属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:军事缩略语
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:肩上的碎屑
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:肩上的碎屑
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:替罪羊
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:截止期限
1 | 被告承认犯了偷窃罪。 | The defendant pleaded guilty to the theft | |
2 | 被告有抢劫罪。 | The defendant was guilty of robbery. | |
3 | 从证据看,我们不能不认为他犯了谋杀罪。 | From the evidence, we cannot but conclude that he is guilty of murder.|| In view of the evidence, we must conclude that he committed murder. | |
4 | 法官根据证据断定该犯人有罪。 | From the evidence the judge concluded that the prisoner was guilty | |
5 | 犯人有罪这一点是人人都看得清楚的。 | The fact that the prisoner was guilty was plain to everybody. | |
6 | 过去,确有罪证的杀人凶手将被判处死刑。 | In former times a murderer who was found guilty would be condemned to death. | |
7 | 甚至是最诚实的人也常常被弄得有罪似的 | Even really honest people are often made to feel guilty . | |
8 | 他和你同样有罪。 | He is no less guilty than you. | |
9 | 他觉得内心有愧,想扯谎蒙混过去。 | He felt guilty and was trying to fib out of it. | |
10 | 我怀疑他是否有罪(我估计他不会有罪)。<=>我觉得他可能有罪。 | I doubt if he is guilty .<=>I suspect that he is guilty. | |
11 | 依我之见,他有罪。 | In my judgement,he was guilty . | |
12 | 已查明被告无罪,经庭审后他便恢复了自由。 | The accused was found not guilty and after a court trial he regained his freedom | |
13 | 在没有证明某个人有罪之前,这个人是无罪的 | One is not guilty until he is proved. | |
14 | 在证据面前他只得承认他有罪。 | When faced with the evidence he had to admit he was guilty . | |
15 | 这可怜的女孩是无罪的,一点儿也没有 | The poor girl is not guilty , not at all. | |
16 | 这种制度一直被那些希望罪恶得到惩罚,社会得到保护的人视为公平而有效。 | The system has long been considered fair and sound by those who want to see the guilty punished and society protected. | |
17 | AWOL是一种非常不同的军事失踪。AWOL是指absence without official leave(擅离职守)。这意味着战士擅离职守。被判犯有AWOL罪名的士兵会受到严重的惩罚。 | AWOL is a very different kind of military disappearance. "AWOL" stands for "absence without official leave." This means a soldier is missing from duty without permission. A solider found guilty of an AWOL charge can suffer serious punishment. | |
18 | Chip还可以用来威胁涉嫌不法行为的人。调查人员可能会说,“We’re going to let the chips fall where they may.(我们将采取行动不计后果)。”意思是,调查过程将是全面和诚实的。这也是一个警告,即任何人都不能逃脱法律的制裁。 | The word chip can also be used in a threatening way to someone who is suspected of wrongdoing. An investigator may say, "We’re going to let the chips fall where they may." This means the investigation is going to be complete and honest. It is also a warning that no one will be protected from being found guilty . | |
19 | Chip还可以用来威胁涉嫌不法行为的人。调查人员可能会说,“We’re going to let the chips fall where they may.(我们将采取行动不计后果)。”意思是,调查过程将是全面和诚实的。这也是一个警告,即任何人都不能逃脱法律的制裁。 | The word chip can also be used in a threatening way to someone who is suspected of wrongdoing. An investigator may say, "We’re going to let the chips fall where they may." This means the investigation is going to be complete and honest. It is also a warning that no one will be protected from being found guilty . | |
20 | 另一个类似短语是bum rap(不公正的责难或惩罚)。受到不公正惩罚的这个人被认为有罪,但实际上很无辜。 | Another similar expression is bum rap. A person receives a bum rap if he is found guilty of a crime...but is really innocent. | |
21 | 维尔兹是一名出生在瑞士的南军士兵,他于1865年10月31日被审判并处决。他被判犯有不人道对待北军士兵和非法杀害一些北军士兵的罪名。但是他的审判非常有争议。 | Wirz, a Swiss-born Confederate soldier, was tried and executed on October 31, 1865. He was found guilty of treating Union prisoners inhumanely and for killing some unlawfully. But his trial was very controversial. |