属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 甲骨文状告谷歌侵权 美联储呼吁再推刺激措施
1 | 你俩今晚只好挤在一起睡了。 | You two will have to double up tonight | |
2 | 你替我把纸对折起来好吗? | Would you double up the paper for me? | |
3 | 你替我把纸对折起来好吗? | Would you double up the paper for me? | |
4 | 亲戚来做客时,安只好与她妹妹挤在一起睡了。 | When relatives came for a visit, ann had to double up with her sister | |
5 | 亲属来访时安不得不同她妹妹住一房。 | When relatives came for a visit, Ann had to double up with her sister | |
6 | 我们只馀一个房间,你只好和彼得合住一处了 | We’ ve only one room left : you’ ll have to double up with peter | |
7 | 由于房间不够,一些客人只好同住一间屋。 | There were not enough rooms, so some of the guests had to double up . | |
8 | 由于缺乏房源,许多夫妻只得挤在一幢小公寓里。 | Because of the housing shortage many couples had to double up in one tiny apartment | |
9 | 这地毯不能折起来。 | The carpet won’t double up . | |
10 | 这条地毯太厚,无法折起来。 | This carpet is too thick to double up . | |
11 | ||1:30年过去了,情况发生了怎样的变化?有两点很突出。||2:首先,自两德统一以来,人们的行为发生了巨大的变化:有年幼子女的东德女性全职工作的比例1990年时为一半以上,而2018年则下降到不足三分之一。||3:德国有越来越多的女性从事兼职工作。||4:东西方差距依然存在。||5:东德全职妈妈的比例是西德的两倍多。||6:结果就是,东德女性的收入比男性少7%,而西德男女收入的差距是22%。||7:该报道认为,造成这些趋势的原因是政策和态度。 | ||1: Three decades on, how has the picture changed?Two things stand out. ||2: First, behaviour has changed drastically since unification: the share of eastern women with young children working full-time fell from over half in 1990 to just under a third in 2018. ||3: More women across Germany are working part-time. ||4: Second, east-west differences still exist. ||5: The share of eastern mums in full-time work is more than double that in the west. ||6: As a result, whereas women in the east earn 7% less than men, the gap in the west is 22%. ||7: The report argues that policy and attitudes together explain these trends. | |
12 | ||1:快速放电并不是超级电容器的唯一特长,它还能够快速充电,这一点使得它们在生制动系统中尤其出色,因为它们能够吸收汽车减速时产生的更多电力。||2:不过,它们能够储存的能量只有电池的一小部分,过不了多久便会气喘吁吁。||3:于是乎,工程师们一段时间以来一直在尝试将超级电容器的最佳性能和电池最有用的特性相结合,制造一种兼具速度和持久性的存储设备。他们目前取得了一些成功。||4:其实,位于法国艾克斯-普罗旺斯附近的NAWATechnologies公司声称,其类似于超级电容的电池可以使电动汽车的续航里程增加一倍以上,充电一次可行驶1000公里,另外这种新设备还可以在五分钟内充80%的电量。 | ||1: Speedy discharge is not the only advantage supercapacitors bring. They can be recharged more quickly, too. That makes them particularly useful in regenerative-braking systems, since they are able to absorb more of the electricity that is produced as a vehicle slows down. ||2: They can, though, store only a fraction of the amount of energy which a battery stuffs away. They therefore soon run out of puff. ||3: Because of this, engineers have been trying for a while to hybridise the best bits of a supercapacitor with the most useful features of a battery, to make a storage device with both speed and endurance. They are now having some success. ||4: Indeed, NAWATechnologies, near Aix-en-Provence, France, claims its supercapacitor-like battery could more than double the range of an electric car, allowing it to be driven for 1,000km on a single charge. This new device could also, NAWA says, be recharged to 80% of its capacity in as little as five minutes. | |
13 | ||1:英国并未和欧元区完全融合,而且在这次的危机中,英国也没有什么要纠正的失职失误。因此,这一轮的衰退应该比上一次状况要好。||2:而且目前的英国账务赤字接近于均衡。||3:家庭储蓄率也达7.2%。相对2008年的衰退来说,在此健康的利率下,消费者在收入和花销之间有相对更大的缓冲货币。||4:资本支出削减程度也更加有限,而且企业界现在也存有大量的现金。||5:同时,流动资本也在寻找这轮危机中的避风港。资本将会维持对于英国政府债务,奢华的住宅以及一些其他资产的需求,在这些领域投资要比欧洲银行的债务要安全得多。||6:由于高通胀以及税收的增加,不动产收益讲可能在2012年有平稳增长。 | ||1: Absent a complete meltdown, the second dip of a “double-dip” recession ought to be smaller than the first, because there are fewer excesses to correct. ||2: Britain’s current-account deficit is closer to balance. ||3: The household savings rate is a healthy 7.2%, which means consumers have a bigger cushion between their income and spending than they did when recession first struck in 2008. ||4: There is less capital spending to cut back on: companies are already sitting on piles of cash. ||5: And the flow of capital seeking a haven from the euro crisis will sustain demand for British government bonds, for fancy houses, and for other assets deemed to be safer than euro-zone banks or bonds. ||6: Real household income is likely to rise modestly in 2012 after falling sharply this year because of high inflation and tax increases, notes Kevin Daly of Goldman Sachs. | |
14 | ||1:旨在增加员工多样性的公司可能会受到美国政府更多的法律审查。||2:微软和富国银行都曾承诺将其黑人高管人数增加一倍。最近,美国劳工部联系了这两家公司,询问其计划是否符合禁止基于种族的招聘行为的相关律法。 | ||1:Companies aiming to increase staff diversity may be drawing more legal scrutiny from the American government.||2:Microsoft and Wells Fargo, who have both promised to double their number of black executives, were both contacted by the Department of Labour recently to inquire whether their plans comply with laws that forbid hiring practices based on race. | |
15 | ||1:钟彬娴女士在雅芳上任伊始非常顺利,代领雅芳连续六年创下增长率为两位数的记录。||2:但是她并没有利用公司繁荣发展的这几年对业务进行投资。||3:到2005年,公司发展出现问题,主要市场的销量下滑,公司股价下跌。||4:钟彬娴解雇了25%的高级职员,并且全面消减除广告和配送方面的成本。 | ||1: Ms Jung had a glossy start at Avon, presiding over six consecutive years of double-digit growth. ||2: Yet she failed to use these fat years to invest in the business. ||3: By 2005 the firm was looking blemished. Sales declined in major markets. The share price dropped. ||4: Ms Jung laid off 25% of senior staff and cut costs everywhere except for advertising and distribution. | |
16 | “我这么做了两次,哇,意外翻倍”。 | Or did I do both twice and accidentally double up ? Ooooh! | |
17 | 但是杨先生喃喃地说道,“让我们明天翻倍吧,”然后,继续睡觉了。 | But Mr. Young murmured, "Let’s just double up tomorrow, " and went back to sleep. | |
18 | 尽管身体明显缺少一部分,如一对能够拍打且适于滑行的翅膀,一些蛇也能飞行很远。 | Despite a lack of obvious body parts that can double up as a decent pair of wings, some snakes, too, can glide for remarkable distances. | |
19 | 你不会对敌人捏紧拳头,因为“那不够体面”。 | You don’t double up on an adversary, because "that looks bad. " | |
20 | 其中一个推荐是指买2盒truffles巧克力只要44.85美元(译者注:单盒29.95美元),这确实是向上销售。 | One suggestion is to double up on the chocolate truffles and get 2 for $44. 85, a true upsell. | |
21 | 我们应当努力让我们婚姻中的亲密之量翻倍。 | We should try to double up the amount of intimacy we have in marriage. | |
22 | 许多卡种和电话还同员工身份绑定,可用于食堂、附近餐馆和自动贩卖机。 | Some cards and phones also double up as employee ID badges and allow purchases at canteens, nearby restaurants and vending machines. | |
23 | 在里斯本条约的框架下,还会出现一个类似外交部长的职务,该部长将比外交事务专员拥有更大的权力。 | Under Lisbon, there will also be a quasi-foreign minister who will double up as the external-affairs commissioner. | |
24 | 这些给英国和美国的领导在决定到底是加倍他们的损失还是减少他们的损失做了让人清醒的解读, | They make sobering reading for British and American leaders, as they decide whether to double-up or cut their losses in Afghanistan. | |
25 | 这意味着手机和iPod的电源持续时间将翻倍,而且这些玩意会薄得像一张信用卡。 | It means the cases of mobiles and iPods could soon double up as their power source - leading to gadgets as thin as credit cards. |