属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 77
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:RX标志起源始末
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:RX标志起源详解
1 | 一个在公元前八百年死去的埃及女木乃伊刚刚被动过手术。 | The mummy of an Egyptian woman who died in 800 B.C. has just had an operation. | |
2 | ||随着古埃及文明的衰落,欧洲的医生和炼丹术士传承了展示神之佑护标志的这一传统。||但多年来,这个标志从荷鲁斯之眼变成了罗马主神朱庇特。朱庇特的标志看上去很像印刷体数字“four”。 | ||Long after the fall of the ancient Egyptian civilization, doctors and alchemists in Europe continued the custom of showing a sign of the gods’ help and protection.|| But over the years, the sign changed from the eye of Horus to the sign for Jupiter, the chief god of the Romans. Jupiter’s sign looked much like the printed number "four." | |
3 | ||随着古埃及文明的衰落,欧洲的医生和炼丹术士传承了展示神之佑护标志的这一传统。||但多年来,这个标志从荷鲁斯之眼变成了罗马主神朱庇特。朱庇特的标志看上去很像印刷体数字“four”。 | ||Long after the fall of the ancient Egyptian civilization, doctors and alchemists in Europe continued the custom of showing a sign of the gods’ help and protection.|| But over the years, the sign changed from the eye of Horus to the sign for Jupiter, the chief god of the Romans. Jupiter’s sign looked much like the printed number "four." |