属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-纽约市游客人数开始增长
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-朝鲜 又一个受害者(1)
属类:时事政治-Trending Today 今日趋势-又一位皇室宝宝即将诞生
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-有关国家宣布扩大马来西亚370航班搜索范围
属类:时事政治-Trending Today 今日趋势-邦妮·泰勒将在日食期间演唱心之全蚀
1 | “如果这样不行,”我们问道,“你能否陪同青少年感化中心的少年犯去动物园玩一天? | " If you can’t do that," we asked, " Would you chaperone a group of juvenile detention center inmates on a day trip to the zoo?" | |
2 | 20世纪70年代中期,我和我的同事作了一项试验,我们在街道上随意选择路人,询问他们能否无偿陪同青少年感化中心少年犯去动物园玩一天。 | In the mid 1970s my colleagues and I conducted an experiment, we stopped a random sample of passersby on public walkways and asked if they would volunteer to chaperone juvenile detention center inmates on a day trip to the zoo | |
3 | 赴苏州一日游 | Be on a day trip to suzhou | |
4 | 去乡村远足一天. | a day trip to the country | |
5 | 他告诉我可以参加乐山和峨嵋山两日游。 | He told me that I could go on a two-day trip to Leshan and Emei, which wasn’t too expensive. | |
6 | 他们出发去伦敦一日游。 | They set out for London on a one-day trip . | |
7 | 我的姐妹上月去英格兰旅行了15天。 | My sister took a fifteen-day trip to England last month. | |
8 | 要人家出差,当天回来真是荒唐我得5点起床,弄得现在困极了 | It ’s absurd to have to make a one-day trip to.... And back. I have to get up at five, and now I am so sleepy. | |
9 | 但是由于美国旅行者以及纽约一日游游客,酒店住客和博物馆游客数量有所增长。 | Lately, however, the number of hotel guests and museum visitors have increased due to American travelers and those on a one-day trip to the city. | |
10 | 当21岁的美国学生奥托·瓦姆比尔在2015年12月签署了为期五天的旅行时,他在一家中国旅游公司的网站在阅读了有关朝鲜的旅游指南。 | So read the guidance for North Korea on the website of a Chinese travel company when Otto Warmbier, a 21-year-old American student, signed up for a five-day trip in December 2015. | |
11 | 公爵和公爵夫人目前在澳洲开始为期16天的访问,其中还会访问斐济、汤加和新西兰。他们在悉尼落地后不久就传出了怀孕的消息,这引发了社交媒体上的一片祝贺声。 | The Duke and Dutchess are currently in Australia at the start of a 16-day trip that will also include visits to Fiji, Tonga and New Zealand. The pregnancy news came out shortly after they landed in Sydney. It set off a series of congratulatory posts on social media sites. | |
12 | 沃伦·特拉斯(Warren Truss)是澳大利亚副总理。他说,工作人员采用了世界上最好的一些设备在搜索飞机。特拉斯先生称这片水下搜索区域极具挑战性。他指出,搜索区域距离最近的港口有5到6天的行程。 | Warren Truss is Australia’s deputy prime minister. He says crews are using some of the best equipment in the world to look for the plane. Mr. Truss describes the underwater search area as very challenging or difficult. He notes the search area is a five- to six-day trip from the closest port. | |
13 | 这艘游轮将于8月20日的周日从迈阿密出发前往佛罗里达州开始为期七天的行程。它将航行到大西洋某处,乘客将有机会观测月亮直接从太阳前面经过这样一段时期。 | The ship leaves from Miami, Florida for a seven-day trip on Sunday, August 20. It will sail to an area of the Atlantic Ocean where passengers will have a chance to experience the period when the moon passes directly in front of the sun. | |
14 | Reed和共和党参议员ChuckHagel陪同奥巴马一起对阿富汗、伊拉克、约旦和科威特进行了为期六天的访问,上周刚刚回国。 | Reed and Republican Senator Chuck Hagel went with Obama on a six-day trip to Afghanistan, Iraq, Jordan and Kuwait that ended this past week. | |
15 | 不论是一次三、四天的远行,还是短短一个下午的小游,不论是自己驾车还是雇司机同行,道路都在那里等候你的到来。 | Whether a four-day trip or an afternoon jaunt, whether you take the wheel yourself or hire a driver, your route is out there. | |
16 | 从香港至新加坡的九天服务收费起价为每人6,195美元。 | Fares for a nine-day trip that begins in Hong Kong and ends in Singapore start at $6, 195 a person. | |
17 | 当你和孩子一起旅行时,无论是一天的的短途还是以星期的长假,对于世界他们能学到很多东西。 | When you travel with your kids -- whether it’s a day trip or a week-long vacation -- they can learn so much about the world. | |
18 | 到巴黎的观光者大都会选出一天去凡尔赛,因为那里呈现了皇室所造就的法国古典文明的顶峰。 | A visit to Paris should include a day-trip to Versailles where French royalty brought the classical French style to its apex. | |
19 | 对于正在中国物价最高城市进行为期三天旅行的汽车销售员白可志(音)来说,这是一个公平的价格。 | For Bai Kezhi, a truck salesman on a three-day trip , that’s a fair price for a hotel room in China’s priciest city. | |
20 | 海滨一日游 | A day trip to the seaside | |
21 | 今年9月,他率领一支60多人的代表团,进行了为期10天的中国之旅,向中国企业推销伦敦金融城的服务。 | In September he led a 60-strong delegation on a 10-day trip around China to sell the City of London’s services to Chinese businesses. | |
22 | 就我所知,这次竞赛的获胜者将能去香港作七日游。 | As far as I know, the winner of the contest will be able to go on a seven-day trip to Hong Kong. | |
23 | 据当地媒体报道,北川地震遗址一日游31日将开通,费用为158元每人。 | A one-day trip to the Beichuan earthquake remains will be launched Saturday, charging RMB158 per capita, local media reported. | |
24 | 据新华社报道,台湾海峡交流基金会董事长江丙坤率领的25人新闻交流团,将于今天启程前往大陆,进行为期4天的访问。 | A delegation of Taiwan media will leave for the mainland Wednesday on a 4-day trip , the first time in 15 years, Xinhua reported. | |
25 | 卡西:我想我们可以来个莺歌一日游。 | Kathy: I thought we could take a day-trip to Yingge. | |
26 | 可以是梦想目的地的一日游,也可是两个星期的短途旅行。 | It could be a day trip or a two-week excursion to your dream destination. | |
27 | 美国总统布什将在下星期二前往中东地区,对以色列、沙特阿拉伯和埃及进行为期五天的访问。 | U. S. President George Bush heads to the Middle East Tuesday for a five-day trip to Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. | |
28 | 那是他的第一次造访,一次四天的短期旅行,我们那时正在沿着卢瓦尔河谷城堡观光旅游。 | It was after his first visit, a quick, four-day trip during which we went to several of the Loire Valley chateaux that surround Tours. | |
29 | 瑞德和共和党人ChunkHagel与奥巴马一听在这周末对阿富汗,伊拉克,约旦,科威特进行了为期六天的访问。 | Read and Republican Senator Chunk Hagel went with Obama six-day trip to Afghanistan, Iraq, Jordan and Kuwait that ended this past week. | |
30 | 他是在结束为期三天的新疆之行时发表上述言论的。官方媒体配合他的行程展开宣传活动。 | His remarks came as he wrapped up a three-day trip of the region, accompanied by a propaganda campaign by state media. |