属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-大师级 Masterclass
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-道德哲学 无关善恶
1 | 与...意见不同 | disagree with ;be in disagreement with | |
2 | 在某些国家,凡是同政府持有不同意见的人都被视为罪犯。 | In some countries, people who disagree with the government are classed as criminals. | |
3 | 在那一点上我与你意见不同。 | I disagree with you on that point. | |
4 | 在你们国家,老板提出一项改革措施,你不同意,你是否能当面提出反对意见 | In your country, when you disagree with your boss to a reform measure, will you air your views openly? | |
5 | 在我们该做什么的问题上,我与他意见不一。 | I disagree with him about what we ought to do | |
6 | 这并不背理。 | It does not disagree with reason. | |
7 | ||1:除了作者偶尔的夸大之外,这一本书比很多经济方面的书籍都更有趣。||2:并且,作者对其实质的分析几乎不容置疑。“在近一个世纪内,英国都在蒙蔽自己,首先她使自己相信英国称霸全球的日子将会失而复得,之后她使又自己认为英国衰退的症状可以相对轻松地治愈。”||3:英国将自己的希望寄托在一系列小修小补上:给予大英帝国范围内的其他国家贸易优惠,加入欧共体,七八十年代北海石油开采,金融自由化和房地产泡沫,这些都为英国经济提供了短暂的支持。||4:当今政府的发展方案包括向企业提供税收激励、遏制官僚作风,这些听起来和过去那些失败的项目十分类似。 | ||1: Despite the authors’ occasional exaggerations, this is a much more entertaining book than many about economics. ||2: And it is hard to disagree with their underlying analysis: “For almost a century, the UK has deluded herself, first into believing that the days of global dominance will return, then into thinking that the symptoms of decline can be relatively easily tackled.” ||3: The country has pinned its hopes on a series of fixes—trade preference for other countries in the empire, joining the European Economic Community, North Sea oil, financial deregulation and housing bubbles—that have offered temporary boosts. ||4: The current government’s growth plan, involving tax incentives for business and cuts in red tape, sounds all too much like some of the failed programmes of the past. | |
8 | ||1:对冲基金的成功真的是因为他们投资的智慧么?还是因为他们处心积虑的市场企划?||2:两本新书在对冲基金经理们的金杯里究竟是半桶水还是半桶空气的问题上产生异见。||3: 曾短暂任职于华尔街而后加入华尔街日报的CNBC制片人Maneet Ahuja,向对冲这帮家伙写了篇致敬。 ||4:在她在花旗实习的时候就十分敬畏华尔街("当我拿着一学期实习的录取通知书离开大楼的时候,这让我确信自己找到了一群好人——穿着名牌鞋的一群好人")。||5:他至今没有改变这一印象。||6:《阿尔法大师》列举了11位业界最知名的总裁,并分析他们投资哲学和经典案例。||7: 约翰?保尔森因预测到美国房地产泡沫而赚了几十亿美元;卖空家James Chanos剥光了安然公司;世界上最大的对冲基金Bridgewater总裁Ray Dalio,为其投资者抓住猎杀机会而通过冥思竟作来保持冷静。 | ||1: Have hedge funds succeeded because of their investment genius, or their crafty marketing? ||2: Two new books disagree on whether the hedge-fund managers’ golden chalice is half-full or half-empty. ||3: Maneet Ahuja, a CNBC producer who worked briefly on Wall Street before taking a job at the Wall Street Journal, has written a homage to hedgies. ||4: She was in awe of Wall Street already when she was an intern at Citigroup (“I left the building with an offer for a semester internship in hand, convinced I had found my calling with the good guys—good guys with nice shoes”). ||5: She has never shed it. ||6: “The Alpha Masters” profiles 11 of the industry’s best-known bosses, and looks at their investment philosophies and their famous trades. ||7: John Paulson made billions predicting the bursting of America’s housing bubble; James Chanos, a short-seller, disrobed Enron; and Ray Dalio, the boss of Bridgewater, the world’s largest hedge fund, makes a killing for his investors and keeps calm doing transcendental meditation. | |
9 | ||1:为了找出结果,这两个研究者对208个大学生进行了一系列电车实验,并以一到四分的机制来给他们的答案中的功利主义成分打分。||2:参加者也要进行一系列分析个人心理的测试。||3:测试包括这些问题,"我喜欢看人打架","应付别人最好的办法就是说他们想听的话",以及"认真想想的话,生活没什么意思,每天起来真不值"。||4:参加者要在一个连续的尺度上标出他们对每一个问题的看法,从"完全同意"到"完全不同意"。||5:这三个问题按次序分别是为了测量一个人的冷血程度,厚黑程度以及他觉得生活是否有意义的程度,其它问题也是围绕着测量这三个方面而设计的。 | ||1: To find out, the two researchers gave 208 undergraduates a battery of trolleyological tests and measured, on a four-point scale, how utilitarian their responses were. ||2: Participants were also asked to respond to a series of statements intended to get a sense of their individual psychologies. ||3: These statements included, "I like to see fist fights", "The best way to handle people is to tell them what they want to hear", and "When you really think about it, life is not worth the effort of getting up in the morning". ||4: Each was asked to indicate, for each statement, where his views lay on a continuum that had "strongly agree" at one end and "strongly disagree" at the other. ||5: These statements, and others like them, were designed to measure, respectively, psychopathy, Machiavellianism and a person’s sense of how meaningful life is. | |
10 | 这个高价真有所值吗?David Mamet的电影《拜金一族》中大吵大闹的房地产中介(见图片)肯定认为值。("[我]的表比你的车都贵,这就证明了我的身价。")他人却不这么认为。芝加哥大学的谢长泰发现,美国房地产经纪人的高收费和低效率引发的一年80亿美元的"社会浪费"。 | Are they worth it? The shouty realtors in David Mamet’s film Glengarry Glen Ross (pictured) certainly think so. ("[My] watch costs more than your car…that’s who I am.") Others disagree. Chang-Tai Hsieh of the University of Chicago finds that American property brokers cause "social waste" of $8 billion a year via overcharging and inefficiency. | |
11 | 这是一份测试。请针对下列表述:“我真的很在乎我的工作”,打1到5分,1分代表“非常同意”,5分代表“非常不同意”。如果你之前回答过这类问题,那你可能曾经申请过一家大公司的工作。这种所谓的心理测试已经变得越来越受青睐。 | Here is a test. Assign a score of 1 to 5, where 1 is “strongly agree” and 5 is “strongly disagree”, to the following statement: “I really care about my work.” If you have answered that kind of question before, you have probably applied for a job at a large company. Psychometric tests, as they are called, have become increasingly popular. | |
12 | Crawford相信如果你热爱自己的工作,即使你不赞同这次评审,为之付出的一切努力也是值得的。 | If you love your job, it’s worth working on things, even if you disagree with your evaluation, believes Crawford. | |
13 | Intuit在一份声明中表示,在有关不当行为事件中,公司与司法部“同意各自保留不同意见”。 | Intuit, in a statement, said it had "agreed to disagree" with the Justice Department on the issue of wrongdoing in the case. | |
14 | Wallis说:“对宗教右翼来说,耶稣式的政治是个麻烦。”这一点我非常赞同。 | It is difficult to disagree with Wallis when he says: "The politics of Jesus is a problem for the religious right. " | |
15 | 澳大利亚总理约翰•霍华德说,他“坚决反对”日本的捕鲸活动,但不赞成动用军队。 | Prime Minister John Howard said while "I totally disagree" with Japanese whaling, he opposed bringing in the military. | |
16 | 比如说,我不赞同在架设数据库之前就讨论数据库的进化问题。 | So I would disagree with the idea that you don’t put your database in before you evolve your need for a database. | |
17 | 不出意料的话,大多数人会答自己,爱人,或者孩子是人生中最重要的人。我恐怕不能认同这些答案。 | Most people will answer that the most important person is me, my spouse, or my kids. I’m afraid I disagree with those answers. | |
18 | 不过尽管环保主义者可能不同意他的说法,他们不能简单地将他的地位一笔带过。 | But although environmentalists may disagree with him, they can’t simply write him off. | |
19 | 不论你做什么亦或是你如何做这件事,总有一些对你有成见的人存在。 | No matter what you do or how you do it, there will always be people that disagree with what you’re doing. | |
20 | 成千的天气学家,气象学家和科学家不同意你的观点,难道他们都错,你都对吗? | Thousands of meteorologists, climatologists, scientist who disagree with you, are they all wrong and you are right? | |
21 | 但是,他们不同意增加全基因组关联研究会减少回报的观点。 | But they disagree with his belief that there will be diminishing returns from more genomewide association studies. | |
22 | 但是,这样说实际上就是否认一个简单的逻辑,即你如果不能“同意”一个观点,那么你就是“不同意”这个观点。 | But this is to deny a simply logical truth that if you do not agree with a statement, you disagree with it. | |
23 | 对不起,我和你们大家的看法不一致。 | I’m sorry, but I disagree with you all. | |
24 | 对于这个结论,我不敢苟同,但我认同其中的一个前提:危机期间自由决定的财政政策令人失望。 | I disagree with the conclusion but agree with one of the premises: that discretionary fiscal policy was a disappointment during the crisis. | |
25 | 对于这一分析,你可以同意,也可以不同意。 | You can agree or disagree with this analysis. | |
26 | 反过来,这样的总统往往能从哪怕是反对他所做的其他决定的选民中获得很大支持。 | In return, such a leader tends to enjoy a large measure of support even from voters who disagree with many of his decisions. | |
27 | 给他们一个机会把真实想法说出来,然后再冷静地解释你为什么不同意他们。 | Give them a chance to express their feelings and then calmly explain why you may disagree with them. | |
28 | 根据一份网络投票结果,77.7%的中国投票者不同意制订一款“救援义务”法的观点。 | According to one online poll, 77. 7 percent of Chinese respondents disagree with the idea of establishing a "duty to rescue" law. | |
29 | 跟他唱反调简直是自己找钉子碰。 | It was silly to disagree with him. | |
30 | 还是年终奖?除非这两年你在火星上工作,我想计算机世界里的人是不会同意你的观点的。 | Unless you’ve been working on Mars for the past two years, I think Computerworld would disagree with you. |