属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 55
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:To Keep at Bay
1 | 当然窗子还是有的,但可能相当贵。何况,假如有合适的内部装饰,大部分人就会觉得不需要窗子。 | There would be windows, of course, but they might be fairly expensive, besides, most people wouldn’t feel the need for them provided there were suitable interior decorations. | |
2 | 工作进行得相当顺利。 | The work is going fairly smoothly. | |
3 | 孩子用一双冰冷、镇定的眼睛仔细观察着我,脸上没有一丝表情。 | The child was fairly eating me up with her cold, steading eyes, and no expression on her face whatever. | |
4 | 很显然睡眠必然只有某种作用,而一生中睡眠的时间颇长,所以这种作用看来是很重要的。 | It is fairly clear that the sleeping period must have some function, and because there is so much of it the function would seem to be important. | |
5 | 将来整个世界的财富有可能比现在更加公平地在国与国之间分配。 | Possibly in future the wealth of the whole world will be shared more fairly among countries than it is now. | |
6 | 尽管如此,许多人相信这台“显宝器”可能不久揭示一些有价值的东西。 | In spite of this, many people are confident that ’The Revealer’ may reveal something of value fairly soon. | |
7 | 那儿有免费赠给小朋友的气球,但每个项目后面都排着长龙。我们去麦当劳吃午餐。汉堡包和薯条味道不错。 | There were free balloons given to small kids, but at all rides there were long lines of people. We went to McDonalds for lunch. The hamburger and French-fries tasted fairly good. | |
8 | 我觉得一开始我们最好来点宁静、柔和的音乐。我倒希望他们开始的演奏声音不要太大了。否则我们就听不见自己的谈话声了。 | Well, I think at the beginning we’d rather have some fairly quiet and peaceful music. I’d prefer them not to play too loudly at the beginning. Otherwise we won’t be able to hear ourselves talk. | |
9 | 我们见面的时候相当多。 | We meet fairly often. | |
10 | 在高速公路上还好,你至少能以相当快的速度安全地向前行,但旅行的大部分时间都花在那些狭窄、颠簸、拥挤的乡村马路上 | On motor-ways you can, at least, travel fairly safely at high speeds, but more often than not, the greater part of the journey is spent on narrow, bumpy roads which are crowded with traffic. | |
11 | 这种形势已相当稳定,我们可望国家经济明年有飞速发展。 | This situation has fairly stabilized and we can expect a raped development of the country’s economy next year | |
12 | 最近他才开始吸烟(即不久前他还不吸烟) | He did not smoke until fairly recently. | |
13 | Staving off something听上去更为正式。我们在相当严重的情况下使用stave off,例如失事船只上的幸存者吃了八个月的椰子来摆脱饥饿。以下是另一个例子,这名单亲母亲通过打三份工来摆脱贫困。 | Staving off something sounds much more official. We use "stave off" in fairly serious situations, such as ship-wrecked survivors who staved off starvation by eating coconuts for eight months. Here’s another example, "The single mother staved off poverty by working three jobs." |