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    In the 1984 Olympic Games, Carl Lewis from the USA won four gold medals in track and field and became one of the best sportsmen in the 20th century.



    The Black and gold contrast well in that design.



    In Sydney the Chinese team got 28 gold medals, ranking third of all the competing countries.



    In Sydney the Chinese team got 28 gold medals, ranking the third of all the competing countries.



    The leader of the party was examining the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machine showed that there was gold under the ground.


    属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 55

    The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to hide gold .


    属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 55

    Just as fire tries gold , so does adversity try courage.



    The gods decided to punish him and said, "Very well. In the morning everything that you touch will become gold ."



    They finally found a small gold coin, which was almost worthless.


    属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 55

    [...]113:And, if you are a very good person, I would even say that you have a heart of gold .


    属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:坦诚交流

    You might say your child was good as gold when he behaved well at school. British writer Charles Dickens used this expression in eighteen forty-three. He was describing the child Tiny Tim in the book "A Christmas Carol."

    当你的孩子在学校表现很好,你可能会说他很乖(good as gold)。英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯1843年在《圣诞颂歌》一书中使用这个词语形容书中的一个名为蒂尼·齐姆的孩子。

    属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:金科玉律

    Gold digger is another description. But this does not say something nice about a person. A gold digger is someone who seeks to marry a rich person because he or she is only interested in that person’s money.

    钓金龟婿一族(Gold digger,或译为拜金族)是另一种说法,但这可不是形容人们的什么好品质。钓金龟婿一族谋求嫁个有钱人,他或者她的唯一兴趣只是那个人的钱。

    属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:金科玉律

    Salt was so important that, according to food historians, it was traded pound-for-pound for gold . Today, people still use the expressions to be worth one’s salt or worth one’s weight in salt. The expressions describe a person who is useful, a person of value.

    根据食物历史学家所述,盐是如此重要,它曾和黄金对等交易。如今,人们仍然在使用to be worth one’s salt或worth one’s weight in salt这种表达来形容重要人物。

    属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:盐不简单

    It has been said that there is nothing as great as a mother’s love. Some mother expressions mean just that. The mother lode comes from mining. It means the place where the largest amount of gold , silver, or anything else of value can be found.

    有人说,母爱(mother’s love)最伟大。一些涉及母亲的词汇就是这类意思。 The mother lode(母脉、主矿脉)一词源自采矿业,它是指黄金、白银或其它任何有价值物品蕴藏量最大的地方。

    属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-母亲节快乐!

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