属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-营救马萨伊被早婚女孩
1 | (3)修改权,即修改或授权他人修改作品的权利;(4)保护作品完整权,即保护作品不受歪曲,篡改的权利 | (3)the right of alternation, that is, the right to alter or authorize others to alter one’ s works; (4)the right of integrity, that is, the right to protect one’s work against distortion and mutilation ; | |
2 | (六)以自伤、自残手段逃避劳动的; | (6)escaping from doing labour by means of self-injury or self-mutilation ; | |
3 | 断端挫灭的离断指体在重建手功能中的应用 | Application of Inactivation Mutilation Fingers to Rebuild of Hand Function | |
4 | 对身体的残害. | the mutilation of a body | |
5 | 法律对重犯处以死刑或断肢使其残废。 | The law punished serious crimes with death or mutilation | |
6 | 他的作品强有力的形象…处罚、断肢、毁灭(乔伊丝·卡罗尔·奥茨) | The powerful images of his work.punishment,mutilation ,erasure(Joyce Carol Oates) | |
7 | 我可能要受金刃之伤。 | I might undergo mutilation | |
8 | 向切断我们希望和梦想的敌人作战, | Fighting against the mutilation of our hopes and dreams | |
9 | 一般在学青少年自残行为之相关环境因素初探 | Environmental Factors Associated with Self-Mutilation among a Community Sample of Adolescents | |
10 | 一大批新的破坏分子故意破坏罗马部分最著名的纪念建筑物,其中包括斩首和损毁几座著名雕像和具有纪念意义的喷泉,这使罗马当局烦恼不已。 | A new spate of vandal attacks upon some of Rome’s best known monuments-including the decapitation and mutilation of several famous statues and monumental fountains-is worrying city authorities. | |
11 | 译者有权反对任何歪曲、删减或改动其译文的行为. | He/she shall be entitled to oppose any distortion, mutilation or other modification of his/her translation. | |
12 | 银行对任何信息、信件或单据在传送中所发生的延误及/或丢失,或对任何电讯在传递中所发生的延误、残损或其他错误,或对技术条款的翻译及/或解释的错误,概不承担责任或对其负责 | Banks assume no liability or responsibility for the consequences arising out of delay and/or loss in transit of any message(s), letter(s)or document(s), or for delay, mutilation or other error(s)arising in transmission of any telecommunication or for error(s)in translation and/or interpretation of technical terms. | |
13 | 银行对由于任何文电、信函或单据在传递中发生延误及;或遗失所造成的后果,或对于任何电讯在传递过程中发生的延误、残缺或其它差错,概不负责。 | Banks assume no liability or responsibility for the consequences arising out of delay and/or loss in transit of any message(s), letter(s)or document(s), or for delay, mutilation or other error(s)arising in the transmission of any telecommunication. | |
14 | 由于硬件或软件故障所引起的程序或数据的残缺不全(即出错)的现象。 | The mutilation of code or data caused by hardware or software failure | |
15 | 这场空袭造成数千人死的死伤的伤。 | Thousands suffer death or mutilation as a result of the bomb attack. | |
16 | 著作权包括修改权,即修改或者授权他人修改作品的权利;和保护作品完整权,即保护作品不受歪曲、篡改的权利 | "The term ""copyright"" shall include the right of alternation, that is, the right to alter or authorize others to alter one’s work and the right of integrity, that is, the right to protect one’s work against distortion and mutilation ;" | |
17 | 当即将结婚时,女孩必须接受女性割礼这一传统。他人都谴责马萨伊和其它文化遵循的女性割除性器官的这种做法。 | When the marriage will soon take place, the girl must undergo a custom that some call female circumcision. Others denounce this practice followed in Masai and other cultures as female genital mutilation . | |
18 | 13岁小童在拘留中受到折磨并死去,在叙利亚城市德拉(Daraa)触发更多愤怒的示威。 | The mutilation and death in custody of a 13-year-old child has sparked further furious protests in Syrian city of Daraa. | |
19 | 2011年里,富人们将资助一些组织来反对割除女性生殖器,治疗临床忧郁症,以及要求政府公开秘密。 | In 2011 rich people will fund campaigns against female genital mutilation , clinical depression and government secrecy. | |
20 | 艾奥瓦市警方记录显示,他们2009年27次接到图书馆失窃或丢失财物的报案。 | According to Iowa City police records, officers were notified of a theft or mutilation of library property 27 times in 2009. | |
21 | 当割礼渐渐过时了,到了70年代,这项措施看上去没有不要了,这是在野蛮状态的边缘。 | But circumcision drifted out of fashion, and by the 1970s it was seen as an unnecessary mutilation , bordering on the barbaric. | |
22 | 反对任何窜改、肢体不全或是修改作品的权利。 | The right to object to any distortion, mutilation or modification of the work | |
23 | 康复的速度之快表明,企图的目的不是致残或伤害,而是谋杀。 | The fast rate of recuperation showed that the attempt did not aim at mutilation or injury, but murder. | |
24 | 老年人致残性疾病与血脂异常特点的相关性分析 | Relative analysis on mutilation disease and characteristics of dyslipidemia in the aged | |
25 | 穆巴拉克夫人推行新法,禁止女性生殖器切割并且允许女性成为法官。 | Mrs Mubarak pushed through laws banning female genital mutilation and allowing women to become judges. | |
26 | 穆萨洛说,在争辩是否接纳那些逃离生殖器官割礼迫害的妇女时,也有类似的反对意见。 | Musalo said similar objections were made over the admission of women fleeing female genital mutilation . | |
27 | 他从唯美主义观点出发,认为美的消失是人性的自残,美的毁灭是命运使然。 | Based on his Aestheticism, the missing beauty is human self-mutilation , and the ruined beauty is the outcome of fate. | |
28 | 坦率地说,我认为,在书上涂抹标记不是一种损毁行为,而是爱。 | I contend, quite bluntly , that marking up a book is not an act of mutilation but love. | |
29 | 移民法庭以早前针对妇女生殖器官割礼的判决为依据,给予了艾尔瓦拉多避难权。 | An immigration court granted Alvarado asylum based on the earlier decision on female genital mutilation . | |
30 | 这种恐怖的对无辜者的谋杀和致残强烈的提醒着人们信奉迷信和巫术的危险! | This horrible murder and mutilation of innocent people is a powerful reminder of the dangers of believing in superstition and witchcraft. |