属类:学习英语-Ask a Teacher 名师答疑-名师答疑:Try和Attempt之间的区别
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:永远面向阳光
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:关于field的一些表达
属类:学习英语-Ask a Teacher 名师答疑-名师答疑:some和any的用法区别
1 | 我最喜欢的电影是《紫色》。 | My favorite movie is The color Purple. | |
2 | 小孩弄破了母亲最喜欢的桌布。 | The child cut up mother’s favorite tablecloth. | |
3 | 许多人都喜欢在星期日来这里玩。这真是一个大公园,有许多游乐设施,你可以做你最喜欢的游戏,还有贩卖各种食物和玩具的小贩。 | A lot of people come here during Sundays. It is really a huge park and there are a lot facilities to do your favorite recreation. There were also a lot of vendors selling all kinds of food and toys. | |
4 | 演唱会那天晚上,我穿了最好的衣服。我希望能拿到我最喜爱的流行音乐偶像的亲笔签名。 | The night of the concert, I wore my best. I hoped to get the autograph of my favorite pop idol. | |
5 | 一般说来,最有希望获胜的人通常会失败。 | On average, the favorite usually loses. | |
6 | 游泳是我喜爱的消遣方式。我常和朋友去海滩躲避炎热,浸泡在清凉的海水里。当落日消失在地平线外,我们才恋恋不舍地漫步回家,不过情绪很愉快。 | Swimming is my favorite way of pasting. I often went to the beach with my friends to escape the heat, and to soak in the cool clean seawater. When the sun disappeared beyond the horizon, we would then tramp home reluctantly, but with a happy feeling. | |
7 | 有时,我们溯流而上来到我们喜爱的回水河汉举办;有时在船坞举办。那船坞是农场的一位前辈在一块草地上盖的,草地紧紧挨着一个专供游泳、跳水的深水池 | Sometimes we go upstream to a favorite backwater, sometimes we have our party at the boathouse, which a predecessor of ours at the farm built in the meadow hard by the deepest pool for swimming and diving. | |
8 | 詹姆斯狄恩是我们最崇拜的电影明星,我们收集上面有他照片的所有东西,我把我收集的拿给其他的女孩看,就能感到她们都非常嫉妒我有这些东西。 | James Dean is our favorite movie idol. We collect everything which has his picture on it. I showed my collection of James Dean to the other girls and I could see they were very jealous of what I had. | |
9 | 走进环球影城的一个精彩景点,就像走进你最喜欢的电影的世界。 | Entering one of the attractions at Universal Studios is like stepping into the world of your favorite movie. | |
10 | 我去了一家我最喜欢的餐馆,第一次品尝了一种汤。 | I went to my favorite restaurant and tried a soup for the first time. | |
11 | 我最喜欢吃的是单煎一面蛋黄在上的鸡蛋。把平底锅烧热,放入一些食用油或黄油,然后打入鸡蛋。单煎一面鸡蛋,直至蛋清变硬。蛋黄部分保持鲜嫩。它看上去就像是一个快乐的太阳在盘子里。这就是为何我们将其称为“sunny side up”。 | My favorite way to eat eggs is sunny side up. You heat up a pan, add some oil or butter and crack an egg into it. One side of the egg cooks until the white part becomes solid. The yellow part of the egg -- the yolk -- stays yellow. It looks like a happy sun on a plate. That is why we call it "sunny side up." | |
12 | ||1:赛场的马匹被称之“the field(全部马匹)”。||2:在这些马匹当中有些最被看好的,也就是那些被认为最有可能获胜的赛马。||3:当然也有long shots,也就是无望获胜的赛马。||4:Long shots的投注风险很高,但是如果获胜就会赢很多钱。||5:所以赌徒经常投注最被看好的赛马之外的那些马匹。||6:他们会多方下注,就是给比赛中的多匹马下注。 | ||1:The horses in a race are "the field."||2:And in that field of horses there are the favorites-- those considered most likely to win.||3:And there are long shots -- those less likely to win.||4:Long shots are riskier to bet on, but they pay more money if they win.||5:So gamblers often bet on other horses other than the favorite .||6:They would play the field -- or several horses in the race. | |
13 | 例如,假设老师让给你写兴趣爱好。所以他(她)问你:“你最喜欢哪部电影?” | For example, let us say your teacher wants you to write about your interests. So he or she asks you: "What is your favorite movie?" | |
14 | 你最喜欢哪个地方? | What was your favorite place there? |