1978 because they were a scarce, publicly owned resource, does that still make sense in an era of cable, satellite and YouTube? After all, some 85% of households in America now subscribe to some sort of pay television, and almost 70% have broadband and thus face constant exposure to cursing and smut. | |
16 | ||1:无论什么时候罗伯特·伯德行走在参议院的走廊和房间里,总有一群人相伴而行。||2:一些是他的选民,戴着迷彩帽,穿着T恤,瞠目于参议员的金碧辉煌,他们是来找他谈马什福克小学或者他们叔叔的黑肺之类的问题。||3:但他也见过密西西比的亨利·富特挥舞手枪,萨姆·休斯顿为女士们制作木心,还见过矮小的约翰·伦道夫昂首阔步走过参议院;还有阴影中的西塞罗,和他身后的小卡图,喃喃:“我不沾暴君的光。” | ||1: WHENEVER Robert Byrd walked the corridors and chambers of the Senate, he went in a crowd of people. ||2: Some were his constituents, in camouflage caps and T-shirts, gape-mouthed among the gilt and marble, come to talk to him about the problems of Marsh Fork Elementary School or their uncle’s black lung. ||3: But he also saw Henry Foote of Mississippi wielding his pistol, Sam Houston of Texas whittling wooden hearts for the ladies, and little John Randolph of Virginia strutting past with his hunting dogs; and Cicero in the shadows, and just behind him Cato the younger, whispering “I would not be beholden to a tyrant.” | |
17 | “我们知道是你干的,”克拉克探长对她说,气得嘴都歪了。 | "We know you did it, " Detective Clark told her, white-mouthed with fury. | |
18 | 51岁的素食主义者GillianMcKeith在“我是名人”现场突然昏倒,据说她已经怀孕。 | FLAKY vegan Gillian McKeith left I’m A Celeb viewers open-mouthed with her fainting fits and claims of being pregnant at 51. | |
19 | Facebook的研究得出,Facebook中的年轻人是一批愤怒的,满嘴下流的自私的家伙。 | Facebook youth are an angry, foul-mouthed , selfish bunch, according to the Facebook study. | |
20 | 超人气小说家韩寒是中国反叛的青少年一代的最叛逆和毒舌的声音。 | Wildly popular novelist Han Han is the rebellious, potty-mouthed voice of a generation of disaffected Chinese youth. | |
21 | 当鲁尼离开球场时,他向着摄像机说“第12名球员”。 | As Rooney left the field, he mouthed the words "12 men" into the TV camera. | |
22 | 电力装岩机半喇叭口零件工艺改进的分析 | Analysis of Technological Improvement in the Half- Bell- Mouthed Part of the Electric Rock- Loading Machine | |
23 | 个人的勇敢执言仍不鲜见。虽然享有远较昔日充分的自由,俄罗斯知识分子仍显缄默。 | Individual voices are brave. But Russia’s intelligentsia, which could be much freer than in the bad old days, is still mealy-mouthed . | |
24 | 很明显,的确是帕克而非斯通,让《南方公园》成为现在这样纯天然、粗口成章的艺术作品的。 | And it’s obviously true that Parker is responsible for South Park as the crude, foul-mouthed work of art it is, and Stone really isn’t. | |
25 | 还说基弗为了不要罗杰斯给他叫出租汽车而大骂出口,结果他叫他闭嘴或滚蛋。 | says Keefer got pretty foul-mouthed about not wanting the taxi Rogers was going to call, so he told him to shut up or get out. | |
26 | 接吻时,男性可以传递少量的睾丸激素给她的伴侣。 | During an open-mouthed kiss, a man passes a bit of testosterone to his partner. | |
27 | 她,热情,富有幽默感,永远在聆听(这是政治家一个很少拥有的素质),她飞快的纽约口音使美国人吃惊。 | Intense, good-humored, always listening (a rare trait in a politician), she surprised Americans with her fast-mouthed New Yorker’s style. | |
28 | 另一个贴出Jezebe的l则把穆恩描述为一个“飚粗口的探子,她的外表似乎表明她预料到男人想要什么。” | Another Jezebel post described Munn as a "potty-mouthed provocateur whose appeal seems targeted to what she thinks men want. " | |
29 | 美国谴责任何可能加强政府的对内容进行管制的措词,不管它经过了怎样的粉饰。 | America decries any wording, however mealy-mouthed , that could increase governments’ control over content. | |
30 | 那个小男孩把整块蛋糕放进嘴里,跑开了。 | The boy mouthed the whole cake and ran away. |