1 | 汉克·斯特拉姆带着他的两他孩子--蒂娜和迈克斯--乘火车在欧洲度假旅行。那天天气晴朗,他们带着午餐用的食品。他们的座位在火车的最后一节车厢。 | Hank Strum was on vacation traveling through Europe by train with his two children, Tina and Max . It was a fine day and they had brought a picnic lunch with them. Their seats were in the last carriage of the train. | |
2 | 月台上有位铁路职员在等着。他走上前来,用英语问道:“你们是蒂娜和迈克斯·斯特拉姆吗 | A railway official was waiting on the platform. He came up to them and asked in English. “ Are you Tina and Max Steam?” | |
3 | 这时蒂娜和迈克斯才那么着急了。他们到市中心散步,穿过一座公园。 | By that time Tina and Max were beginning to feel less anxious. They went out for a walk round the town center and through the park. |