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    Beyonce’s five awards tied a record set by Alicia Keys, Norah Jones and Lauryn Hill for the most Grammy’s won by a female artist.

    8. Beyonce平了由Alicia Keys、Norah Jones 和 Lauryn Hill 创下的女艺人得奖(葛莱美)最多的纪录。


    A snow bunny is a young, attractive female skier.

    Snow bunny是指年轻漂亮的女滑雪者。

    属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:雪候鸟

    You probably know that chickens come from eggs. A female chicken or hen lays eggs and then they hatch into chicks. Well, not all of them. Some eggs do not have a baby bird.


    属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:不要高兴得太早

    Now my brother is a wise and calm person. He is at one with himself. He recognizes when he has had too much alcohol to drink. So he accepted an offer for a ride home from a female friend.


    属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:和数字一相关的短语

    One day, an average Joe was walking down the street. An average Joe is a common person – either male or female .? This average Joe was lost. He did not know Jack about where he was going. By this, I mean he did not know anything about where to find things in the city.

    有一天,一个人(an average Joe)走在大街上。An average Joe是指一个普通人,不论男女都适用。这个人迷路了。他不知道(did not know Jack)应该怎么走。我这里意思是说他不知道如何找个某个地方。

    属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:人名有关短语

    One day, an average Joe was walking down the street. An average Joe is a common person – either male or female .? This average Joe was lost. He did not know Jack about where he was going. By this, I mean he did not know anything about where to find things in the city.

    有一天,一个人(an average Joe)走在大街上。An average Joe是指一个普通人,不论男女都适用。这个人迷路了。他不知道(did not know Jack)应该怎么走。我这里意思是说他不知道如何找个某个地方。

    属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-与人名相关的短语
