属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 35
属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 81
属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 73
属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 56
1 | “你这个狠毒的坏蛋!”我说,“你真像个杀人犯--你像个奴隶主。” | Wicked, cruel boy! I said. You are like a murderer-you are like a slave-driver ! | |
2 | “我真不敢相信我的眼睛!汽车翻了个底朝天,司机在流血并在尖叫。 | “I could don’t believe my eyes!” The car was upside down and the driver was bleeding and screaming . | |
3 | 毕业后,艾尔维斯作了一名卡车司机。 | Elvis left school and became a truck driver . | |
4 | 布朗先生过去是一位司机。 | Mr Brown used to be a bus driver . | |
5 | 除了司机,公车上一共有四十个人。 | Exclusive of the driver , there are 40 persons in the bus. | |
6 | 此时,一辆卡车正好从后边开到那辆汽车边上,司机看见一块蛋糕从开而降。紧急刹车 | Seeing a cake flying through the air, a lorry-driver who was drawing up alongside the car, pulled up all of a sudden. | |
7 | 但前些时候,他改当公共汽车司机了,对此他并不后悔。 | A short while ago, however, he became a bus driver and he was not regretted it. | |
8 | 当他们得知大象已走到身前时,就请赶象人把大象停下来,好让他们看看。 | When they were told that the great beast was before them, they asked the driver to let him stop so that they might see him. | |
9 | 当他们走后,这辆汽车的司机向他走来。 | When they had gone, the driver of the car came towards him. | |
10 | 当我是个孩子的时候,我祖父给我讲了一位德国出租汽车司机弗朗兹巴斯曼如何找到了据信已在20年前死去的兄弟的事。 | A German taxi-driver , Franz Bussman, recently found a brother who was thought to have been killed twenty years before. | |
11 | 对着抛锚车的司机狂按喇叭使他心烦。 | Honking at a driver who has stalled his car often confuses him | |
12 | 公车司机会大声念出一串的站名。 | The Bus driver would read out the list of stops. | |
13 | 公车司机因在塞车阵中开了整天的车而脾气不好。 | The Bus driver is in a Bad temper because he’s been driving all day in traffic. | |
14 | 即使司机通过了,他也可能只省了几分钟的时间。就生命而言,几分钟算什么?如果这个人预先想到这点,那么,像这样的事就不会发生了。 | Even if the driver had gotten through he would probably have saved only a few minutes of his time. What’s a few minutes to your life? The man should have thought ahead then nothing like this would have happened. | |
15 | 驾驶员必须放开油门以使车速放慢。 | The driver had to let off the gas pedal to slow down. | |
16 | 驾驶员十有八九能估计出正确的距离。 | Nine out of ten, a driver can estimate the correct distance. | |
17 | 她说她父亲过去是出租汽车司机。 | She said her father had been a taxi driver . | |
18 | 她这一停使得跟在后头的司机也来了个急刹车。 | This made the driver following her brake hard. | |
19 | 今天和往常不同。天下着雨,但我早上很早就起床了。我在上学途中遇到同学,到了学校我已经累坏了。因为车上人太多了,而且司机又开快车。 | Today was different from the days I’ve had before. It was rainy but I got up early. I met my classmate on my way to school. Once I got to school I was already tired out because there were so many people on the bus and the driver drove at full speed. | |
20 | 警察指控司机开车莽撞。 | The police charged the driver with reckless driving. | |
21 | 酒醉的司机在无法控制之情况下撞上这棵树。 | The drunken driver was not in control of his car when it hit the tree. | |
22 | 卡车司机给了他几块饼干和一杯咖啡,把他带到城外就走了。 | The driver gave him a few biscuits and a cup of coffee and left him just outside the city. | |
23 | 开快车的司机必须放慢速度。 | The fast driver needed to ease up on the speed. | |
24 | 快到终点时,车子飞速下坡,司机费了好大的劲才把车刹住。 | It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it. | |
25 | 满载着乘客。我是能够挤进去的最后一个人。在车上我一直祈祷司机开快一点,但是车子仍然沿着路线轧轧地走。 | There were a lot of people on the bus. I was the last person who was able to squeeze into the bus. I was praying while on the bus that the bus driver would go faster, but it went on chugging along its route. | |
26 | 那个开快车的出租车司机能使我们准时到达那儿。 | That fast taxi driver was able to get us here in good time. | |
27 | 你有汽车驾驶执照吗 | Haven’t you got a driver ’s license || don’t you have a driver’s license? | |
28 | 汽车司机嘟嘟地鸣着喇叭。 | The car driver tooted his horn. | |
29 | 然后我对他说,他这个司机太蹩脚了。 | Then I told him what a bad driver I thought he was. | |
30 | 司机放慢了汽车的速度。 | The driver slowed down the car. |