属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-小行星采矿 淘铂去
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-小行星采矿 淘铂去
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国手机业者合併 功亏一篑
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中国煤炭需求增大 黑暗又危险
1 | 记者们都善于打听到消息。 | Newspapermen are good at digging out information | |
2 | ||1:当然,若为这个项目投入足够的资金和人才,以上种种都能实现。||2:但对于这种工程浩大的项目,人们真正质疑的并非是否有人能提供这种服务,而是有没有这种需求。||3:正因为稀有,铂、铱等矿物才价格不菲。||4:若这些矿物能在一个由碎片构成的行星的地核中被开采到,它们就成了普通金属,价格也会变得便宜。||5:所以,这个团队里最重要的成员可能不是推动这项事业并参与投资的企业家和风险投资人,也不是设计实现这一目的的硬件工程师;而是当大量的铂从天外而来时,那些试图算出其对铂价冲击的经济学家。 | ||1:All of which can, no doubt, be done if enough money and ingenuity are applied to the project.||2:But the real doubt over this sort of enterprise is not the supply, but the demand.||3:Platinum, iridium and the rest are expensive precisely because they are rare.||4:Make them common, by digging them out of the heart of a shattered planet, and they will become cheap.||5:The most important members of the team, then, may not be the entrepreneurs and venture capitalists who put up the drive and the money, nor the engineers who build the hardware that makes it all possible, but the economists who try to work out the effect on the price of platinum when a mountain of the stuff arrives from outer space. | |
3 | ||1:要将所采矿物运回地球大致有两种方法。||2:其一是在不改变其轨道的情况下于一颗较大的小行星上采矿,在这颗小行星每次接近地球时卸下所采矿物。||3:这就是为何要寻找轨道合适的小行星的原因。||4:不过,此法需要能独立工作数年的智能机器人来开采并加工有价值的矿物。||5:其二是行星资源公司改变较小的小行星的运行轨道,将其安置在环绕地球或月球的轨道上,再在有空时仔细研究之。||6:但那将减少每次采矿的量,且要承担移动小行星时出现问题而带来灾难性后果的风险。 | ||1:Broadly, there are two ways to get the goodies back to Earth.||2:The first is to attempt to mine a large NEA in its existing orbit, dropping off a payload every time it passes by.||3:That is the reason for the search for asteroids with appropriate orbits.||4:This approach will, however, require intelligent robots which can work by themselves for years, digging and processing the desirable material.||5:The other way of doing things is for the company to retrieve smaller asteroids, put them into orbit around Earth or the moon, and then dissect them at its leisure.||6:But that limits the value of the haul and risks a catastrophic impact if something goes wrong while the asteroid is being manoeuvred. | |
4 | 经过五个月的仔细琢磨,美国反垄断调查机构否决了这比交易。他们认为吞并会导致手机无线服务涨价、选择面减少并且质量下降。 | After five months of digging, America’s antitrust regulators disagree. They reckon the merger would result in higher prices, fewer choices and lower quality products for mobile wireless services. | |
5 | 美国反垄断机构通过五个月的深入研究,决定否定AT&T的收购申请。他们认为并购会"提高价格,减少选择,降低移动无线业务产品的质量"。司法部副部长詹姆斯·寇乐表示,到时消费者将会遭殃。 | After five months of digging, America’s antitrust regulators disagree. They reckon the merger would result in "higher prices, fewer choices and lower quality products for mobile wireless services". Unless it is blocked, says James Cole, a deputy attorney-general, consumers will suffer. | |
6 | 中国煤炭需求增大,但采煤生意黑暗又危险 | China wants coal. But digging it up is a dirty, dangerous business | |
7 | 暴风雪过后,将近一英尺厚的积雪堵塞了街道,于是人们开始铲雪。 | Nearly a foot of snow clogged the streets and sidewalks as people began digging out of a storm. | |
8 | 初中化学竞赛试题中隐含条件的挖掘 | Digging out the hidden conditions in the problems of chemistry contest in junior high school | |
9 | 但是继续挖掘财政支出将会使政府去寻找某种增加税收收入的方式。 | But digging out of our fiscal hole will require the government to find ways to increase tax revenues one way or the other. | |
10 | 典型的首席执行官具有处理和走出紧急状况的能力。 | The typical CEO is precisely equipped to deal with emergencies and digging out . | |
11 | 对一些人而言,这意味着要将橱柜里往年的装饰灯具和装饰品倒腾出来挂在圣诞树上了。 | For some, that means digging out those old lights and ornaments out of the closet to hang on the Christmas tree. | |
12 | 发掘这段历史所蕴藏的精神传统,对于我们重铸巴渝文化辉煌有重要现实意义。 | Digging out the traditional spirit implied in history is of great significance for us to recast refulgence of Bayu culture. | |
13 | 即便今天,我们依然在为走出这场危机带给我们经济的伤害而不断努力。 | Even today, we are still digging out of the damage it unleashed on the economy. | |
14 | 记住翻找比维护纸通道更加费时费力! | Remember, digging out takes much more time andenergy than maintaining paper paths! | |
15 | 美国中西部地区的居民今天仍在被暴风雪覆盖的几英寸的雪里被发现。 | Residents in parts of the midwest will still be digging out today after a strong storm dumped feet of snow. | |
16 | 浅谈挖掘毛竹鞭笋的意义及提高鞭笋产量的技术措施 | Significance of Bamboo Rhizome Shoot Digging Out and Techniques of Increasing Its Output | |
17 | 新课程必修课教学挖掘教材潜在价值的研究 | Investigation on Digging out Potential Value in Teaching Materials in Compulsory Courses Teaching | |
18 | 也因为它的稀有,值得人们从一块块的岩石中挖出来,然后用有毒的化学制剂将其提取出来。 | And because it is so scarce, it is worth digging out a lot of rock to get at it, and using poisonous chemicals to extract it from that rock. | |
19 | 用那种追根究底的提问来挖掘自己所需的信息非常有效。 | Probing questions are particularly useful for digging out the information you need. | |
20 | 在挖掘更多真正重量级的人物方面,胡润并没有更强大的力量。 | In the view of digging out more super wealthy people, Hurun seems to be helplessly powerless. | |
21 | 直到我开始为偿还债务而努力,才真正开始朝着正确的方向行进。 | It wasn’t until I became committed to digging out of debt that I was able to actually start moving in the right direction. | |
22 | 总统先生,你得行动了!否则,我们就将把消费者带入下一次崩溃,从中国购买我们的技术。 | Move now, Mr President, or we will spend our time digging out of the next consumer bust and buying our technology from China. |