1 | 按和平共处五项原则办事,在原则立场上把握住。 | We should act in accordance with the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and never deviate from them. | |
2 | 背离和否定一个中国的原则 | deviate from and negate the one China principle | |
3 | 波尚想一个人进去,但阿尔贝说,这次的情况与平时不一样,他不必严格遵守决斗的规则。 | Beauchamp wished to go in alone, but Albert observed that as this was an unusual circumstance he might be allowed to deviate from the usual etiquette in affairs of honor | |
4 | 不要背离规则。 | Don’t deviate from the rules. | |
5 | 不要偏离主要问题。 | Don’t deviate from major issues. | |
6 | 不要越出常轨。 | Don’t deviate from the beaten track | |
7 | 当我们被告知要遵循既定的程序、不要偏离规矩时,我们看到这种学校的程序是如何扼杀创造性的。 | When we were told to follow set procedures and not deviate from the rules, we could see how this schooling process actually discouraged creativity. | |
8 | 第十五条 机动车辆在草原上行驶,应当注意保护草原;有固定公路线的,不得离开固定的公路线行驶。 | Article 15. Motor vehicle drivers shall take care to protect the grasslands when driving across them. Where there are regular highways, vehicles may not deviate from them. | |
9 | 对实际汇率偏离购买力平价的博弈论解释 | Parity to Deviate from Actual Exchange Rate | |
10 | 发展中国家成员有权以GATT1994第18条、《关于1994年关税与贸易总协定国际收支条款的谅解》和1979年11月28日通过的《关于为国际收支目的而采取贸易措施的宣言》允许该成员偏离GATTI994第3条和第11条规定的程度和方式,暂时偏离第2条的规定。 | A developing country Member shall be free to deviate temporarily from the provisions of Article 2 to the extent and in such a manner as Article XVIII of GATT 1994, the Understanding on the Balance-of-Payments Provisions of GATT 1994, and the Declaration on Trade Measures Taken for Balance-of-Payments Purposes adopted on 28 November 1979 permit the Member to deviate from the provisions of Articles III and XI of GATT 1994. | |
11 | 方案必须巩固以行政长官为首的行政主导体制。 | Any proposed amendments must aim at consolidating the executive-led system headed by the chief executive and must not deviate from this principle of design. | |
12 | 福克先生为了使船不离开原来的航线,只好卷起船帆,加大马力前进。 | Mr Fogg, in order not to deviate from his course, furled his sails and increased the force of the steam | |
13 | 关联交易活动应遵循商业原则,关联交易的价格原则上应不偏离市场独立第三方的价格或收费的标准。 | Related party transactions shall observe commercial principles. In principle, the prices for related party transactions shall not deviate from an independent third party’s market price or charging standard. | |
14 | 那些背离党的路线的人,那些贪图私利、弄虚作假、跑官要官的人,决不能进入领导班子 | Persons who deviate from the party’s line ,seek personal gain, practice fraud and crave official positions can never be assigned to leading posts | |
15 | 那些背离党的路线的人,那些贪图私利、弄虚作假、跑官要官的人,决不能进入领导班子。 | Persons who deviate from the Party’s lines, seek personal gain, practice fraud and crave official positions can never be assigned to leading posts . | |
16 | 你不能偏离目前航线 | You will not deviate from your present course | |
17 | 偏离国际标准或国际标准不存在的时候,措施必须以科学原理和证据为依据。 | Measures that deviate from international standards, or measures that exist in the absence of international standards must be based on scientific principles and evidence. | |
18 | 偏离自己的计划、标准、一般的程序等. | Deviate from one’s plan,the norm, the accepted procedure,etc | |
19 | 他的声明似乎有点与事实不符。 | His statement seemed slightly to deviate from the truth | |
20 | 我绝不背离我自信正确的道路. | I will never deviate from what I believe to be right. | |
21 | 我们不能背离奥林匹克精神。 | We cannot deviate from the Olympic spirit. | |
22 | 我们要坚持正确的前进方向,但不可能也不必要去对遥远的未来作具体的设想和描绘。 | We must never deviate from the correct course of progress, but it is neither possible nor necessary to envisage or describe in great details the development course in the distant future. | |
23 | 我们执行对外开放政策,学习外国的技术,利用外资,是为了搞好社会主义建设,而不能离开社会主义道路。 | By carrying out the open policy, learning foreign technologies and utilizing foreign capital, we mean to promote socialist construction, not to deviate from the socialist road. | |
24 | 因此,如果在大气压下向模子充料,成型件会因“收缩”而与模子的形状形成偏差。 | Therefore, if molds were filled at atmospheric pressure, "shrinkage" would make the molding deviate from the shape of the mold. | |
25 | 应请求,向其他成员提供拟议的程序的细节或副本,只要可能,即应确认与有关国际标准化机构发布的指南或建议有实质性偏离的部分 | Upon request, provide to other Members particulars or copies of the proposed procedure and, whenever possible, identify the parts which in substance deviate from relevant guides or recommendations issued by international standardizing bodies | |
26 | 应请求,向其他成员提供拟议的技术法规的细节或副本,只要可能,即应确认与有关国际标准有实质性偏离的部分 | Upon request, provide to other Members particulars or copies of the proposed technical regulation and, whenever possible, identify the parts which in substance deviate from relevant international standards | |
27 | 应请求,向其他成员提供拟议法规的副本,只要可能,应标明与国际标准、指南或建议有实质性偏离的部分 | Provide upon request to other Members copies of the proposed regulation and, whenever possible, identify the parts which in substance deviate from international standards, guidelines or recommendations | |
28 | 这个战略布局我们一定要坚持下去,永远不改变。 | We shall never deviate from this strategy. | |
29 | 证人绝不能做假证。 | A witness must not deviate from the truth | |
30 | ||1:一个人的效应不单依靠对物质的消费和闲暇的享用,还取决于一个人如何与社会规范和所处的社会类属相匹配的程度。||2:失业的人的失落感,不单来自于低收入,还因为他们偏离了他们所处的社会类属的规范——应该要去工作。||3:失业的人仍然把就业看作社会规范的一部分,这也是他们想去实现的。||4:过久地脱离这一社会规范之外,长期失业的人被他人看轻,经常成为反面教材,饱受社会的孤立和偏见——这些可以看作没能满足这一社会规范的处罚。 | ||1:A person’s utility does not only depend on individualistic consumption of material goods and leisure but is also influenced by how well a person conforms to the norms and ideals of the social category she belongs to.||2:Applying identity theory to the relationship between unemployment and life satisfaction implies that unemployed people are not only dissatisfied with their life because they have lower incomes, but also because they deviate from the norms of their social category under which they are expected to work.||3:This explains the inability of the long-term unemployed to adapt to unemployment: they do not give up regarding employment as part of the social norm they strive to fulfill.||4:Since they continuously deviate from this norm, the long-term unemployed get low recognition from others, often become negatively stereotyped, and experience social isolation and stigmatization, which can be interpreted as sanctions to fulfill the norm to work. |