属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:美国各州别名 4
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:美国各州别名 4
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:美国各州别名 4
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:蝇头小利
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-白色圣诞节
1 | 不愿用伽利略望远镜去观察天空的哲学家,难道比19世纪40年代的有些人更应受到谴责吗?当时,这些人断言用Rosse勋爵的大型望远镜观察到螺旋形星云只不过是研磨工留在镜片上的痕迹罢了。 | Was the philosopher who refused to look through Galileo’s telescope more culpable than those who alleged that the spiral nebulae observed with Lord Rosse’s great telescope in the eighteen -forties were scratches left by the grinder? | |
2 | 第二个星期,乔先回到家,又拿出18美元放到桌上。 | Next week Joe came home and put another eighteen dollars on the table. | |
3 | 然而,人们不久就不再感到乐观了,因为在这次世界首例心脏移植手术后的第十八天,沃什坎斯基在开普顿的一家医院里因肺炎而死去。 | But the optimism was short-lived. Eighteen days after the world’s first heart-transplant operation, Washkansky died of pneumonia at his hospital in Cape Town. | |
4 | 他们凿透了18英寸厚的墙壁,发现有个人卡在了烟囱里。 | After chipping through a wall which was eighteen inches thick, they found that a man had been trapped in the chimney. | |
5 | 他十八岁从学校毕业。 | He finished school at the age of eighteen . | |
6 | 为了这次横渡大西洋的惊人航行,他准备了18年。 | He had spent eighteen years in planning for that wonderful voyage which he made across the Atlantic Ocean. | |
7 | 我18岁,弟弟11岁,妹妹7岁。 | I am eighteen , my brother is eleven, and my sister is seven. | |
8 | 我5岁那年,父亲就带我出了国,那是18年前的事了。 | I was only five when my father had taken me abroad, and that was eighteen years ago. | |
9 | 这个馅饼盘子确实少见,有18英尺长,宽6英尺 | Admittedly it was an unusual pie dish, for it was eighteen feet long and six feet wide. | |
10 | 这时乔从兜里掏出18美元 | And then Joe took eighteen dollars out of his pocket. | |
11 | 大平原的俄克拉荷马州被称为“捷足州”。这是因为1889年一块土地出售时,一些到达该州的人们慌称比他们实际到得更早。他们蒙骗于是捷足先登。 | The Great Plains state of Oklahoma is called the Sooner State. That is because of a sale of land in eighteen eighty-nine. Some people arrived in the territory to claim their land earlier than they were supposed to. They cheated and got there "sooner." | |
12 | 田纳西州由于其市民的英勇得名“志愿者之州”。他们在1812年抵抗英军的战斗中,志愿加入田纳西人安德鲁·杰克逊(Andrew Jackson)的队伍保卫新奥尔良。 | Tennessee got its nickname -- the Volunteer State -- because of the bravery of its citizens. They volunteered to join Tennessean Andrew Jackson to defend the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, against the British army in the War of Eighteen Twelve. | |
13 | 西弗吉尼亚州十九世纪六十年代脱离弗吉尼亚州。它因古老的阿帕拉契山脉而被称为“山颠之州”。 | West Virginia broke away from Virginia in the eighteen sixties. It is called simply the Mountain State for the ancient Appalachian mountains. | |
14 | 这是一个古老的表达方式。文字专家马修斯说,早在1854年,一家美国媒体就使用过peanut agitators(无人支持的鼓动者,煽动者)这个词汇。其意思是少有支持者的政坛捣乱分子。 | The expression is an old one. Word expert Mitford Mathews says that as early as eighteen fifty-four, an American publication used the words peanut agitators. That meant political troublemakers who did not have a lot of support. | |
15 | 作词家Irving Berlin于1888年出生在俄罗斯。他是犹太人,并未把圣诞节当作宗教节日来庆祝。 | Songwriter Irving Berlin was born in Russia in eighteen eighty-eight. He did not celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday. He was Jewish. |