属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 62
属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 62
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:提防小人
1 | 不过这时,许多地方草已生根。 | By then, however, in many places the grass had already taken root. | |
2 | 大约35分钟孤儿院就在眼前了。那是一幢粉刷成黄色的建筑,前面有一个非常宽大的院子。院子上铺满绿草并种着树木及花朵。 | After about thirty-five minutes the orphanage came into view. It was a yellow washed building with a very wide yard in front of it. The yard was carpeted with grass and was planted with trees and flowering plants. | |
3 | 当大火终于被扑灭时,森林管理当局订购了好几吨特种速生草籽。 | When the fire had at last been put out, the forest authorities ordered several tons of a special type of grass -seed, which would grow quickly. | |
4 | 当然,树和草还不坏,但是我从来不喜欢那个望着我们美国国旗的黑人老太婆。 | Of course the trees and grass are not bad, but I never liked that old Negro woman looking at our American flag. | |
5 | 当我躺在草地上,\\听到你的双重唱:\\似从这山传到那山,\\似在近旁,又在远方 | While I am lying on the grass \\Thy twofold shout I hear; \\From hill to hill it seems to pass \\At once far off, and near | |
6 | 风吹动着高高的青草。 | The wind sways the tall grass | |
7 | 今天太阳出来了。因为是春天,所以我们决定出去野餐。早餐后我们向郊外出发,约20分钟后,我们就到了。我们把野餐布铺在草地上,开始坐下来聊天。 | The sun was out today. It being spring decided to go out to have a picnic. After breakfast, we started off for the suburbs. About twenty minutes later, we arrived. We spread the picnic cloth on the grass and all of us sat down and started talking. | |
8 | 牛主要以草为食。 | Cattle feed chiefly on grass . | |
9 | 农民用这些机器锄草。 | These machines are used by farmers to cut grass . | |
10 | 妻子喋喋不休地让我想点办法。我告诉她,要么买一台新割草机,要么让草长下去。 | When my wife nagged me to do something about it, I told her that either I would have to buy a new mower or let the grass grow. | |
11 | 请遵守规定,别在草坪上行走。 | Please observe the rule about not walking on the grass | |
12 | 热带草原也是食肉动物--狮子、豹子和鬣狗的家园,食草动物就是它们的美餐。 | The savanna is also the home of meat-eaters- the lion, leopard, and hyena- who feed on the grass -eaters. | |
13 | 稍有降雨的地方,就有青草和灌木生长。 | Where a little rain falls, grass and desert shrubs appear. | |
14 | 深草丛中的某个地方有一台正在生锈的割草机。那就是我曾答应某日要修理的割草机。 | Buried somewhere in deep grass there is a rusting lawn mower which I have promised to repair one day. | |
15 | 牲口喜欢以牧草与谷物为食。 | Cattle like to feed on grass and grain. | |
16 | 树上的叶子和地上的青草也会变得更绿。花儿似乎也明媚多了。在夏季,雨是最受欢迎的了。 | The leaves in the trees, the grass on the ground are greener too after a brief rain shower. The flowers seem brighter too after the rain. | |
17 | 我感到疲倦,就在草地上躺下了。 | Feeling tired, I lay down on the grass . | |
18 | 我记得,陈伟说他敢肯定会在草地里看见蛇的。 | And Chen Wei was sure he could see a snake in the grass , I remember. | |
19 | 我无可奈何,只好罢休。几个星期过去了,草长起来。 | I gave up in despair. The weeks passed and the grass grew. | |
20 | 无云的浩瀚天空,起伏的茫茫草原。此外,即使望穿双眼,也看不到任何别的东西。没有道路。只有一片旷野。 | The great, cloudless sky. The rolling ocean of grass . Nothing else, no matter where he put his eyes. No road. Just sheer, empty space. | |
21 | 小草啊,你虽然微不足道,但是你却拥有你足下的土地。 | Ah, grass , you are next to nothing,but the earth you have rooted in belongs to you. | |
22 | 一条蛇在草丛中悄悄地滑行。 | A snake was lurking in the grass | |
23 | 一位蜘蛛专家在英格兰南方的草原上对蜘蛛作了一番普查,他估计每一英亩有2,250,000以上只蜘蛛,也就是在一个足球场的方圆内,不同种类的蜘蛛大约有6,000,000只。 | One authority on spiders made a census of the spiders in a grass field in the south of England, and he estimated that there were more than 2,250,000 in one acre, that is something like 6,000,000 spiders of different kinds on a football pitch. | |
24 | 在一处花圃旁,两位白发老太太在阳光下织毛衣,她们的孙子、孙女们在草地上玩耍。 | Near a flower garden, two white-haired grannies are knitting in the sunshine. Their grandchildren are playing on the grass . | |
25 | 在这里搞点大麻比买一个面包还容易。 | Scoring grass here is easier than buying a loaf of bread. | |
26 | 张先生是个离了婚的男人 | Mr. Zhang is a grass widower. | |
27 | 这个季节还使草保持绿颜色是不容易的。 | It is hard work keeping the grass green at this time of year. | |
28 | 这是城市公园内一处朴素的景色,绿茵茵的草地,中间高高的旗杆上挂着一面旗子,孩子们在玩耍,一个黑人妇女望着旗子满怀希望! | It’s just a simple scene in the city park. The grass fresh and green, a flag on a tall pole in the centre, children playing, and a Negro woman looking at it with so much hope! | |
29 | 这些动物都以青草和树叶为生。 | All of them live on grass and leaves of trees. | |
30 | 虽然蛇名声不好,但是从本质上讲,它们确实希望避免与人接触。有些蛇生活在高高的草丛当中,通常躲着人类和其它动物。但是如果你走得太近可能就会被咬住。因此,从这种意义上讲蛇很危险。同样也可以这样说,那些伪装成朋友的人很危险。 | Although snakes have a bad reputation, in nature they really want to avoid human contact. Some snakes live in tall grass , often hidden from people and animals. But if you walk too close, one might bite you. So, in that way, snakes are dangerous. The same can be said of a person who acts like your friend. |