属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 93
属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 83
属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 55
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:和蔬菜水果有关的一些表达方式
1 | 7月1日,离高考还有5天。今晚的夜色很纯净。但我觉得紧张不安, | July 1, five days before the National College Entrance Examination. The night tonight is clear. But I’m feeling nervous and restless. | |
2 | 必须准备高考,我在想,他一定是在开玩笑! | I have to prepare for the National College Entrance Examination. I thought to myself, he must be kidding. | |
3 | 博物馆的入口处在后面。 | The entrance to the museum is at the back. | |
4 | 此洞的洞口在丹芬阿尔斯山的高原上 | The entrance to the cave is on a plateau in the Dauphine Alps. | |
5 | 地点选在纽约港入口处的一个岛上。 | The site chosen was an island at the entrance of New York Harbor. | |
6 | 还是那个警察在大门那儿慢慢踱着,Crawley又问他同样的问题。 | The same policeman was just walking slowly past the entrance , when Crawley asked the same question. | |
7 | 她通过了大学入学考试,她妹妹也通过了。 | She passed the college entrance examinations and so did her sister. | |
8 | 今年我就要参加高考了,我最好养成良好的读书习惯,否则我就不能进入理想的大学。也许明天我要开始试着只读书,不看电视。 | This year I’ll be taking part in the National College Entrance Examination. I better have better studying habits or else I won’t be able to get into a good college. Maybe tomorrow I’ll start trying to just study and not watch TV. | |
9 | 门卫靠那种薪水生活,几乎要挨饿 | The entrance guard lives on that salary and can hardly keep the wolf from the door. | |
10 | 如果今年我通过高考,也许我会上大学,我不愿想象我没有通过这重要的考试的情形,因为爸妈指望我金榜题名。 | Maybe I’ll be going to college if I pass the national college entrance examination this year. I didn’t want to think of not passing this important examination for my parents are counting on me to do so. | |
11 | 若不是法国著名洞穴探险家伯杰由于偶然的机会发现了这个洞口的话,这个洞也许永远不会为人所知。 | The cave might never have been discovered had not the entrance been spotted by the distinguished French pot-holer, Berger. | |
12 | 树木遮住了公园的入口处。 | Trees concealed / hid the entrance to the park | |
13 | 虽然我现在并没有受苦,我还是不该把假期浪费在玩乐上,因为我必须在假期中用功读书准备今年的高考。 | Although I am not suffering right now, I should not spend my vacation playing. This is because I have so study hard during the vacation in order to prepare for this year’s national college entrance examination. | |
14 | 他路过一家雪茄烟店时,看见一位穿着体面的男人走了进去,将一把绸伞放在门口。 | He was just passing a cigar store, when he saw a well-dressed man go in, leaving his silk umbrella at the entrance . | |
15 | 他们把车停在大门外边了。 | They left the car outside the main entrance . | |
16 | 他们往大门走去,车会在那儿等着。 | They moved to the main entrance where the car would be waiting. | |
17 | 他们用石块把洞穴的进口堵住。 | They blocked (up)the entrance to the cave with stones | |
18 | 他喜欢交朋友,不喜欢任何形式的打斗行为。15岁的时候他获得了北京某州的一所大学的奖学金,进入那里学习。 | He liked making friends and disliked fighting in any form. At the age of 15 he won an entrance prize to a college in one of the northern states. | |
19 | 通过了入学考试的学生应在十天内检查身体。 | Students who have passed the entrance examinations should have a health check-up within ten days. | |
20 | 我必须集中精神在下个月的入学考试。 | I will need to focus on studying for the entrance exams for the next month. | |
21 | 我们设计大楼的时候,要在一层适合轮椅通行的入口,也要考虑电梯、合适的浴室和厕所。 | When we design a building, we should provide an entrance suitable for wheelchairs on the ground floor, as well as lifts, suitable bathrooms and toilets. | |
22 | 我们在旅馆门口碰头。 | We met at the hotel’s entrance . | |
23 | 现在,还有100多天就要高考了,我要准备考试,而且要好好地过个暑假。 | Now, there are a little more than one hundred days to the national college entrance examination. I will prepare for it and also enjoy my beautiful summer vacation. | |
24 | 小偷们贿赂佣人以便在进入住宅时不受阻拦。 | The thieves paid the servants to wink at their entrance into the house | |
25 | 由于地中海与大西洋的连接处只有一个狭窄的进口,地中海的水需要80年才能同大西洋的水交换一次。 | It takes 80 years for Mediterranean water to be changed with Atlantic water, as there is only one narrow entrance where the Mediterranean meets the Atlantic. | |
26 | 这个队的领队在检查靠近洞口处的土壤时,机器显示出地底下有黄金。 | The leader of the party was examining the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machine showed that there was gold under the ground. | |
27 | 这入口没有障碍物。 | The entrance is clear of obstruction. | |
28 | 学生们必须参加艰难的考试才能赢得“名校入场券”。因此你可以说,被录取的都是最好的学生,也就是the cream of the crop(精英、百里挑一) | Students often have to take a difficult test to gain entrance to a special school. So you could say the ones who are chosen are the best ones, or the cream of the crop. |