属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 03
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:跟寒冷相关的短语
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:与航海相关的短语
属类:学习英语-Ask a Teacher 名师答疑-名师答疑:Wanna和Gonna等简化形式的使用
1 | 。莱丝和另一位女孩较亲切,而桑则上了别的学校,在那儿她结交了新朋友。 | Lies is more friendly with another girl, and Sanne goes to a different school, Where she has made new friends. | |
2 | “你不认为这是我干的吗?”苏比友好地说。 | """Don’t you think I did it?"" said Soapy in a friendly way." | |
3 | 本着睦邻友好的精神,按照平等互利和互不干涉内政的原则 | In a good neighborly and friendly spirit and in conformity with the principles of equality and mutual benefit and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs | |
4 | 从那些简陋的初级阶段,我们看到了现在都已普及的、使用简便的家用电脑和媒体的微机的发展。 | From those humble beginnings, we have seen the development of the user-friendly home computers and multimedia machines which are in common use today. | |
5 | 她友好地喊了声“喂”以示对我们的问候。 | She greeted us by shouting a friendly “ Hello!” | |
6 | 她这样是为了表示友好。 | She’s being friendly . | |
7 | 尽管场馆将用钢筋水泥建成,但是那流畅的线条和圆形的造型使这个建筑看上去温馨并具有亲和力。 | Although the stadium will be made of concrete and steel,the flowing lines and round shapes make the building look warm and friendly . | |
8 | 两国多年来一直保持着友好关系。 | The two countries have maintained/kept friendly relations for many years | |
9 | 列一个单子,写出他们的特点-他或她是羞涩的、友好的、快乐的、伤心的、恐惧的、还是勇敢的 | Make a short list of his or her qualities-is he or she shy, friendly , happy, sad, scared or brave? | |
10 | 人们总是以为偏僻地方的村民们热情好客。 | We always assume that villagers in remote places are friendly and hospitable. | |
11 | 如果他愿意的话可以很友好。 | He can be very friendly if he chooses to. | |
12 | 他们说刚才在和我们的校队进行友谊比赛。 | They said they had been having a friendly match with our school team. | |
13 | 他说他将永远对我们友好。 | He said that he would be friendly to us for ever/forever. | |
14 | 他滔滔不绝地大谈友好的农民,洁净的空气,贴近大自然的环境和悠闲的生活节奏 | He is forever talking about the friendly people, the clean atmosphere, the closeness to nature and the gentle pace of living. | |
15 | 他为人友善,因此和别人相处得很好。 | He is such a friendly person that he mixes well with other people | |
16 | 它们可以对人友好,充满柔情,但是,它们又有自己神秘的生活方式。 | They can be friendly and affectionate towards human,but they lead mysterious lives of their own as well. | |
17 | 我常想,要是我们能更充分地意识到这一点,我们就会更加努力地去为我们的人类同胞做好事;在路过的时候向他们投以友好的微笑,向他们表示在这短暂的、匆匆而过的人生斗争中,我们是同情他们的。 | I often think that, if we realized this more fully, we would try more earnestly to do good to our fellow men; to give them a friendly smile in passing, and to show that we have sympathy with them in the short, quick struggle of life. | |
18 | 我的意见是向别的组挑战,来一个友谊竞赛。 | My idea is that we challenge the other groups to a friendly competition. | |
19 | 我们感到他是友好的,乐于合作的。 | We found him friendly and cooperative. | |
20 | 我们还根据食物的生长制作方式进行选择:选择由那些昼用绿色、卫生的方式生产食物的公司生产的环保食物或者“生态食物”。 | We also make choices based on how the products are grown or made: environmentally friendly food, or “eco-food”, is produced by companies who have tried to use green and clean ways to grow it. | |
21 | 我晓得,姑娘们对这个女孩非常友好。 | I understand the girls are very friendly with Nancy Lee. | |
22 | 新技术必须既增加农业生产,又有益于环境。 | New techniques should increase agricultural production but also be friendly to the environment. | |
23 | 新型的磁悬浮列车就是交通运输变化的一个很好的例子。它既环保、又节能而且能以每小时430公里原惊人速度行驶。 | A good example of how transportation is changing is the new maglev train, which is environmentally friendly , energy-saving and travels at an amazing 430km/h. | |
24 | 一位友好的服务员教我几句意大利语,后来又借给我一本书,我读了几行,却什么也看不懂。 | A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. ’Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. | |
25 | 与..和好相处;过日 | Get along with; be friendly with | |
26 | 这位儿科医生总是对病人很友好。 | The doctor for children is always friendly to his patients. | |
27 | 这些最先从亚洲引进的狗,待人友好,早在罗马时代就给人当看门狗了。 | These friendly dogs, which were first brought from Asia, were used as watch-dogs even in Roman times. | |
28 | To cozy up to someone还可能意味着与某人开始友谊,或者就只是为了得到什么东西而去亲近别人。为了得到你想要的东西,你变得格外友好。 | To cozy up to someone can mean to start a friendship with someone or simply be nice to them in an attempt to get something. In order to get something you want, you are nice and extra friendly . | |
29 | ||海盗船在向意图抢劫的目标船只行进时,通常悬挂友好国家的旗帜。||他们一直挂着这种虚假旗帜,直到他们足够靠近对目标船只发起袭击。然后,海盗们降下虚假旗帜,秀出他们的真实旗帜。他们升上骷髅头和交叉骨头图案的海盗旗。 | ||Pirate ships often flew the flag of a friendly country as they sailed toward the ship they planned to rob.||They sailed under false colors until they were close enough to attack. Then the pirates pulled down the false flag, and showed their true colors. They raised the pirate flag -- with its picture of a skull and crossed bones. | |
30 | 有时候,人们没时间跟别人把问题说得很详细,所以他们使用简化形式的单词。但是日常生活中人们也使用简化形式来表现友好。 | Sometimes, people have little time to tell others about their exact problem, so they use reduced form words. But people in everyday life also use reduced forms to seem friendly . |