属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:截止期限
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-成功人士的五种习惯
属类:经济金融-Arts & Culture 文化艺术-调查称1/4的美国人没去过美国著名地标
1 | 学校和政府部门放假,很多美国人在这天休假。人们以游行、户外音乐活动以及野餐和聚会来庆祝阵亡将士纪念日。 | Schools and government offices close. Most people in the U.S. have this day off from work. People celebrate Memorial Day with parades, outdoor musical events as well as picnics and parties. | |
2 | 以下是我们从这些网站收集到的如何正确开始每一天的五条建议: | Collected from these websites, here are five ideas on how to start your day off right. | |
3 | 在社交媒体网站上,一位推特用户回应了这项调查,列举了一些不去名胜的原因。这位用户提到,“我们大多数人没有带薪假期,休假会挨罚,或者根本就无力承担任何多出来的旅游开支。” | On social media, one Twitter user reacting to the study named a few reasons for not visiting famous places. The writer noted that "most of us don’t get paid days off, get punished for taking a day off , or simply can’t afford to visit anything or go anywhere anymore." | |
4 | 报告还显示,越来越多的工厂不遵守每周最多60小时工作时间、一天休假的要求。 | The report shows a marked decrease in compliance on working hour requirements of a maximum 60-hour week with one day off . | |
5 | 不再去看基本面,给你的技术指标放一天假。 | Put fundamentals back on the shelf. Give your technical indicators a day off . | |
6 | 不知能否给我放一天假。 | A: I was wondering if you could give me a day off . | |
7 | 除非你投票赞成罢工,活着你的工作单位,比如说当地学校,已经关门了,否则,你最好还是不把这一天当假期。 | Unless you voted to strike or your workplace such as the local school is closed, you are not obliged to have the day off . | |
8 | 除了多睡会懒觉,还有可以做这几个方便快捷的事情来帮你顺顺利利地度过这一天。 | Apart from getting more sleep there are a few quick and easy things you can do to help set your day off on the right foot. | |
9 | 大多是女性的工人们,每月在发工资后休息一天,这样她们就可以把钱寄回家。 | The workers, almost all women, get one day off a month, the day after payday so they can send money home. | |
10 | 大多数人都不会愉快地度过放假的休息时间。下面跟大家谈谈如何充分利用独处的时间享受愉快的休息日。 | Most people do not spend their day-off holidays happily. Here’s how to make the most of your own company and have an enjoyable day off . | |
11 | 但今天算是个例外,我们点的饮料端上来了。 | But today’s a day off from that. Our drinks arrive. | |
12 | 但愿我们还能找到一份研究报告,证明大家多休息一天是合情合理的,那该多好! | Now if only we could find a study that justifies taking the day off altogether. | |
13 | 的确,当你下次享受懒散的周日而有负罪感,或者丢开该死的工作请假一天时,再想一想。 | Indeed, the next time you feel guilty about enjoying a lazy Sunday, or taking a day off from work for the heck of it, think again. | |
14 | 对当天活动的进行一些冥思是让你能以注意力集中、有成果地方式开始新的一天的很好方式。 | A little pre-work meditation on the day’s events is a great way to start the day off focused and productive. | |
15 | 对一些人来说,这只是平淡的一天。 | For many this means a day off . | |
16 | 对于性质非常恶劣的恶意犯规,裁判可以给他直接出示红牌,球员领到红牌不仅被罚下场还将被禁赛一场。 | Straight red cards mean a player has been particularly naughty and can expect a day off when the next match comes around. | |
17 | 奉:他们给我们放假一天参加(韩国)选举的投票,而我属于那种把这一天用来看电影的人。 | BJ: They give us a day off to vote during elections [in Korea], and I’m the type that uses it to go to the movies. | |
18 | 郭延宾,25岁,来自湖南,他在物流部门工作,说话时皱着眉头。 | Guo Yan Bing, a 25-year-old from Henan province who works in logistics, spoke while having his eyebrows shaped with a razor on his day off . | |
19 | 很抱歉打扰你,我想明天请一天假。 | Sorry to bother you , but I want to take a day off tomorrow. | |
20 | 加州超过200,000名工人因为该州开始实行周五休假计划而可以在周五休息。紧跟着国家预算危机产生,州长A。 | More than 200, 000 California State workers took an unpaid day off Friday as the state began its Friday furlough program. | |
21 | 教练员说假如球员们赢了,他将放他们一天假,而他的话果然一点不假。 | The coach said he would give the players a day off if they won, and he was as good as his word. | |
22 | 节假日当骑兵查德威廉姆斯手机响时,他正在为少年棒球联合会的棒球比赛当裁判。 | Trooper Chad McWilliams was umpiring a Little League baseball game on his day off when his cell phone rang. | |
23 | 她每周工作60小时,每周只休息一天,住在一幢还有其他50多个性工作者的房子里。 | She works 60-hour weeks, takes only one day off per week, and lives in a building with more than 50 other sex workers. | |
24 | 她平时吃饭严格按照膳食计划——按时定点吃专门的食物,今天算是个例外。 | This is a day off from her complicated dietary regime, which involves eating specific things at regular intervals. | |
25 | 今天接下来的时间你可以休息了。 | You can have the rest of the day off . | |
26 | 尽管格林博格不玩高尔夫,但他假装挥竿的动作以及以后还会振作的宣言已经是人人皆知。 | Mr. Greenberg, who doesn’t play the game, had famously pretended to swing a club and loudly announced he was taking the next day off . | |
27 | 经理每周仅给员工一天的假。 | The manager gave the workers only one day off each week. | |
28 | 罗斯说:“能让米其林的察访员在休息日来我的餐厅,是目前对我最好的赞誉。” | "To have the Michelin inspectors come to my restaurant on their day off , " says Rose, "is the best accolade yet. " | |
29 | 迈克:你一定是累坏了,杰克。你在这篇报道上花了很大力气。你明天应该休息一天。 | Mike: You must be really tired, Jake. You’ve been working hard on this story. You should take a day off tomorrow. | |
30 | 迈克尔.哈珀——布鲁克林区的一位普通的父亲——利用他一天的休假日于月初在市政厅听取了市长控制教育的报告。 | MICHAEL HARPER, a dad from Brooklyn, spent his day off earlier this month at a City Hall hearing on mayoral control of New York’s schools. |