属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-迷幻药之考验 今非昔比
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-生物降解 "清道夫"平菇
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-生物降解 "清道夫"平菇
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-生物降解 "清道夫"平菇
1 | 到1965年时,已经有一千多篇关于LSD治疗的积极结果的论文发表。LSD以及与它相关的化合物裸盖菇素,后者是从迷幻蘑菇中分离出来的一种物质,这二者都被报道有治疗焦虑症,强迫症,抑郁症,丧亲之痛甚至是性功能障碍的潜质。 | By 1965 over 1,000 papers had been published describing positive results for LSD therapy. It, and its close chemical relative psilocybin, isolated from hallucinogenic mushrooms , were reported as having potential for treating anxiety disorders, OCD, depression, bereavement and even sexual dysfunction. | |
2 | 她表示,尽管所讨论的糙皮侧耳(即熟知的平菇)口味不佳,但食用安全。 | What is more, she says, despite their unsavoury diet the fungi in question, Pleurotus ostreatus (better known as oyster mushrooms ), are safe to eat. | |
3 | 平菇的食用价值正是她选择其进行实验的原因之一。 | The culinary use of oyster mushrooms was one reason why she picked them for the experiment. | |
4 | 因此生长处理过的尿布上的平菇在理论上应该是可以安全食用。 | so mushrooms grown on treated nappies should, in theory, be safe to eat. | |
5 | 这样的处理也将杀死粪便中的肮脏虫子,如果有的话,因此生长处理过的尿布上的平菇在理论上应该是可以安全食用。 | Such treatment would kill the nasty bugs in faeces, too, though, so mushrooms grown on treated nappies should, in theory, be safe to eat. | |
6 | “胡萝卜吃了眼睛会更明亮”,“这可不是蘑菇,亲爱的,这些是特制面条”,“我们的糖早被吃光了” | "Eating carrots will make you see better. " "Those aren’t mushrooms , those are noodles. " "We’re all out of candy. " | |
7 | “蘑菇是自然工程学的杰作,”曼尼说,“而我们是刚刚开始对其行为方式进行研究。” | "Mushrooms are masterpieces of natural engineering, " said Money, "and we are just beginning to understand how they work. " | |
8 | “呀!”兔宝宝惊喜地喊道,“看这些蘑菇五颜六色的,还有一个是红色的小圆点衬着白衬衣,真漂亮!” | "Ah! " Cried Bunny surprise, "to see these mushrooms colorful, there is a small red dots set off by white shirts, so beautiful! " | |
9 | 奥普拉契科娃把一些蘑菇放在连着一台辐射计的灰色衬铅砖箱里,然后盯住了辐射计的指针。 | Oplachikova puts some mushrooms in a gray, lead-lined brick box wired to a radiometer and eyes the needle. | |
10 | 把烹制过的蘑菇,大蒜和少许百里香放在面粉面上,面粉边缘要留一圈空白不放东西。 | Put the cooked mushrooms , garlic and a few sprigs of thyme on top of the dough, leaving a small rim of uncovered dough around the edge. | |
11 | 把洋葱和蘑菇切成方块状,在锅里放入大约75克的黄油,其他动植物油也可以。 | Cut your shallots and mushrooms into fine dice and put about 75g of butter into the pan. Other fats will do. | |
12 | 北菇云腿蒸乳鸽 | Steamed Suckling Pigeon with Mushrooms and Ham | |
13 | 比如说,上个月,一批香菇被检测到含有每公斤8850贝克的放射量。 | Last month, for instance, a batch of shiitake mushrooms measured 8, 850 becquerels. | |
14 | 不要采那些色彩鲜艳的蘑菇,它们有毒。 | Don’t pick those colorful mushrooms ; they are poisonous. | |
15 | 长方形的薄纱飞船旁边是一片橄榄绿色的帐篷,仿佛是一夜甘霖催起来的蘑菇,在风中飘摆着。 | Next to the oblong Gossamer ships a field of olive tents, like mushrooms after a night’s rain, flapped in the wind. | |
16 | 此外,白蘑菇也含有维生素B2和烟酸,这两种物质对免疫系统的健全很重要。 | And the B vitamins riboflavin and niacin, found in these mushrooms , play a role in a healthy immune system. | |
17 | 从左到右的蔬果为榴莲,蘑菇和番茄。 | Fruit and Vegetable Medley From left to right: durian, mushrooms , and tomato. | |
18 | 大概是由水手们传到欧洲,在欧洲只能用当地有的调料如蘑菇或胡桃汁制成。 | where it was made with locally available ingredients such as the juice of mushrooms or walnuts. | |
19 | 但从那以后,这个每年可开采几百吨石料的地方变成了农民们的蘑菇种植园。 | After that farmers raised mushrooms in them, at one point producing hundreds of tons a year. | |
20 | 当她沿山路返回家乡时,会再买些药材、蘑菇和其他土特产拿到县里销售。 | When returning from her mountain sales trips, she bought herbs, mushrooms and other local goods and resold them in county markets. | |
21 | 动物实验显示蘑菇在抗病毒、抗菌、抗肿瘤方面都有作用。 | Animal studies have also shown mushrooms to have antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-tumor effects. | |
22 | 法式香草鸡胸配哥伦比亚烤薯烩蘑菇及黑胡椒汁 | French vanilla chicken breast and Braised mushrooms in black pepper sauce with Colombian baked potatoes | |
23 | 给蒜瓣剥皮,加进去,再在蘑菇里加入几片百里香叶子。 | Peel the garlic cloves and add them, with a few pinches of thyme leaves, to the mushrooms . | |
24 | 更正:这张图片最初的标题将蘑菇升级成了动物王国的一员,它们已经被理所应当的降级了。 | Correction: The title of this slide initially elevated mushrooms into the "animal" kingdom. They have been appropriately demoted. | |
25 | 锅仔鸡汤菌 | Braised Assorted Mushrooms in Chicken Soup | |
26 | 蚝皇原汁白灵菇(每位) | Braised Mushrooms in Oyster Sauce(per person) | |
27 | 很显然,这个词条中列出的主要材料中从头到尾都是蘑菇。 | Sure enough the prime ingredient listed throughout this entry is mushrooms . | |
28 | 红酒烧羊鞍配牛肝菌及黑松露少司 | Roast Lamb with Red Wine, porcini mushrooms and truffles | |
29 | 几种野生食用菌类的营养成分分析 | Analyses of Nutrition Ingredients of Wild Edible Mushrooms | |
30 | 加点小蘑菇开胃,整瓣整瓣的大蒜,和少许意大利干酪。 | The savoury quotient came from small mushrooms , whole peeled garlic cloves and a little parmesan. |