属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 85
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-半真半假为何如此有趣?
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:尖端前沿
1 | 75. 大多数现代的锻炼方法不能达到目的。 | The most modern regimes are not hitting the mark . | |
2 | 大陆坡度一般开始于100英寻左右的测标处,延伸几百英里后到达2,500-3000英寻深的真正海底。 | This continental slope usually starts at a place somewhere near the 100-fathom mark and in the course of a few hundred miles reaches the true ocean-floor at 2,500-3,000 fathoms. | |
3 | 当场;即于此际;准确 | On the spot; straightaway;on the mark | |
4 | 她们其中一位说:“是的,在码头上,服务员告诉我马克·吐温要上这条船,他说现在他就在船上。” | One of them said, Yes the clerk told me on the wharf boat that Mark Twain was coming on this boat, and he said he was on the boat now. | |
5 | 老师吃惊地发现一位懒惰的同学在一次重要的考试中得了满分。 | The teacher was amazed to find that a lazy student had gained a mark of 100 in an important test | |
6 | 玛莉看起来浑身湿透。 | Mark looked like a drowned rat. | |
7 | 请把它记下来。 | Please mark it down. | |
8 | 如果发现有生字就把它们标出来。 | If you find any new words in it, mark them out. | |
9 | 他匆匆瞄准,结果弹着点偏离靶心很远。 | His aim was hurried and his shot went wide of the mark | |
10 | 他写这篇文章时特别努力,所以他预期能得到高分。 | He hoped that his extra efforts on the essay would bring him a higher mark | |
11 | 为庆祝女王登基十周年将举行各种纪念活动。 | There will be ceremonies to mark the tenth anniversary of the Queen’s accession. | |
12 | 我正在船舱里踱步,一个男人走了过来,说道:“你是马克·吐温先生吗?”我说:“是。”他一边和我一道走一边说:“我听说你在船上。我是圣路易斯的一个老舞台艺术工作者。我的妻子也在这个船上。 | I was pacing the cabin when a man came along and said “Are you Mr. Mark Twain?” I said “Yes”, and he walked along with me saying “I heard you were abroad. I am an old scenic artist of St. Louis, and my wife is abroad here with me and also another lady. | |
13 | 学校里的新老学生都将给他送礼以表敬意。 | Pupils of the school, old and new, will be sending him a present to mark the occasion. | |
14 | 一位懒惰的学生在一次重要的测试中得了满分使老师大为惊奇。 | The teacher was amazed to find a lazy student had gained a mark of 100 in an important test | |
15 | 在杯子上标上记号才知道那个是你的。 | Mark on your cup so that you know which one is yours. | |
16 | 在有疑问的地方可以做一个记号。 | Make a mark where you have any doubts or questions. | |
17 | 总有一天,我会去读莎士比亚、肖伯纳、狄更斯和马克·吐温的原著! | Some day I am going to read Shakespeare and Bernard Shaw and Dickens and Mark Twain- all in the original! | |
18 | 美国作家马克·吐温(Mark Twain)是一位擅长发表半真半假言论的专家。 | The American writer Mark Twain was an expert at making tongue-in-cheek comments. | |
19 | 最前沿人士或者先驱者开辟了一条道路。当你在树林里开辟一条道路时,你开辟了一条让其他人可以跟着走的小路。你可以通过砍掉挡路的植物,或者在树上做标记。 | People on the cutting edge, or in the vanguard, are blazing a trail. When you blaze a trail in the woods, you make a trail for others to follow. You do this by cutting down plants that may be in your way. You can also mark trees with a cut, also called a blaze. |