属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:RX标志起源详解
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:RX标志起源始末
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:RX标志起源详解
属类:学习英语-Ask a Teacher 名师答疑-名师答疑:smile和laugh的区别
1 | 他吃药以安神。 | He took some medicine to settle his nerves | |
2 | 他和水把药吞下。 | He swallowed the medicine with water. | |
3 | 我看他学医不合适。 | I don’t think it advisable for him to study medicine . | |
4 | 笑是唯一的一种不用开处方、没有苦味而且不用花钱的药。 | Laughter is the only medicine that needs no prescription, has no unpleasant taste, and costs no money. | |
5 | 药效发挥,疼痛消失了。 | The medicine worked and the pain went away. | |
6 | 一旦我好了,我会让自己得到一切想要的东西。没有人能阻止得了。生活真悲惨。妈妈正在厨房里弄一些中药给我喝。 | Once I get well, I promise to treat myself to all the things I want. And there is no one who is going to stop me. How miserable life can get. Mother is right now in the kitchen preparing some traditional. Chinese medicine for me to drink. | |
7 | 一星期后如果仍不见药效,就增加剂量。 | If the medicine has little effect after a week step up the quantity | |
8 | 因此,除了躺在床上,今天我做了些什么?真的也没做什么。我喝了许多妈妈弄的饮料,整天都只能吃稀饭。因为吃药的关系,我睡了很久。 | So, what else did I do today, aside from just sitting on my bed? Nothing really much. I drank a lot of juice that mother made and could eat nothing but rice gruel all day. I also slept a lot because of the medicine I took. | |
9 | 有些有可以靠药物维持生命,但是治疗很昂贵并且无法根治。 | For some ,medicine can help keep them alive ,but the treatment is expensive and does not cure them. | |
10 | 越来越多的医生使用这种新药。 | More and more doctors have begun to use the new medicine . | |
11 | 这个物质几乎是偶然发现的,却使医学发生了革命性的变化。 | The substance, discovered almost by accident, has revolutionized medicine . | |
12 | 这是一个怀疑重重的时代,但是尽管我们对祖先所笃信的许多事物的信仰已经减退,然而我们对瓶内药物疗效的信心仍与祖辈一样坚定。 | This is a skeptical age, but although our faith in many of the things in which our forefathers fervently believed has weakened, our confidence in the curative properties of the bottle of medicine remains the same as theirs. | |
13 | 这药的作用神奇。 | The medicine acted like magic | |
14 | 这药每天吃三次。 | Take this medicine three times a day. | |
15 | 这药一天吃三次,最好饭前吃。 | The medicine is to be taken three times a day, preferable before meals. | |
16 | 这种药可以止痛。 | This medicine will kill the pain | |
17 | 这种药品应该可以退热。 | This medicine should counteract the fever | |
18 | 这种药如果时间吃得合适是很有效的。 | This medicine , taken in time, can be very effective. | |
19 | 这种药治好我的感冒。 | This medicine cured me of cold | |
20 | To take your medicine意思是接受你必须做的不好的事情导致的结果。如果有人说,“You made your bed. Now lie in it(自作自受)”,意思是说你造成了某种恶劣状况,现在你得承受这一结果,也就是我们在美式口语中所说的,你必须处理这一情况。 | To "take your medicine " means to accept the results from something bad you have done. And if someone says, "You made your bed. Now lie in it," they mean you created a bad situation and now you will experience the results, or as we say in spoken American English, you must deal with it! | |
21 | 词汇掌故:RX标志起源详解 | Rx: Why It Means Take Your Medicine | |
22 | 古埃及人使用荷鲁斯之眼图案作为一个神奇的标志,来保护自己远离疾病、痛苦和邪恶。他们把这个标志刻在建房子的石头上。也画到用于记述药物和医生的莎草纸花名册上。 | The ancient Egyptians used a drawing of the eye of Horus as a magic sign to protect themselves from disease, suffering and evil. They cut this sign in the stones they used for buildings. And it was painted on the papyrus rolls used for writing about medicine and doctors. | |
23 | 我们在药店,或找医生开处方单都会看到这个标志。它也会出现在药瓶底部。 | We see this sign on drug stores and whenever we visit a doctor to get an order for medicine . It also appears on bottles of pills and other medicines. | |
24 | 英语中有句老话说,笑声具有传染力(laughter is contagious),意思是指一个人笑可以让其他人跟着笑。你也可以说笑声是最好的药(laughter is the best medicine),这是指笑声可以让笑的人感觉更好。 | There is an old saying in English, laughter is contagious. It means that one person laughing can make others start laughing. You also may have heard the saying laughter is the best medicine . That means laughing can make the person doing it feel better. |