属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 83
属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 83
属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 83
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:细节
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:细节决定成败
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:细节决定成败
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:细节决定成败
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:细节决定成败
1 | 1929年,金出生于美国东南部佐治亚州的亚特兰大市,是个基督教牧师的儿子。 | King was born in 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia, in the southeast of the US, the son of a minister in the church. | |
2 | 部长的讲话尽是些遁辞/借口。 | The minister ’s speech was full of evasions. | |
3 | 大选后,Crawley到前首相家去。 | After the elections, Crawley went to the former Prime Minister ’s house. | |
4 | 当他询问lane先生是否住在那儿时,值班警察告诉他,这位前首相落选后就到国外去了。 | When he asked if Mr. Lane lived there, the policeman on duty told him that since his defeat, the ex-Prime Minister had gone abroad. | |
5 | 对部长提出了严厉的指控。 | Serious accusations have been levelled against the minister | |
6 | 黑人在那里享有平等的权利,可以按照自己的愿望自由地生活、学习和工作。1948年他大学毕业后成了一名基督教牧师。 | There black people had equal rights and were free to live, study and work as they liked. In 1948 he left college to be a minister in the church. | |
7 | 牧师引用了圣经中的话。 | The minister quoted (from)the bible | |
8 | 前首相WentworthLane在最近的一次大选中失败了。 | The former Prime Minister , Mr. Wentworth Lane, was defeated in the recent elections. | |
9 | 首相反复考虑在不限制国民个人自由的同时怎样维护国家的安全。 | The prime minister pondered the problem of how to maintain national security without restricting individual freedom | |
10 | 首相接见了多批来自世界各国的友好代表团。 | The prime minister received a great many good will missions from various countries | |
11 | 首相认为有必要亲自调停关于协和式飞机未来的命运的辩论。 | The prime minister decided that it was necessary for him to intervene in the debate on the future of Concorde | |
12 | 他们编造了首相接见他们的故事,引起了轰动。 | They had faked an interview with the prime minister that caused a sensation | |
13 | 他使自己在政府中成为最有权势的部长。 | He established himself as the most powerful minister in the government. | |
14 | 他只是名义上当首相。 | He is only prime minister in name. | |
15 | 我是以贸易部长的身份在讲话。 | I’m speaking in my capacity as minister of trade | |
16 | 展览会开幕由副部长剪彩。 | The vice-minister cut the ribbon to open the exhibition. | |
17 | 站在中间的那个人大概是来访问的那位部长。 | That man in the middle will be the visiting minister . | |
18 | 值此巴基斯坦国庆节之际,我谨向阁下转达中华人民共和国外交部长致阁下的贺电 | On the occasion of the Republic Day of Pakistan I have the honour to forward to Your Excellency the message of congratulation from the Minister of Foreign affairs of the People’s Republic of China | |
19 | 总统夫人热烈欢迎那位外交部长。 | The First Lady gave the foreign minister a warm welcome | |
20 | 在政府中,总统或首相可能会计划或制定方案和政策。但是,需要付出更多努力才能使其得以通过并取得成功。 | In government, the president or prime minister may plan and shape programs and policies. But, it takes much more work to get them approved and to make them successful. | |
21 | 在政府中,总统或首相可能会计划或制定方案和政策。但是,需要付出更多努力才能使其得以通过并取得成功。 | In government, the president or prime minister may plan and shape programs and policies. But, it takes much more work to get them approved and to make them successful. | |
22 | 在政府中,总统或首相可能会计划或制定方案和政策。但是,需要付出更多努力才能使其得以通过并取得成功。 | In government, the president or prime minister may plan and shape programs and policies. But, it takes much more work to get them approved and to make them successful. | |
23 | ||最近一本书讲述了英国首相决定特使到华盛顿去了解在一次有关问题的联合行动中是否已经万事具备。||首相称,华盛顿的会谈就是nut and bolts。他的意思当然是说,这次会谈牵涉了联合行动是否能够取得成功的所有必要因素。 | ||A recent book tells of a British prime minister who decided to send an ambassador to Washington to learn if details could be worked out for joint action on an issue.|| The talks in Washington, the minister said, would be "of nut and bolts." He meant, of course, the talks would concern all the necessary elements to make joint action successful. | |
24 | ||最近一本书讲述了英国首相决定特使到华盛顿去了解在一次有关问题的联合行动中是否已经万事具备。||首相称,华盛顿的会谈就是nut and bolts。他的意思当然是说,这次会谈牵涉了联合行动是否能够取得成功的所有必要因素。 | ||A recent book tells of a British prime minister who decided to send an ambassador to Washington to learn if details could be worked out for joint action on an issue.|| The talks in Washington, the minister said, would be "of nut and bolts." He meant, of course, the talks would concern all the necessary elements to make joint action successful. |