1 | 好容易睡熟了,梦深处一个小声间带哭嚷道:“别压住我的红棉袄! | After he had finally fallen asleep, a small voice began crying plaintively, from deep within his dreams, "Get off my clothes! | |
2 | 她把脸埋在枕头里;把秘密深藏在他自己心里 | Buried her face in the pillow; buried the secret deep within himself. | |
3 | 平时他温柔和蔼。不过,在他的内心深处却隐藏着一个坚硬的核心,就像是埋在松软的泥土里的一块金属,它把一切想要越过它的东西的边儿都卷了起来,挡了回去。 | He was normally gentle and kind. But deep within him there lay hidden a hard center, like metal in soft soil. This turned the edge of everything that tried to cross it. | |
4 | 他多么强烈地感到他们之间的情意正在他心中日益加深。 | How strong he felt the bond between them growing deep within himself | |
5 | 他就是那个铁石心肠的前拳击家,表面上虽然阿谀逢迎,心底里却尽转着天下大乱,杀人越货的念头。 | He is the stony-hearted expug, committed deep within him, despite all blandishments, to anarchy and loot | |
6 | 他心底深处渐渐燃起了一股强烈的仇恨,这部队里凡是让他冒生命危险的人,他个个都恨。 | Deep within him a passionate hatred was brewing for everyone in the army who endangered his life. | |
7 | 岩浆是形成在地球的深部,它是熔融的物质的混合物。当岩浆通过火山口溢出地表时,便可称这种熔融的岩石为熔岩。 | Magma occurs deep within the earth and is made up of a mixture of molten mineral materials. Sometimes magma reaches the surface through volcanoes. Then the molten rock is called lava. | |
8 | 在初始坍缩和流体力学阶段之后,一个年青星体仍然深深嵌在产生它的母体之中。 | After the initial collapse and hydrodynamic phases, a young stellar object is still embedded deep within its progenitor | |
9 | 本质上,吉姆的内心深处有某些东西在告诉他不要对男性产生冲动,这就是他真实自我的体现。 | At his very essence, there was always something deep within Jim, calling him to stop having sex with men, and then this true self emerged. | |
10 | 冰岛是由于“热区”里的物质从地底深处涌起,把部分海底山脊推到空中而形成的国家。 | Iceland is the result of a "hotspot" in which material rises from deep within the Earth, pushing part of this ridge up into the air. | |
11 | 穿过一处茂密的树林,这一历史胜地将给你带来无尽的惊奇。 | Set deep within a thriving forest, this historic site offers a palpable sense of wonder and spirituality. | |
12 | 从地球深处所喷出的岩浆与仅低于地壳表面所形成的岩浆有着了不同的同位素和化学成分。 | Magma rising from deep within the Earth has a different isotopic and chemical composition than magma that forms just below Earth’s crust. | |
13 | 当你处在风口浪尖,你要深入审视自己并找到克服恐惧、疑虑和担忧的方法。 | When you are standing on the cusp, you have to dig deep within yourself to find ways to overcome the fear, doubt and worry. | |
14 | 当欧洲还处于黑暗时代,这种文明已在墨西哥和危地拉马的原始森林深处繁荣起来了。 | Deep within the jungles of Mexico and Guatemala, this civilization flourished when Europe was still in the Dark ages. | |
15 | 当深深遗憾其间时,他们渴望能在生命中再次地适时大笑和犯糊涂。 | When deep within , they longed to laugh properly and have silliness in their life again. | |
16 | 第一场雪使我们想起了爷爷、第一次霜降和我们深埋在土里的魔法雪堆。 | The first snow reminded us of Papa, the first frost and our magic snowbank deep within the earth. | |
17 | 而且,虽然他们更暗,他们破碎的面孔也同样来自地球深处。 | And, though they would be darker, their ravaged faces too would come from deep within the earth. | |
18 | 肺中的浓痰的气味沿着支气管呼出来导致严重的口臭。 | The smell of purulent sputum incubating deep within a lung may waft its way up the bronchial tree, resulting in serious halitosis. | |
19 | 根据哈勃望远镜提供的最新信息,这颗恒星起源于银河系的深处。 | According to new information provided by the Hubble telescope, the star originated deep within the Milky Way. | |
20 | 古人看到了神和人之间表达思想的桥梁,而我们现在则感知到梦境会引领我们走向深处。 | The ancients saw the vehicle between God and people. We now know that dreams lead us deep within ourselves. | |
21 | 哈萨克斯坦位于亚洲大陆的€深处,其海岸线仅仅是内陆的里海。 | Kazakhstan is located deep within the Asian continent, with coastline only on the landlocked Caspian Sea. | |
22 | 火山爆发是蕴藏地球深部炙热能量令人生畏的宣泄。 | Volcanoes are awesome manifestations of the fiery power contained deep within the Earth. | |
23 | 检查时可发现霰粒肿表现为单个、质硬、位于眼睑或睑板内深层的无痛性结节(如图所示)。 | On examination, chalazions appear as single, firm, nontender nodules deep within the lid or tarsal plate (shown). | |
24 | 她吃惊地望着他,现在,她不再害怕,但是感觉到一股极大的精神负荷。 | She stared directly at him, now, no longer afraid, but aware of a terrible burden shifting deep within her soul. | |
25 | 尽管我一直拼命地想要控制,可是这句折磨人的话还是从我心底不由自主的说了出来。 | The tortured words rose from deep within me. I had been trying fiercely to hold them in. | |
26 | 你所需要一切就在你的内心深处,它是你心灵的火花,等着被发现,被点燃。 | All you need is deep within you, it is an inner fire waiting to unfold and reveal itself. | |
27 | 其中大多数发生在地壳深处,没有人能感觉到,尽管如此,但是监听站仍然会进行记录。 | The majority of them occur deep within the earth’s crust, so no one feels them, but listening stations record them nonetheless. | |
28 | 然而,相信民主政体之未来的最有力理由是,它回应了我们内心深处的某些东西。 | The most powerful reason for believing in democracy’s future, however, is that it responds to something deep within us. | |
29 | 然而,也有迹象,它可能来源于从地球深处直冲到海平面的所谓岩浆“羽头”。 | However, it also bears signs that it might have originated from a "plume head" of magma rising from deep within the Earth to the surface. | |
30 | 然而,一颗子弹深深射入麦金莱的大肚子,他于8天后丧命。 | However, a bullet lodged deep within the ample presidential belly, and eight days later he died. |