属类:学习英语-Ask a Teacher 名师答疑-名师答疑:Either, Or 和 Neither, Nor的用法
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:全场紧逼
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:和食物相关的一些表达方式 3
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:食物相关表达方式 3
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:做个好人
1 | 汤姆想为澳大利亚足球队效力。 | Tom wants to play for the Australian football team. | |
2 | 特丽丝·琼斯是69中校足球女队的队员。她喜欢记日记。在日记里,她描写生活中发生的所有重要的或有趣的事情。 | Tracy Jones is a member of the No.69 Middle School girls’ football team. She likes to keep a diary. In her diary, she writes about all the important or interesting things that happen in her life. | |
3 | 同学们正在谈论他们刚刚看过的足球赛。 | The students are talking about the football game they saw just now. | |
4 | 我15岁,我喜欢足球。 | I’m 15 years old and I love football . | |
5 | 我不喜欢足球,我认为古典音乐很糟糕。 | I don’t like football and I think that classical music is terrible. | |
6 | 我不喜欢足球,也不喜欢徒步旅行。 | I don’t enjoy football and I hat hiking. | |
7 | 我的爱好是读小说、踢足球、唱歌。 | My interests are reading novels, playing football and singing songs. | |
8 | 我父亲使我了解了足球赛。 | My father introduced me to the game of football . | |
9 | 我可以看电视足球比赛。 | I could watch football on TV. | |
10 | 我们的足球队正力争夺取冠军。 | Our football team is contending/competing for the championship | |
11 | 我们会不顾天气硬着头皮参加这场足球赛。 | We will brave out the weather and go to the football game. | |
12 | 我认为摇滚音乐太吵闹,并且我认为足球很无聊。 | I think that rock music is too loud, and I think that football is boring. | |
13 | 我是校澳式足球队的队员。我们昨天有一场比赛,但我没能参加。我在上次比赛中受了伤。 | I play for our school’s Aussie rules football team. We had a match yesterday, but I couldn’t take part. I had got hurt in our last match. | |
14 | 我在电视上看了这场足球赛。 | I watched the football game on television. | |
15 | 向一星期下来辛苦劳累的一个劳动者提供星期六下午玩一场足球或棒球的机会是无用的。 | It is no use offering the manual laborer, tired out with a hard week’s sweat and effort, the chance of playing a game of football or baseball on Saturday afternoon. | |
16 | 小时候他喜欢打篮球和网球尤其喜欢足球。他把大量的时间用来谈话、读书,为了赚些钱,他还送报纸。 | As a boy, he enjoyed basketball, tennis and especially football . He spent a lot of time talking and reading and delivered a paper round to earn some money. | |
17 | 许多人密切注意足球比赛的消息。 | Many people follow all the football news | |
18 | 许多足球迷认为巴西队理应在世界杯中取胜。 | Many football fans thought Brazil deserved to win in the World Cup. | |
19 | 一个美国人问道:"你喜欢打橄榄球吗?" | "An American asked, "Do you like playing football ?"" | |
20 | 一位蜘蛛专家在英格兰南方的草原上对蜘蛛作了一番普查,他估计每一英亩有2,250,000以上只蜘蛛,也就是在一个足球场的方圆内,不同种类的蜘蛛大约有6,000,000只。 | One authority on spiders made a census of the spiders in a grass field in the south of England, and he estimated that there were more than 2,250,000 in one acre, that is something like 6,000,000 spiders of different kinds on a football pitch. | |
21 | 已经三点钟了,足球比赛应该很快就开始了。 | It’s three o’clock; the football game should begin soon. | |
22 | 运动场上有很多男孩在踢足球。 | There are a lot of boys on the sports ground playing football . | |
23 | 这是一所美丽的学校,此在这所学校里有小湖泊、漂亮的花园和一个大的足球场。 | This is a beautiful school, a school where there are small lakes, nice gardens and a big football play round. | |
24 | 但是如果句子中已经有一个像not之类的否定词,我们就更多使用either。例如,“桑迪既不会踢球,也不会打板球。” | But if a sentence already has a negative word like "not," it is more common to use either. For example, “Sandy does not play either football or cricket.” | |
25 | 很多英语表达来自于我们如何进行体育运动。例如,我们在运动场上进行一些运动,例如棒球和橄榄球。我们在球场上打篮球。这就引出了下一个表达:全场紧逼(full-court press)。 | Many English expressions come from how we play sports. For example, we play some sports – such as baseball and football – on a field. We play basketball on a court. And that leads to our next expression: a full-court press. | |
26 | 上周末,我朋友邀请我看电视上的足球比赛直播。但我不喜欢足球。It is not my cup of tea.(非我所爱,不是我的咖) | Over the weekend, my friend invited me to watch a football game on television. But I do not like football. It is not my cup of tea. | |
27 | 上周末,我朋友邀请我看电视上的足球比赛直播。但我不喜欢足球。It is not my cup of tea.(非我所爱,不是我的咖) | Over the weekend, my friend invited me to watch a football game on television. But I do not like football. It is not my cup of tea. | |
28 | 上周末,我朋友邀请我看电视上的足球比赛直播。但我不喜欢足球。It is not my cup of tea.(非我所爱,不是我的咖) | Over the weekend, my friend invited me to watch a football game on television. But I do not like football. It is not my cup of tea. |