属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 11
属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 11
属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 11
属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 11
1 | JK罗琳写了关于哈利波特的系列丛书,这个孩子的前额有一块伤疤,身世隐密。 | JK Rowling has written a series of books about Harry Potter, a boy with a scar on his forehead and a secret past. | |
2 | 从那以后,他认识到自己发明的小小恶作剧是要付出很大代价的。 | From then on, Harry decided that this little game he had invented might prove to be expensive. | |
3 | 但对于哈利来说,最重要的课程是关于现实生活、友谊以及如何成为勇敢的人。 | But for Harry , the most important lesson is about real life, friendship and how to be brave. | |
4 | 店员露出诧异的神色。哈里又慢慢地、一字一顿地说了遍这个词 | The shop assistant looked puzzled and Harry repeated the word, slowly stressing each syllable. | |
5 | 哈里,把这两个比萨饼送给托马逊先生,他在百老汇大街12号。 | Harry , take these two pizzas to Mr. Thompson on Broad Street, Number 12 | |
6 | 哈里几年前在一家律师事务所里工作,现在在一家银行任职。 | Harry worked in a lawyer’s office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. | |
7 | 哈里看见我就走了过来,并在同一张桌子前坐了下来。 | Harry saw me and came and sat at the same table. | |
8 | 哈里太胆小,不敢捉拿那个逃犯 | Harry is too yellow to arrest the escaped prisoner. | |
9 | 哈里为他的骗术得逞而感到洋洋得意,于是又提出要买香水泥。 | Intoxicated by his success, Harry then asked for perfumed mud. | |
10 | 哈里曾认为走进一家名贵化妆品商店,荒唐地提出要买一种根本不存在的商品是件很开心的事。 | Harry used to consider it a great joke to go into expensive cosmetic shops and make outrageous requests for goods that do not exist. | |
11 | 哈里只好认输。 | For once, Harry had to admit defeat. | |
12 | 哈里装出不高兴的样子时,女售货员答应为他定货。 | When Harry put on his act of being mildly annoyed, the girl promised to order some for him. | |
13 | 哈利必须和坏巫师作斗争,必须做正确的事情。 | Harry has to fight against bad wizards and do the right thing. | |
14 | 哈利很不快乐,不知道如何打发生活。 | Harry is very unhappy and does not know what to do about his life. | |
15 | 哈利看起来是一个普通的男孩子,但他的生活十分悲惨。 | Harry seems like a normal boy, but his life is miserable. | |
16 | 哈利也变得勇敢了,敢于做以前不敢做的事情。 | Harry also learns to be brave and to do things he used to be afraid of. | |
17 | 和朋友们一起,哈利知道了有时做正确的事情并不容易。 | Together with his friends, Harry learns that it is not always easy to do what is right. | |
18 | 后来,一只鸟让他去霍格活茨,成为魔法学校的学生。哈利的生活就此发生了重大转变。 | Harry ’s life changes when a bird tells him to go to Hogwarts and become a student of witchcraft and wizardry. | |
19 | 没料到这回轮到他自己吃惊了。因为那女售货员听完哈里的话后,马上眼睛一亮,拿出几瓶东西放在柜台上让哈里挑选。 | However, it was his turn to be surprised, for the girl’s eyes immediately lit up and she ’fetched several bottles which she placed on the counter for Harry to inspect. | |
20 | 魔法、许多魔怪和哈利在霍格沃茨的奇遇(这一切)帮助他了解了这个真实的世界。 | The magic, many strange creatures and the adventures Harry comes across at Hogwarts help him understand the real world. | |
21 | 拿出各种各样稀奇古怪的化妆品,但没有一件能够符合哈里的要求。 | She produced all sorts of weird concoctions, but none of them met with Harry ’s requirements. | |
22 | 那个女售货员还是迷惑不解地摇了摇头。哈里便进步解释“密诺莱持”是一种质地坚硬、状似琥珀的东西,可以用来除去雀斑。 | When the girl shook her head in bewilderment, Harry went on to explain that ’Myrolite’ was a hard, amber-like substance which could be used to remove freckles. | |
23 | 瓶里装的确是香水泥哈里是如何得到这种稀奇古怪的东西的,这里有个有趣的故事,而且他挺爱把它讲给别人听 | The bottle really does contain perfumed mud. How Harry came into the possession of this outlandish stuff makes an interesting story which he is fond of relating. | |
24 | 使我吃惊的是,他立刻就给了我。“我从来没有向你借过钱,”哈里说,“所以这次你可以替我付饭钱了!“ | To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. ’I have never borrowed any money from you,’ Harry said, ’so now you can pay for my dinner!’ | |
25 | 他甚至可能是大哈利的好对手。 | He might even be a match for Big Harry . | |
26 | 我的堂兄哈里在他的书房里一直摆着一吸形状古怪的大瓶子 | My cousin, Harry , keeps a large curiously shaped bottle on permanent display in his study. | |
27 | 我实在想象不出哈里在这些表演中是怎样装出一本正经的样子。 | How Harry managed to keep a straight face during these performances is quite beyond me. | |
28 | 我正在一个餐馆里,哈里?斯蒂尔走了进来。 | I was having dinner at a restaurant when Harry Steele came in. | |
29 | 无须暗示哈里就向你讲起他买下那瓶珍贵香水泥的经过。 | Harry does not need to be prompted to explain how he bought his precious bottle of mud. | |
30 | 下面用黑体字标的词都是课文中和哈利波特有关的词语。 | The following words in bold are in the text about Harry Potter. |