属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-高飞的承诺 The big promise
1 | (用胳膊肘等)碰某人的胸口 | give sb. a dig in the ribs | |
2 | 吃的弄好了,放量吃罢! | The food’s ready,so dig in ! | |
3 | 触某人的肋部. | Dig sb/give sb a dig in the ribs | |
4 | 第九天黄昏,我们接到命令,要渡到金沙江北岸,并在那里构筑工事。 | At dusk on the ninth day we received orders to cross over to the north bank of Chinsha River and dig in | |
5 | 给肋骨上狠狠的一推 | a sharp dig in the ribs. | |
6 | 莱奇右边的一个红脸汉子捅了莱奇的肋骨一下。 | A red-faced man at Lige’s right gave him a dig in the ribs | |
7 | 母亲在桌上摆好饭菜,叫孩子们吃饭。 | Mother set the food on the table and told the children to dig in | |
8 | 你最好马上去做。 | You’d better dig in at once. | |
9 | 如果你想在今天完成这项工作,就得马上开始干。 | If you expect to finish all this work today, you’d better dig in | |
10 | 食物在这里,开始吃罢! | The food’s here, so dig in ! | |
11 | 事实已经证明你错了,你不该固执己见了。 | When facts have shown that you are mistaken, you mustn’t dig in | |
12 | 捅某人一下. | give sb a dig in the ribs | |
13 | 我还希望你能学会挖泥巴和读书;而当你学会使用电脑时,你也应该学会加减法的心算。 | I hope you learn to dig in the dirt and read books, and when you learn to use computers, you also learn how to add and subtract in your head. | |
14 | 我们得把所有这些绿肥埋到土里。 | We shall have to dig in all this green manure | |
15 | 我推了他肋骨一下。 | I gave him a dig in the ribs. | |
16 | 我用铲子在菜园里翻土 | I dig in the vegetable garden with a spade. | |
17 | 咱们得拼命往下干才行。 | We go to dig in like all get-out. | |
18 | 这些熊将可以在洞穴里冬眠,可以挖洞,还可以捉鱼吃。 | The bears will be able to hibernate in caves, dig in the ground and catch fish. | |
19 | ||1:尽管如此,对第三项调查,多数公司三缄其口。||2:这并不意味着它们做了什么违法的事情。||3:假设一个矿业公司为获得一张开采通行证而付给当地政府1000万美元,此费用或许是正当合法的,但是该政府也许希望对此秘而不宣,以方便日后挪用。||4:一个完全透明的公司,会发现很难从那些滑头的政府手中赢得更多的合约,可惜的是,后者掌控着全球大量的自然资源。||5:挪威国有控股的石油天然气公司,Statoil是至今为止,在此项调查中表现做好的,但是在此项标准上,它也只得到了50%。||6:三分之一以上的公司得了零分;而平均分是微不足道的4%。 | ||1:On the third measure, however, most firms remained tight-lipped.||2:This does not mean they have done anything illegal.||3:Suppose a mining firm pays $10m to a government for a licence to dig.||4:The fee may be legitimate, but the government may wish to keep it secret, to make it easier to embezzle.||5:A company that is completely transparent may find it hard to win any more contracts from dodgy governments, which, alas, control a lot of the world’s natural resources.||6:Statoil, Norway’s state-controlled oil-and-gas firm, was by far the best performer (see table), yet it scored only 50% on this measure. | |
20 | ||1:休曼最重要的发现是公元前二世纪的宙斯祭坛。||2:它的浮雕生动地描绘了巨人和奥林匹亚众神作战的情景,这座祭坛也因此跻身古代最杰出的艺术品行列。||3:获得苏丹的允许后,祭坛被送到德国,成为柏林佩加蒙博物馆的镇馆之宝。||4:与此同时,考古学家在遗址上继续工作。||5:今天佩加蒙古城是世界上第二个持续进行的考古发掘。现在,在土耳其的外国发掘中,德国独占鳌头,数十年来,土耳其考古学家在柏林和其他德国城市接受教育,他们的学习得到了德国政府拨款资助。 | ||1:Humann’s most important discovery was the altar of Zeus, which dates from the second century BC.||2:Its dramatic frieze depicting the battle between the giants and the Olympian gods makes it one of the most distinctive works from the classical world.||3:With the sultan’s permission, the altar was sent to Germany and became the centrepiece of the Pergamon museum in Berlin.||4:Meanwhile, German archaeologists continued to work on the site; today, the ancient city of Pergamon is the second oldest ongoing archaeological dig in the world.||5:German excavations are still the most important of the foreign digs in Turkey, and for decades Turkish archaeologists have been educated in Berlin and other German cities, their studies subsidised by German government grants. | |
21 | ||1:这并不一定是什么坏事。||2:在经济困难时期,常规的消费和投资模式会陷入僵局,慷慨的政府开支有时候可能是打破需求下滑、失业率上升这个恶性循环的唯一途径。||3:很矛盾的是,现金价值有时候奢侈得难以承受。||4:将凯恩斯的观点简单概括一下:甚至连把钱放在瓶子里埋起来都是有意义的——这样矿工就能把这笔钱挖出来,从而用于流通;于是矿工本人、矿工的鹤嘴镐和工装裤的供应商、以及向这些供应商销售食物和材料的人都可以依次从这种流通中获益。||5:格伦沃尔德这本新书介绍的可能是史上最大的一笔无效投资,以及这笔投资前后的政治背景。 | ||1:This is not necessarily a bad thing.||2:In times of economic woe, when normal patterns of consumption and investment are frozen, prodigal government spending can sometimes be the only way to break the vicious circle of declining demand and shrinking employment.||3:Value for money, paradoxically, can sometimes be an unaffordable luxury.||4:To sum up John Maynard Keynes, it can even make sense to bury money in bottles, so that miners, and the suppliers of their pickaxes and overalls, and those who sell food and materials to those suppliers can, in turn, benefit from the circulation of money that they dig up.||5:Mr Grunwald’s newbook is the story of what was arguably the greatest boondoggle in history and the politics that surrounded it, both before and since. | |
22 | 诗人尽挖我的风采 | Poets dig my style | |
23 | 虽然深埋的古墓和迷失的城市占据了所有的新闻版面,但是垃圾,却是考古学家们最值得深挖的东西。宫廷壁画,英雄雕像,那些记录的都是一尘不染的东西,是历史的官方版本,但是,一个社会的垃圾讲述的却是实实在在的市民生活。 | Although it is the buried tombs and the lost cities that get all the press, one of the most valuable things that an archaeologist can dig up is rubbish. Palace murals and heroic statues record the sanitised, official version of history, but a society’s garbage tells the true story of how its members lived. | |
24 | 步兵收到匍匐指令并开始挖掘工事,由于穿着厚重的防弹衣,这并不是一项简单的任务。 | The infantry receives a directive to lie down and dig in , that is not easy because of heavy bullet-proof vests. | |
25 | 潮汐河段挖入式港池淤积的动力机制分析 | Dynamic Analysis of Siltation at Dig- in Basin of Tidal Reach | |
26 | 大吃一顿辣椒(辣椒从灿烂的奶酪里渗出)或者吃些鸡肉沙爹和炸薯条。 | Dig in to chilli poppers (zesty large chillies oozing melted cheese) or chicken satay with curly fries. | |
27 | 而且如果要在全国范围内实施这些措施意味着要增收更高的赋税,那么城市居民将会寸步不让。 | And if implementing such measures nationwide means raising more taxes, urbanites will dig in their heels. | |
28 | 而以色列定居者在此扎根时间越长,达成最终协议后迁移他们的难度就越大。 | The longer the settlers have to dig in , the harder it will be to displace them under a final agreement. | |
29 | 反正家庭相关的建设还有许多其他的事可以做嘛,就先做做不痛不痒的准备调查和研究,六月的第一个星期再开始动手。 | Still, there’s always lots of research to be done in a home-related plan, so dig in and do that, with an eye to act in June’s first week. | |
30 | 该雕像是在莱比锡一个考古挖掘场里挖掘出来的,这一发现粉碎了“性”在石器时代是一种禁忌的观点。 | The find, at an archaeological dig in Leipzig, shatters the belief that sex was a taboo subject in the stone age era. |